Communist Party USA

Anyone in the area? Care to report on what you've witnessed and seen and experienced vis a vis the current situation?


From [the Tweet]( "The Communist Party USA is saddened to learn about the passing of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Our Party sends condolences to all members of the Communist Party of Vietnam and to all the people of Vietnam."


While I believe that the CPUSA’s ideological positions are pretty solid, I’m kinda confused by the concept of “bill of rights socialism”, which advocates for the US bill of rights to be maintained under socialism, and adjusted in order to align it with socialist concepts. While I can see the concept here, it does confuse me why the CPUSA would, as a Marxist Leninist organization, advocate for a bourgeois-democratic constitution to be upheld under socialism. Am i misunderstanding this?


cross-posted from: > "It wasn’t Communists who attempted an insurrection, it was the corporate-backed fascists!" > > lol at the PatSocs in the comments defending it as a proletarian revolution and not a ultra-right putsch.


>**Proposals for the Road Ahead** > >With everything said, I would like to submit the following proposals before members of the Communist Party USA and the National Committee: > >- In order to most effectively carry out the mission of the CPUSA, it would be best practice for national departments to work with districts and clubs on a case-by-case basis and, bearing the capacity and resources of the party in mind, ensure that clubs have what they need to rebuild and promulgate the party’s mission. > >- A list of all members within a district’s boundaries should be provided to the district leadership to ensure that all members of the party, particularly those who are not known to the local clubs, can be involved. > >- Conduct regular online training sessions to equip party members with essential organizing skills such as how to organize protests, mobilize people to vote, public speaking, etc. Supplemental training should be held for club and district leaders to advise them on the behind-the-scenes of actions such as laws surrounding protests, how to coordinate with organizations, potential costs and resources needed, etc. > >- A provision should be added to Article VII, Section 1 of the CPUSA Constitution stating that the National Committee reserves the authority to mobilize a nationwide campaign. In conjunction with district leaders and grassroots organizations dedicated to the issues relevant to the campaign, the National Committee shall make comprehensive plans with defined goals, messaging, targets, timelines, modes of protest, and days of action. It is up to the districts and clubs to carry out the tasks of the campaign and apply them to local conditions. > >- Relevant national departments and committees shall provide clubs and districts with the resources they need to organize on-the-ground actions that are consistent with the party nationwide for aforementioned campaigns. These resources include social media graphics, protest signs, talking points for speeches, lists of supplies, etc. > >- During and after a campaign called on by the National Committee, clubs and districts shall submit assessments to the National Committee to report if goals are being met in the given timeframe, the limitations they face in carrying out the campaign, and what they need to ameliorate any limitations. These assessments shall determine the course of the campaign and be used as case studies going forward. ---- I agree with all this.


cross-posted from: > Passage from the article: > > ---- > > >It should also be stated: The times cry out for Communist candidates. The CPUSA simply cannot fulfill its role as a political party without running for office. The focus should be on standing for local office. Such campaigns should aim to build broad community-based electoral coalitions. In this regard, the standard should not be set so high that campaigns are never undertaken. > > > >The times also cry out for building a mass Young Communist League. And here again the CPUSA cannot fulfill its mission without the militancy, stamina and energy of the young generation. The socialist moment of the last period is largely a youth-led-and-energized moment and for good reason. The young generation are most affected by the capitalist crisis – they are its first casualties but also the first to fight against it. > > > >The 31st convention recommitted itself to the goal of refounding the YCL and that commitment remains. YCL clubs are continuing to spring up around the country in communities and on campuses. A few have multiple campus clubs. Consolidating a communist core in the youth movement remains the goal. Its achievement requires moral, political and ideological support. It also demands material assistance. > > > >Overall, the party’s rebuilding process continues apace. Solid political, organizational, and ideological foundations are being laid. Weaknesses are being corrected and overcome. Throughout the party, collective practices are being adopted with the understanding that the CPUSA has one leadership united in its National Committee, one political program, The Road to Socialism, and one ideology, Marxism-Leninism. > > ---- > > In Virginia, we're trying to run our own candidates.


