Trying to earn a record for "youngest person to <insert a thing>" is just an IRL speedrun
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    That’s next level determination. I thought that walking around a planet in No Man’s Sky was impressive, but that didn’t take years.

    For some reason, there are always people who are willing to do amazing things like this.

  • Trying to earn a record for "youngest person to <insert a thing>" is just an IRL speedrun
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    What about the other extreme where you can, for example, be the oldest person to run a marathon? What’s the gaming equivalent of that?

  • Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    It’s like Lemmy, but very broken.

  • What if spouses took their partners first name instead of last?
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Why stop there. Just keep on using all the usual names, but make them all unisex.

    For example, if Tony is texting to Anna, He will have no idea if Anna is a he or she until they meet face to face. Also, Anna might be expecting to meet a woman, but will be surprised to find that Tony is actually a guy. Then, Anna tells Tony, that they should really talk to Karen for some weight lifting tips because he’s been lifting for years.

    Sounds confusing, but you’ll actually know who is married and who is still single. Pretty handy, eh?

  • What if spouses took their partners first name instead of last?
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 92%

    Americans already have a confusing number of unisex names, so why not make all names unisex. The gender noun confusion clearly isn’t enough, so why not max out the potential confusion you can create.

  • When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution?
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Many people think of industrial developments in slightly different terms. Industry 4.0 is a fairly modern way to look at it.

    “The First Industrial Revolution was marked by a transition from hand production methods to machines through the use of steam power and water power. “

    “The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution, is the period between 1871 and 1914 that resulted from installations of extensive railroad and telegraph networks, which allowed for faster transfer of people and ideas, as well as electricity.”

    “The Third Industrial Revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, began in the late 20th century. It is characterized by the shift to an economy centered on information technology, marked by the advent of personal computers, the Internet, and the widespread digitalization of communication and industrial processes.”

    Burning coal was common in stage 1, oil gradually became more common in stage 2, nuclear in stage 3 etc. In this system, the power source wasn’t really the defining feature, but what you could do with it was.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Can confirm. I’m mainly using the subscribed feed, and it has made this place a lot nicer than it was before. The All feed can still be nice from time to time, but that’s not my primary feed.

  • I don't know the difference between hay and straw
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 50%

    Ok, so if you pull up the entire plant, you get the roots, stem and leaves. I guess straw would be another word for the stem and hay for the leaves.

  • The three little pigs is actually just the aristocracy blaming the poor for their problems
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    The wolf brought natural selection into the picture and now all the houses are much better than before.

  • Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Remember that RTS game called Z? I tried searching for that back in the BBS days, and the search results included literally every zip file available. Good times…

  • The phrase "Pics or it didn't happen" is largely meaningless now that AI is a thing.
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    I’ve been thinking that it would be fun to take a 100% real photo of a stack of real hands from the exact right angle that it looks like a mutated abomination generated by some stupid AI.

  • The phrase "Pics or it didn't happen" is largely meaningless now that AI is a thing.
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 50%

    What if you want to have more than one account with a provider, but you have only one face?

  • C++ should be called ++C
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Many people are ahead used to the DD.MM.YYYY format. They are also already totally ok with the hh:mm:ss format so apparently there’s no problem ascending or descending order. Inconsistency really bothers me, so we should just pick one and stick with it. Preferably the ISO style, if you ask me.

  • The world needs fewer cynics and more skeptics.
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    So that’s a “yes“. Just as I thought! Although, with a sample size of just one, the result is hardly anecdotal, let alone statistically significant.

  • The world needs fewer cynics and more skeptics.
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Is it because you think the idea is BS and you assume the worst or because you’re not convinced and the idea requires more evidence to back it up?

  • when someone is considered trespassing, are they 'legally trespassing ' or 'illegally trespassing'
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Can’t wait to use phrases like “He was legally stealing a car” or “That guy was legally murdered”.

  • We only do things for 2 reasons; either we want to, or we have to
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Depends on the way you define “have to”. If we take the loosest possible definition, as long as literally anything makes you do it, you have to do it. Could be another human, laws of physics or even your own brain doing stuff you don’t want it to do. In that case, I agree with you. However, people usually aren’t that loosey-goosey with their definitions.

    Oh, just realized, this definition also encompasses the case where you want to do stuff. It’s all in the same category at this point. People do stuff because they have to.

  • We only do things for 2 reasons; either we want to, or we have to
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    I was just thinking that there is a third option. You certainly can do things you don’t need to or even d want to.

    An extreme example would be all the various kinds of mental issues. Even phobias count. You don’t need to be afraid of balloons, nor do you want to. However, someone suffering from such a phobia just can’t help themselves.

  • Tablets should be called Megaphones
  • TranquilTurbulence TranquilTurbulence Now 100%

    Say hello to the gigaphone. image

  • While I was in the shower, I thought of a brilliant idea! Let’s trigger several smaller volcanic eruptions that release a semi-controlled amount of volcanic ash into other atmosphere. That will cool down the atmosphere, which should buy us some time to fix our carbon emissions. Then I realized, that doing so would block visible light. Plants need the light to grow, and we need the plants to breathe and eat. Obviously, this is not going to be a long term solution. Oh, and how do you even make sure the volcanic eruption doesn’t spiral out of control and suddenly spew out 50 times the ash we were aiming for. Oh, and volcanoes also spew CO2 and even nastier gases, so… It sounded so good while I was still in the shower. The more I think about it, the worse it gets.

    TranquilTurbulence Now
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