Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six

> Cameron Lee is a 20 year veteran of the industry.


8/2/2024 PLAYER PROTECTION UPDATE We know that Y9S2 has seen an increase in cheater activity, and in this Player Protection Update we will be showing how we are working to reverse this. The journey of Anti-Cheat is a constant back and forth between ourselves and cheat makers, and we are in this alongside our players. We are coming back stronger, and our efforts and passion will not be thwarted. Covered in this update: ANTI-CHEAT: Encryption - Binary Hardening: The Impact & Investment The QB System: Advancement & Investment MouseTrap: Updates & PC Matchmaking Match Cancellation 3.0 New Ban Data For May & June ANTI-TOXICITY Learnings Reputation Standings: Changes Reputation System: Y9S4 Refresh Additional Updates & Features In-Game Player Reports ANTI-CHEAT [R6S] PLAYER PROTECTION UPDATE – AUGUST 2024 - Anticheat NEW ANTI-CHEAT DEVELOPMENT TEAM In Y9S1, we decided that it was necessary to have increased, long-term investment for Siege Anti-Cheat. In response to this, we restructured our team in a way that would dedicate more resources to the challenges of cheating and Anti-Cheat. Our new team is now composed of multi-disciplinary expert developers with an increased field of expertise that has continued to ramp up since our last Anti-Cheat Status Update, and is dedicated to improving the cheating situation in Siege. CORE STRATEGY - PROACTIVE & REACTIVE Our Anti-Cheat strategy can be split into two main parts: proactive and reactive protections. Proactive protection includes measures which are taken ahead of time, some of which will have a future or longer-term impact. These will generally impact cheat creators more, leading to reductions in the availability of cheat software. Encryption and binary hardening are proactive measures, which work by securing the game and making the creation of cheat software more difficult. Our team will be using these proactive measures to disrupt cheat-makers, making cheats more difficult to maintain. With our proactive protections having reduced the amount of cheat software available, our reactive protections can now continue the journey. Reactive protections will cover the areas which tend to affect cheaters themselves, who again, will have less software to choose from. This is where BattlEye and the QB System step in, working again to disable cheats and ban illegitimate players. The Anti-Cheat team is working to create new innovative approaches to Anti-Cheat in both the proactive and reactive areas by pursuing research and development. They will also be adding new data points and detections to our systems as part of our range of reactive protections, including detections for abnormal gameplay behaviours. PROACTIVE PROTECTION ENCRYPTION - BINARY HARDENING After the beginning of Y9S1, we started work on an internal roadmap to update the game code base using encryption and hardening techniques to enhance security. We've made several hardening updates during Year 9 so far; however, this is a long-term strategy. While every security update that we make has the potential to help in the here and now, this work will hit ongoing and future cheat creation hardest, as it results in new cheats being harder to develop, increasing the barriers to entry. The resources that we are putting into encryption and binary hardening will set Siege's security foundations for the future. ANALYZING UPDATES The changes introduced with encryption and binary hardening can however also work by disrupting cheat-makers, resulting in unstable cheats after each season update, patch, or hotfix. We closely analyse the time that it takes for cheats to get back online after each deployment while also monitoring in-game cheating reports. Such analysis helps the Anti-Cheat team to understand how an update has performed and which changes might have been the most impactful, helping us to measure the performance of such updates. Y9S2 CHEATING INCREASE: WHAT WE'RE DOING Some cheats came back online more quickly than expected after the launch of Y9S2, resulting in a surge of cheating early on. We also measured an increase in cheater reports during this time, indicating that players were coming into contact with cheaters more often. Our promise is to keep investing in hardening for seasons to come, all the while working to find new ways to further improve the game's security. These will be key factors in reducing the impact of cheaters in both the short and long term. In the meantime, we ask that you continue to report players that you suspect of cheating, as this is a tremendous help for the team. REACTIVE PROTECTION QB SYSTEM - EXPANSION The QB System is our bespoke security system which saw an extremely successfully introduction in late 2022, with several cheat creators halting production for Siege. The addition of the QB System into Siege was monumental, but as cheats received updates, more of them were able to function with success. As is the case with other security and Anti-Cheat systems, the QB System requires constant updating, and our team is committed to this. Our new Anti-Cheat team is currently working on an expansion of the QB System which we believe could be a game