End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I switched to KISS launcher after I knew the company had bought the project. Never came back.

  • hmmm
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    Choosing your path through the multiverse

  • hmmm
    hmmm z3r0_Geek Now 98%
    Decipher #9
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%
    Decipher #9
    deciphered in ⏱️ 13m 31s

    It's harder if your mother language is not English

  • Mazele
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%


    Mazele 457 X/6
  • hexcodle.com

    ``` I got Hexcodle #322 in 5! Score: 54% ⏫🔼⏫⏫⏫⏬ 🔽✅⏫⏫🔼🔼 ✅✅🔼🔽✅🔼 ✅✅🔼✅✅✅ ✅✅✅✅✅✅ https://hexcodle.com ```

    Hexcodle #321
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%
    I didn't get Hexcodle #321 :( Score: 51%


  • Task - A Go-made alternative to GNU Make
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I know someone that will find this interesting.


  • Rogule 2024-6-25
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    Yep! And it can kill you in 1 or 2 hits if you aren't lookie.

    The best strategy for dragons is to flee. Or you can fight them if you feel confident enough.

  • taskfile.dev

    Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU Make. Since it's written in Go, Task is just a single binary and has no other dependencies, which means you don't need to mess with any complicated install setups just to use a build tool. Once installed, you just need to describe your build tasks using a simple YAML schema in a file called `Taskfile.yml`


    `https://www.dungleon.com #870 3/6🔸 🟩🟪🟪🟨🟪 🟩🟪🟩🟪🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 38⚔️ 92👹 37🪙 racha: 16`

    Rogule 2024-6-25
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    He didn't fight the dragon. Wise movement. Flee today to be able to fight tomorrow

  • Hexcode #320
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%
    I didn't get Hexcodle #320 :( Score: 52%
  • Rogule 2024-6-25
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    Nothing at all.

    I see you were able to kill the dragon. Lucky guy!

  • rogule.com

    ``` #Rogule 2024-6-25 🧝 4xp ☠🐉 113 👣 streak: 0 ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⚔ 🐗👹 🌰⬜ 🍄🍄 https://rogule.com ```

    Rogule 2024-06-24
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    🧝 5xp ⛩ 169 👣

    streak: 2


    ⚔ 🐗🦇👻🐗🐗



    And what if we reserve the best weapons for when there were not any monster left?

  • Hexcodle #319
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I got Hexcodle #319 in 4! Score: 70%





  • https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHTo__bpnlYVCQrOMsTYHIKSRXyXkJaww


    Challenger Deep is an instrumental rock four-piece boy band out of Atlanta, Georgia. Born of a passion for music and a light-hearted camaraderie, they continue to push their creative limits to create music that is both technically interesting and fun to listen to. Drawing on different inspirations, the band’s members incorporate their individual styles cultivated over years of playing into the boundless possibilities that instrumental music has to offer.

    What are you playing this week? June 17 2024 Edition
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I'm trying Astral Chain

  • cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/16588715 > Follow-up of a similar project I had done for BotW "back in the day" ;) > > What has changed in the locations from Zelda's pictures / the memory flashback scenes? I have 3 comparison pictures for each location, one from Zelda's time (the pictures on the Sheikah Slate), one from Link's time (gameplay in BotW) and one from the time of the Upheaval (TotK) > > For the BotW version, I was able to more or less recreate the pics in a recognizable manner including the right weather conditions and time of day/night so that the shadows align in the same way, but this was sadly no longer possible in TotK as the devs flipped the sun's path. In BotW, it goes East - North - West while in TotK it goes East - South - West instead. > > During any of the daytime pictures, the shadows will point in the opposite direction as in the original pictures. There is no longer an overlap where the shadows would be perfectly identical. > > ![](https://up.picr.de/48046854fa.png) > > (original compass credit: wikimedia commons, JamesLucas[^1] and edited by myself) > [^1]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Compass-rose-32-pt.svg > > With that being said, some locations still haven't changed at all, especially the ones with pictures that were taken at night (so the shadows don't matter anway). > > **For bigger pictures, open them in a new tab/window:** > > --- > > ### 1. Sacred Grounds / Lookout Landing > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772841ai.png) > > ...this however is a location that has changed *drastically*. While in BotW, the only noticable changes were the broken pillars and the ominously gloomy castle in the background, the place is barely recognizable in TotK. If it hadn't been for the pillars and the Triforce emblem, there wouldn't have been similarities. The castle is hovering now, the forest is gone, buildings have appeared and even the name itself has changed, from "Sacred Grounds" to "Lookout Landing". > > --- > > ### 2. Lake Kolomo > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772842zs.png) > > The ruins of the garrison are identical in all pictures - noone tried to rebuild the garrison, but it didn't fall apart further either. If you know what kind of creature lurks there in TotK, you might know WHY they didn't send any builders there ... or maybe they did, and the builders just never returned. > > And yes, that is a Korok puzzle rock. > > --- > > ### 3. Ancient Columns > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772843bd.png) > > The differences are solely background items here. and the shadows of course, as mentioned in the intro text. Notable changes between Zelda's and Link's picture are the Sheikah Tower (not present in Zelda's time) and the fact that the shrine is now in standby mode instead of turned off (no glow VS orange glow). > > In TotK then, both of them are gone completely and so is Vah Medoh. The perpetual thunderstorm in Hebra will be there until you've cleared the Rito questline. > > Other than that, there are floating islands now, but you can say that about almost all pictures here anyway ;) > > --- > > ### 4. Kara Kara Bazaar > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772844lt.png) > > Basically no changes at all between Zelda's and Link's picture. In the Upheaval time tho, the water levels in the oasis are noticably lower than before and the barricades and structure atop the arrow shop stick out like a sore thumb. At least the water levels go back to normal after clearing the Gerudo questline, but the other changes are here to stay. > > And like the Lake Kolomo picture, the palm trees are also still completely identical. No offshoots grew, no old tree withered, nothing. From a meta perspective it makes sense to not change too much (the pictures have to be easily recognizable and TBH it is a lot of work to change plant growth instead of just copypasting the area) but from an in-game perspective it is just plain weird to see that these things haven't changed at all in a whole century. > > --- > > ### 5. Eldin Canyon > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772846ja.png) > > The murky thing down there is the Military Training Ground. In Zelda's time there seems to have been clear water (the sun reflects in it) while in Link's time it was already a muddy mess (no reflection) and in the Upheaval it got worse (now the Lost Woods are dark and murky too). > > I couldn't get the heigth right for this pic as it is very hard to build a sufficiently high tower of crates with Magnesis alone, and even harder to then actually climb it without it toppling over for the umpteenth time, but since TotK has Ultrahand, Hoverstones, Ascend and the ability to bring your own platforms to stand on via Autobuild (or just more Zonai devices), this problem was a lot easier to solve in the sequel. > > --- > > ### 6. Irch Plain > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772850qg.png) > > In-game, the picture and location are just called "Hyrule Field" despite not being in Central Hyrule and having an actual name on the in-game map. I am unsure whether this is an oversight or the devs might have wanted to not make the location too obvious by spoiling its name. > > Again, there is no plant growth, the tree and the bush are the same ... and the lack of little flowers in "my" pictures is due to the fact that I had to mow a part of the meadow because the camera angle is so low to the ground that you'd otherwise just see the grass and not much else, like you're lying face-down in a field. > > --- > > ### 7. West Necluda > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772851vj.png) > > This tree is just a bit west of the Deya Village ruins, atop the hill. And again, the tree didn't grow or wither at all within the last century. The bridge is also still in the same state of disrepair, but this time, there is an understandable in-game reason for it: during Link's time, there were barely any Hylians left save for a handful of villages, and repairing something as huge as this bridge requires a LOT of workers, tools and materials. Someone has to chisel big enough stones for the missing parts, transport them through a Guardian-infested Hyrule to the bridge, set them into the right place, all with the added logistics of feeding and housing the workers while they're in the area and having to build, operate and maintain a big enough crane ... not exactly a top priority when there are barely enough villagers to work the fields. > > In TotK the population might be bigger and with the availiable Zonai devices, moving huge stone slabs around wouldn't be that big of an issue, but now there is this three-headed jerk camping smack in the middle of the bridge, and noone wants to go chase it off when all they have is pitchforks and rusty halberds. > > I also took the liberty of taking a pic during good weather conditions ... in Zelda's picture it was raining, and I tried to recreate that weather effect in BotW, but you can barely see any details then, so whatever. > > --- > > ### 8. Hyrule Castle > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772852xa.png) > > Since the weird permanent malice effect from BotW is gone now, the area looks a little closer to Zelda's time, tho the castle walls are still broken as noone had rebuild anything here yet. And there are still monsters, malice/gloom particles floating around and debris scattered everywhere. > > Not much has changed about this place, apart from the fact that the entire castle is now floating, but you can't really make that out that from this picture alone. > > --- > > ### 9. Spring of Power > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772853sa.png) > > Basically no changes at all, at least regarding the landscape. The only differences are that, in Zelda's pic, nothing is glowing, while in Link's picture both the statue of the Goddess and the memory location spot are shining brightly, and in TotK the memory spot is gone but the statue is still enveloped in light. > > --- > > ### 10. Sanidin Park Ruins > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772854rm.png) > > Despite looking pretty clean and well-maintained, this area has been called "ruins" from the very beginning for whatever reason. The second picture has a noticably different camera angle because I simply wasn't able to reach the correct spot for the picture, as this would have required Link to float twenty feet up in the air six feet behind the parapet, and good luck trying to get there when all you have is Magnesis and a couple seconds of Stasis. > > In TotK, this was lo longer a problem thanks to the various new features offering more mobility, so the third pic has the "right" camera angle again. Apart from that, barely anything has changed here. > > --- > > ### 11. Lanayru Road East Gate > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772855ey.png) > > No visible changes between the first and second picture, but that's because I hadn't freed Naydra yet. Comlpeting that quest removes the huge cloud from the mountaintop permanently, which is likely the reason it is just gone in TotK as Naydra is "clean" right from the start then. > > There's also now a Skyview Tower up there that the player would otherwise not have been able to see properly, which is a tad inconvenient when those towers are the only things that can unlock the map. > > --- > > ### 12. Nameless Forest > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772856ih.png) > > It really doesn't have a name, whether on the picture itself (it's just called Central Hyrule) nor on the in-game map, which is a tad weird when you consider that this forest has the last and most important memory location in it. There are also a lot of noticably smaller, way less important places that do have names (like every single bridge even if it is just 5 feet long and smack in the middle of nowhere) and the forest isn't exactly small either. > > As for actual changes here .... none. None at all. Even the dang ferns are still in the same spots and each individual leaf is still in the exact same place as 100+ years prior. The only unique thing here is the glowing memory location spot, but that disappears from BotW once you interacted with it, and it isn't present in TotK in the first place. > > --- > > ### 13. Ash Swamp > > ![](https://up.picr.de/47772857fo.png) > > The first isn't an actual picture but instead a painting hanging in Impa's abode in Kakariko. I guess she asked a painter (Pikango,maybe?) to create that picture way after Link was already put into the Shrine of Resurrection, but before he awoke - because the dead Guardians are already present and look like they have been sitting in that field for quite some time (overgrown with moss), but the Sheikah Tower isn't in the painting yet and that only appears once Link activated the "main tower" on the Great Plateau. > > It was rather hard to find the correct spot in TotK again, because all of the Guardians are gone and the background / other topography here looks incredibly generic and insignificant. Just another meadow with some broken pillars on it ... but to be fair, this place no longer holds any significance in TotK anyway, so there was probably no reason to make it stand out from the rest. > > --- > > If you have questions, requests, anything to point out / add or you spotted a mistake, please let me know ;) If you're interested in a video version with a little more backgound info, you can find it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXfxFB6iydU).