changer for the disruption of cheat makers. We cannot share technical details at this time, but we are hoping to be able to test a prototype in Y9S4. The QB System is crucial in undoing the increase in cheating that players have felt this season, and it remains to be a high priority for the team. MOUSETRAP - MOUSE & KEYBOARD DETECTION ON CONSOLE MouseTrap first released in Y8S1 with unprecedented success, reducing spoofing device usage by 78%. In some cases, cheaters did find ways around this system and so the team has worked to resolve any exploits that have arisen. Today we are focusing our MouseTrap efforts on its detection capabilities, continuously making updates and monitoring its performance. As we continue to work, we will be ensuring that more device types can be detected with increased accuracy. MOUSETRAP - PC MATCHMAKING As we have shared previously, an overhaul on the MouseTrap sanctions system will also be coming in Y9S4, forcing confirmed users of spoofing devices into PC matchmaking. Let us be clear too, that those players will be fighting on the proper PC playing field, so we are working to ensure that PC recoil will also be activated in those cases. If you are using a spoofing device, you will not have an advantage. MATCH CANCELLATION 3.0 Match Cancellation 3.0 will be coming in Y9S4 and will feature Cheater Match Cancellation. With this version, once a cheater is confirmed and consequently banned, the match they are in will be automatically cancelled, leading to less time being spent by honest players in unfair matches. BANS - DATA BANS + BATTLEYE BAN NUMBERS Ban data for the 2024 so far, including new data for May and June. [R6S] PLAYER PROTECTION UPDATE – AUGUST 2024 - Ban numbers A MESSAGE FROM THE ANTI-CHEAT TEAM As passionate developers and players, we acknowledge cheating as a top priority for our game. We believe fairness is at the core of a competitive game such as Siege, and are fully dedicated to making it a safer, fairer, and a more competitive space. We believe that we have gathered the right team of passionate experts to tip the scales in our favor in the cat and mouse game we play against cheaters and cheat-makers. As we move forward, we will be providing more transparency on our ongoing strategies. ANTI-TOXICITY [R6S] PLAYER PROTECTION UPDATE – AUGUST 2024 - antitoxicity TOXICITY MONITORING PHILOSOPHY - PROTECTING PLAYERS FROM TOXICITY We have redefined the way we want to monitor and drive our initiatives related to toxicity in Siege, and our main focus remains to protect all players from experiencing toxicity in-game while measuring toxicity in a way that makes sense for all players. IN-GAME PLAYER REPORTS In-game player reports are crucial for connecting player experiences with the Anti-Toxicity team. While your reports help to manually outline the possible behavioral patterns of an individual, they also help us to analyse the current state of toxicity in-game through your perception of it. This is why in the future, we will be making changes to ensure that the report feature is as accurate as it should be. NEW MINDSET LEARNINGS Since the Reputation System first released in its Beta form, we have received a lot of valuable feedback. This feedback has taught us that all features related to Anti-Toxicity must be transparent and clear. We know that we have not met this standard yet. With your help, we have learned that we need to more closely align our Anti-Toxicity features with your expectations and sensitivities, fostering a fair and collaborative environment. Our commitment is to ensure that this system not only protects but is also easily understood by everyone. The primary goal of the Reputation System remains to protect the community from recurrent or highly toxic players while rewarding those who consistently demonstrate positive behavior. REPUTATION STANDINGS Moving forward, we will be removing abusable actions that affect a player's Reputation Standing. We will also be removing or updating any Anti-Toxicity features that can be exploited. The result will be that only your own actions will have a negative impact on you. Changes: [Y9S1] Deactivation of Written Chat and Voice Chat Penalties that could have relied on the unverified actions of other players. [Y9S2.3] Deactivation of the Friendly Fire kick that could be abused leading to targeted players being kicked. [Y9S4] Future removal of abusable or inaccurate actions which feed the Reputation System. [Future Update] Removal of the Reverse Friendly Fire deactivation after reviving a teammate, due to its abuse. REPUTATION SYSTEM: Y9S4 REFRESH The current Reputation System is not as transparent or as clear to understand as we would like, and so in Y9S4 we are aiming to release a refresh. As part of this, we are designing a new Reputation Center which will be easier to understand for everyone and give better insight into how your actions will affect your Standing. MOUSETRAP IMPLEMENTATION This new Reputation System will also tap into MouseTrap in Y9S4, meaning the usage of spoofing devices will start to affect players' Reputation. AUTOMATED TEXT CHAT MODERATION Coming to the Reputation System in Y9S4 is AI text chat moderation. With this, AI will analyze and moderate all text chat messages in