    KeePassXC w/ FF browser add-on on Zorin OS 17.1?
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I'm using Librewolf (a Firefox fork) and have the same issue.

    Just check Firefox messaging folder exists in your home

     ls -l ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts

    In my case, I needed to create a symlink to make it work with my browser

    ln -s ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts ~/.librewolf/native-messaging-hosts

    Maybe you could apply a similar workaround. Hope this helps

  • Maker uses Raspberry Pi and AI to block noisy neighbor's music by hacking nearby Bluetooth speakers
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    Just joking. take it easy.

    I mean, the person who filed that complaint must not be very well if feels annoyed by an apology note.

  • Maker uses Raspberry Pi and AI to block noisy neighbor's music by hacking nearby Bluetooth speakers
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 50%

    Maybe who complained for the apology note prefers a good shotgun to solve his/her neighborhood matters

  • (Almost) Every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret after 4 years running infrastructure at a startup
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 100%

    I understand your point. Anyway, if your devs are using Helm they can still use Sops with the helm-secrets plugin. Just create a separated values file (can be named as secrets.yaml) contaning all sensitive values and encrypt it with Sops.

  • Spotify just changed their TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 50%

    This is the perfect situation in which consumers could just stop buying audiobooks from them and the problem would be solved, but noooo. Most people will prefer living with this shit because they cannot stop using Spotify. Great! I love humanity's awesome hability to consume crap from everyhere and everyone and still be grateful for that

  • Spotify just changed their TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks
  • z3r0_Geek z3r0_Geek Now 94%

    Great! I can't wait some assholes telling that this is progress and if you don't like it go fuck yourself

  • cross-posted from: https://lemmy.zip/post/3942293 > We need to deploy a Kubernetes cluster at v1.27. We need that version because it comes with a particular feature gate that we need and it was moved to beta and set enabled by default from that version. > > Is there any way to check which feature gates are enabled/disabled in a particular GKE and EKS cluster version without having to check the kubelet configuration inside a deployed cluster node? I don't want to deploy a cluster just to check this. > > I've check both GKE and EKS changelogs and docs, but I couldn't see a list of enabled/disabled feature gates list. > > Thanks in advance!


    We need to deploy a Kubernetes cluster at v1.27. We need that version because it comes with a particular feature gate that we need and it was moved to beta and set enabled by default from that version. Is there any way to check which feature gates are enabled/disabled in a particular GKE and EKS cluster version without having to check the kubelet configuration inside a deployed cluster node? I don't want to deploy a cluster just to check this. I've check both GKE and EKS changelogs and docs, but I couldn't see a list of enabled/disabled feature gates list. Thanks in advance!


    OpenTF project has been renamed to **OpenTofu**. * New homepage: https://opentofu.org/ * New Github organization: https://github.com/opentofu Personally, I feel happy to see this project geting form and I cannot wait to see what happens at the end.


    A true story about how Arch Linux migrated its packaging infrastructure and tooling to GitLab.




    I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

    z3r0_Geek Now
    20 55


    z3r0_Geek@ lemmy.zip