real-time, resulting in problematic messages being censored or flagged. Your messages will have an impact on your Reputation Standing, whether they are censored, flagged, or positive. IMPACTS & FULL RELEASE Impacts based on your Reputation Standing alone will not be activated until the Reputation System leaves Beta and a full release is realised. This will not happen until we are absolutely confident in the robustness of the Reputation System, while being sure that it is understandable, transparent and clear for players. With this in mind, we will not be sharing potential dates for a full release just yet. ADDITIONAL UPDATES & FEATURES Here is a look at some of the other Anti-Toxicity topics that our team is working on at the moment but are not yet ready to be shared in detail. COMMENDATIONS & SQUADS We know that the Commendation system is not as rewarding for those that regularly play in squads, and this is due to the Commendation limits that were put in place with the feature launch. We are working to change this behavior to make it more fair for squads. IN-GAME REPORTING OVERHAUL The report system can be used in ways which reduce the accuracy of reporting overall. We plan to overhaul this system in the future with this in mind. VOICE CHAT MODERATION Automatic voice chat moderation is a very important topic for us, and it will be added to the game as soon as we are ready. REPUTATION SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES The Reputation System has a lot of dependencies with other elements of the game. We know that in some instances bugs can cause certain actions to be unfairly received or go unaccounted for. We are working on clear mitigation plans and safeguards to be sure that these situations impact you less. TO THE FUTURE With a new strategy, our latest learnings, and a wealth of updates and changes planned, we hope that the Reputation System will become a powerful tool for players. We want everyone to have the power and knowledge needed to be able to control their path, and we are working towards a clearer system. Thank you for your feedback; we look forward to bringing these changes to you.


I’ve owned the game since launch, played on and off until Operation Chimera when I got obsessed and have 1250 hours in total. Still have not beat Article 5. Anyone want to team up before it goes away forever? Solo queueing has proven fruitless.


GADGET BALANCING FRAG GRENADES GADGET STATS Fuse system: Removed ability to cook the grenade. Added fuse time reduction after the first bounce. Initial fuse time: 4 seconds (from 5). Reduced fuse time: 2 seconds. We want to bring down the power level of the Frag Grenade to be in line with all the other Secondary Gadgets. Like all the others, it should be a weaker version of a Primary Gadget, such as the Hard Breach Charge for the Hard Breachers or the Bulletproof Camera for the Intel Gatherers. The secondary utility should not compete with or drive more attention than the main ability of an Operator. This change will put the spotlight back on Operators' abilities, and we will have more margin to make them excel in their roles. We also want to increase the population of Frag Grenades, so more operators can get them without severely affecting their presence. We won't keep this utility as limited as it is right now forever because it conflicts with our intention to give as many options as possible to players to foster creativity. To that end, we will remove the ability to cook grenades. This change removes a skill component when using them, but this aspect has been identified as the main reason why they are too powerful. Player ability can turn Frag Grenades into a better version of most operator abilities. Skilled players have reached a level that even ignores the correct counters for grenades, by killing defenders from below without warning. We have not taken this decision lightly because of its impact on the skill ceiling when learning and mastering the use of Frag Grenades. We have adopted the fuse system from the Stun Grenade which means that the fuse time will be reduced to 2 seconds after the first Bounce (if the time is higher), so you'll still retain some control over the gadget. Reducing that skill ceiling is our last resort when tweaking a gadget, as we generally aim for the opposite. We have tested multiple ideas looking for the right solution for the Frag Grenade's power level while keeping its identity intact. Here are a few of the changes we explored but ultimately did not implement: Damage through surfaces: Here, we wanted to fix the competitive issue with a direct approach. We tested several options, from only reducing the damage below the lethal threshold to completely removing it along with the destruction. This solved the usage from the floor below against operators, but it didn't affect their power level for the majority of the population, so we wouldn't be able to give them to more operators. Non-lethal: The most appealing aspect is the lethality, so we tried to reduce it directly. We tested reducing the base damage to non-lethal, so you'd have to land several Frag Grenades to kill your target. Not being able to guarantee the kill with a single throw achieved most of our objectives, but it also destroyed part of gadget's personality. Reduce amount: We evaluated reducing the amount to only 1 per operator to see if it was enough to make the other options more appealing. Unfortunately, this change made them too binary; we only removed the ability to try again if you missed the target. If you were accurate, you could still achieve the same results, and this potential was deemed enough to favor selecting a single Frag Grenade over any other gadget. Random fuse time: With this prototype, we tried to add a bit of uncertainty to discourage players from cooking the grenades too accurately. They are super dangerous, so it is not a device you should want around when the detonation mechanism is triggered. We changed the fuse time to be between 3 and 5 seconds. This version achieved several of our goals because the players weren't as accurate with them as they were with the live version and gave defenders time to react, which made them more interactive. But despite being a fun prototype, adding more randomness into the game while we are trying to remove it from other areas didn't convince us. OPERATOR BALANCING IQ LOADOUT Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. 552 COMMANDO Damage: 43hp (from 47). Stronger vertical and horizontal recoil. Finally, IQ gets Frag Grenades back. We will see if she can keep them depending on the power level of the new version and how her having them affects other interactions in the game. She is an intel gatherer, and her intel can help attackers use resources and time more efficiently. We don't want her increased utility to overshadow the team play. We love her relationship with the EMP Impact Grenade. Having her on the team avoids putting drones in danger or wasting EMPs trying to hit an electricity source. She can also help the team use anti-utility gadgets more efficiently by seeing which ones are protected. She can find electronic gadgets that are normally hard to locate and track enemies using them. Because of the increased utility and versatility, we must reduce the 552 Commando's fire power. We will reduce its damage to make the Extended Barrel combo weaker. With the new damage, 1-armor operators will take 3 bullets instead of 2 to get downed. We've also made its recoil more challenging to control, which will bring it in line with other Assault Rifles. IQ is a team player. She helps the team be more efficient and is one of the best representations of the essence of Siege. LION LOADOUT Secondary Weapons: Removed Gonne-6. Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades, Removed EMP Impact Grenades. Lion and Frag Grenades were previously incompatible as the EE-ONE-D forces defenders to stay still giving the defender no options against a cooked grenade. We are reconsidering his candidacy now because of the new synergy with the detonation system. The new Frag Grenade will force targets to move instead of killing them right away, pushing defenders into the EE-ONE-D's detection. The defender will have to think fast to evaluate the different options and decide the best course of action. We are swapping them for the EMP Impact Grenades because they are the least picked option, and of course, removing the Gonne-6. SENS LOADOUT Secondary Weapons: Removed Gonne-6. Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. You must master the R.O.U. Projector and the new Frag Grenade to make use of Sens' full potential. They have the ability to block multiple lines of sight, pressure enemies out of strong positions, and even force them to cross the light screens. This will increase Sens' skill ceiling even more. Sens has a projectile as their main ability, and it goes against a rule we broke with Gridlock in Y8S3.3 (allowing both a throwable unique ability and Frag Grenades). We will test if this rule should remain in place with the updated Frag Grenade, or if it allows more flexibility with the distribution. OSA LOADOUT Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. Removed Smoke Grenades. The new Frag Grenades will replace Osa's Smoke Grenades, as it was her least picked secondary gadget option (only 15% of the rounds). Osa allows attackers to create a setup, something that was exclusive for defenders until she arrived. She approaches the assault in a more methodical way, gaining terrain from defenders, but she cannot do it without help. This makes her a good candidate for this extra utility, as it is gameplay we want to encourage, but she still has good synergy with all the other secondary options, so we hope all of them will remain interesting. BLACKBEARD LOADOUT Secondary Gadgets: Added Frag Grenades. Removed EMP Impact Grenades. Blackbeard is the last attacker receiving Frag Grenades. His low presence made him an easy selection and since the Claymore is still a good option, we hope choosing between the two isn't easy or at least depends on the way you intend to play the round. CAPITÃO LOADOUT Secondary Gadgets: Added EMP Impact Grenades. We have decided to give Capitão EMP Impact Grenades to compensate for their removal from other operators and make choosing between him and Osa a bit tougher. Having Hard Breach Charges and EMPs to choose from can allow him to fit into more attacking compositions. GRIM LOADOUT Secondary Gadgets: Added EMP Impact Grenades. Removed Breach Charges. 552 COMMANDO Damage: 43hp (from 47) Stronger vertical and horizontal recoil. We are pretty happy with the results of all of Grim's buffs. Unfortunately, he shares the 552 Commando with IQ, so the changes made to it will also affect him. To compensate for that, and recoup some of the EMP Impact Grenades removed, he will also get them, replacing the Breach Charges. We believe it is a fair exchange; losing some frag potential but gaining flexibility now with the Bailiff 410 for soft destruction. MIRA BULLETPROOF GLASS The bulletproof glass will be shattered if a Drilling Projectile explodes successfully after drilling into it. This change affects all bulletproof glass: Black Mirror Window, Evil Eye, Talon Shield, Bulletproof Camera, Deployable Shield. ASH'S BREACHING ROUND The Breaching Round is considered a Drilling Projectile. KALI'S V-LANCE The V-Lance is considered a Drilling Projectile. Note that the V-Lance doesn't drill through gadgets; it only drills through surfaces (the Black Mirror Window is considered part of the wall). Mira is a game-changing operator. If you spot her during the Preparation Phase, you know that something will have to change in the way you execute the attack. We love the effect she has in game, but we believe the reason for her high ban rate is purely strategic. You don't want to deal with her in situations where she alone defines the pace of the round. We introduced the Shattered Glass system back in Y6S3 to give attackers more ways to deal with the Black Mirror Windows and penalize bad usage. We are very happy with the results, so we are going to expand that system by adding new sources, so attackers have more flexibility when spotting a Mira. We have defined a new projectile category; "Drilling projectiles". These projectiles drill into the surface they impact to apply their effect. They'll explode from the inside of the surface to deal more damage and will now shatter bulletproof glass. For instance, if Ash's Breaching Round sticks to the Black Mirror glass and explodes successfully, the glass will be shattered. MAESTRO LOADOUT Main Ability: 3 Evil Eyes (from 2) EVIL EYE Battery: 6 seconds (from 5) Overheat: 6 seconds (from 5) Maestro has been indirectly nerfed repeatedly since the release and introduction of new systems (Shattered Glass, Outside Cameras), new operators (Flores, Brava), new gadgets (Gonne-6, EMP Impact Grenades), and tweaks to operators (Dokkaebi) and now again with the increased population of Frag Grenades. Because of all this and the current meta, his presence has understandably gone down to be one of the least-picked defenders. The changes to Evil Eyes should make attackers treat them with more respect. The new battery will allow Maestro to kill 1-armor operators with a single turret and down 2 to 3-armor operators. Increasing the number of Evil Eyes to 3 will increase his flexibility, requiring at least two operators with the proper secondary utility to deal with all of Maestro's utility, helping him become the master of intel that he should be. PLAYLIST ECOSYSTEM CHANGES QUICK MATCH AND STANDARD We feel confident about the Quick Match changes introduced last season. The faster match time provides players a much faster paced experience. Attacker Vanguard allows players a safer approach to the action and Pre-Setups let defenders play fast without having to forfeit the strategic element of reinforcements. Having said that, we are aware of the community's concerns regarding the new playlist ecosystem, and we realize that we made changes to the Standard mode before having the completed map pool available in Quick Match. Therefore, we are making the Standard map pool the same as Ranked while we dedicate our efforts to adding all the maps back to Quick Match as soon as possible. Once the map pool is completed, we will allocate some time to revisit Standard's map pool and provide more options for players to enjoy the maps that they want. We are working on a proposal to bring back player agency by allowing you to enjoy Standard's map pool with some control over it. QUICK MATCH MAP POOL UPDATE ADDED: Hereford Base Plane Presidential Plane Yacht Fortress Emerald Plains Stadium NightHaven Lair STANDARD MAP POOL UPDATE Oregon Club House Consulate Bank Kanal Chalet Kafe Dostoyevsky Border Skyscraper Coastline Themepark Villa Outback Emerald Plains NightHaven Lair


You know how Fenrir can selectively activate his F-NAT discs? Why can’t any other op with place-and-activate gadgets do that? The main ones that come to mind are breach charges, thermite charges, cluster charges, and gas canisters though I’m sure there are more that I’m forgetting. Imagine if you could see an icon on your HUD for all of your placed gadgets and you could look at it and select it to be the one you want to trigger. Otherwise, the triggered gadget would default to the last one you placed. I think it would make certain OPs more useful in many different situations, like Fuze and Smoke would be great for traps, and thermite/soft breach charges would be great for distractions and chaotic rushes. I’d like to know what the community thinks about this; would it be OP for any given gadgets? Would it be extremely useful? Would it be fun?


Finally, I’m not burning as much energy while I queue. That’s a big win. Thank you, Ubi.


The following maps are ***ONLY PLAYABLE IN RANKED***: Kanal, Kafe Dostoyevsky, Skyscraper, Theme Park, Outback, Emerald Plains and Stadium Bravo. In return, they've added these maps to "Standered"/Unranked: Fortress, Presidential Plane and Yacht. Absolutely unexceptible Ubi!


Megathread for Year 8 Season 3: Operation Heavy Mettle. You can re-watch the reveal here: General Test Server launch: Monday, August 14th Live Server launch: Tuesday, August 29th Gameplay overview trailer: New Attacker: Ram 1 speed Operator from South Korea Gadget: BU-GI Auto Breacher Soft-breach gadget Deployed by throwing on the ground Slowly moves in designated direction, causing soft destruction to obstacles and the floor in its path Remotely actived, choose direction (straight, left, or right) before activation Smashes through baricades when thrown Countering Explosives Red canister on its body that can be shot out (similar to Black Mirror) Primary weapons: R4-C LMG-E Secondary weapons: Mk1 9mm ITA12S Secondary gadgets: Stun Grenades Hard Breach Charge Gameplay Updates, New Features & Other Changes Quickmatch 2.0 Reduced overall match time and overall waiting time Reduced prep phase timer by adding pre-made objective setups Pre-deployed the most common reinforcements & rotation holes Two variations for each objective, chosen at random Added attacker protection to the start of the round Safeguards against spawn peeks during the first 10 seconds of the round Adjusted match making algorithm finds matches much quicker Additionally: Renamed Unranked to Standard Removed map & Operator ban phases Decreased overtime rounds to 1 Balancing Shotguns Increased reliability Better soft destruction when not aiming down sights and when moving Better precision when aiming down sights Frost Players can revive themselves when trapped (in 4 seconds) Self-revived players will not be able to sprint for 60 seconds Grim New alternate firing mode: canisters bounce off walls Fuze Deploy charges on deployable shields New Arcade Mode: Weapon Roulette Weapons change randomly based on a timer Player Protection Player Commendation System Commend up to two team mates in three categories: guideance, valor, dedication Commend enemies as worthy opponents Streak when frequently commended in recent matches, adds special icon to your username and grants Alpha Pack roll after every match Every player engaged with the commendation system receives a mid-season epic Alpha Pack, top 25% most commended players at the end of the season receive a legendary Alpha Pack New page with overview over your misconduct Player Comfort Option to remove HUD from free cam Option to kick (or promote) players from your squad Patch notes available in-game Onboarding New three-part tutorial system Basics (weapons, gadgets, destruction, etc) Attack (breaching, etc) Defense (reinforcing, etc) New Elite Skin: Thunderbird


Source: []( Transcript: Destruction has a new name in Operation Heavy Mettle! Once deployed, there is little that can be done to stop the BU-GI's trajectory of doom. 📢 Full reveal on Aug. 13: []( @ 11:30AM PT / 08:30PM CEST []( @ 12:00PM PT / 09:00PM CEST


Thorn 1.5x, Nokk and Vigil rework, Oryx buff and more.