cross-posted from: > I know the people that made it. One is for those new to the CPUSA and the other is for those new to the Marxism-Leninism. > > Cheers! > > Check it out: > > Copy-pasta > > **CPUSA Reading List - 2022** > > > > **Communism Reading Guide** > >


cross-posted from: > Excerpt from the first part of the article (you can read the rest through the link up top): > > ---- > > >Undocumented Migrants crossing into the United States disturb U.S. politics. Cuban migrants, part of the mix, hard-pressed like the others, but privileged, are provocative in their own way. > > > >For many years and even now displaced Cubans are portrayed as victims of a brutal dictatorship and as recipients of “rescue” by freedom-loving Americans. Cubans who have special skills are often lured out of the country with promises of “the good life” in the U.S. and with the intent of hurting Cuba as it loses people with skills needed at home. > > > >Changing U.S. regulations and new migration patterns highlight the anomaly of special U.S. dispensation for migrating Cubans. > > > >U.S. district judge Drew Tipton on March 8 ruled that migrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti may enter the United States via humanitarian parole. The plaintiffs had been 21 Republican-governed states that had unsuccessfully claimed that immigrants enabled by humanitarian parole required services they could not pay for. > > > >Under humanitarian parole, a program the Biden administration announced on January 6, 2023, migrants entering from those four countries are assured of legal residence for two years – renewable at that point – and a work permit. > > > >Humanitarian parole is limited to 30,000 immigrants arriving every month from the four countries. Migrants need sponsors in the United States. > > > >Instituted under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, the program allowed entry into the United States of refugees from the former Soviet Union, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and other countries. This time, 138,000 Haitians, 86,000 Venezuelans, 58,000 Nicaraguans, and 74,000 Cubans – a total of 357,000 migrants –entered via humanitarian parole as of February 2024. > > > >The would-be migrants from the four countries travel by air to ports of entry inside the United States, pass quickly through immigration screening, and proceed to new homes. Before leaving their home country or a third country, they had found sponsors, presented documentation to U.S. immigration officials, and been approved– all via the Internet. > > > >An analyst claims that “Combined with the other parole process at the U.S.-Mexican border …, parole has transformed most migration from [the four] countries from mostly illegal to mostly legal in less than a year.” And, “This policy has transformed migration to the United States. By July 2023, parole had already redirected about 316,000 people away from long, perilous treks through Mexico.” > > > >The Biden administration adopted the parole system in part because of difficulties associated with repatriating migrants from the four countries. They stemmed from a U.S. lack of full diplomatic relations and repatriation agreements with those countries. Normal relations with Mexico and the northern Central American countries allow for more convenient U.S. handling of refugees from those countries. > > > >Humanitarian parole came into effect after the administration’s repeal of Title 42, its role having been to exclude migrants because of health risks. Many migrants saw an opening and attempted a border crossing. But many of those from the four countries opted for humanitarian parole.


cross-posted from: > Just found out about this an hour ago. > > Holy shit, this is good, and it's Marxist writers' group too. > > We need more stuff like this. > > []( Thought you might be interested in this, old friend (since you're the only other person I know right now besides myself that knew BayArea415, at least online). > > But anyway, on another note, I'm glad that the PatSoc infiltration attempts were sorted out, otherwise the content would just be a repeat of Haz's trash ideas lol > > Glad they're experimenting with a writing and literature group; very early in its initial phase, from what I know. > > It's a pity that one of the people didn't get a chance to finish his own fictional work and had to stop at the beginning before it got to the crux or point of it all. > > Anyway, enjoy, y'all.


cross-posted from: > Good discussion and a long one too. Nearly an hour. I felt Ben was a good guest too. And of course, there's Justine Medina as well.


cross-posted from: > Things seem dire... > > We must act now and do actual activism, imho. > > Not just "educate" people on these issues.


cross-posted from: > The book is this one: > > ![](


cross-posted from: > I'm quite excited for where the CPUSA is going. > > Enjoy!


cross-posted from: > That's just the title; the video has more to do with other stuff than just Taylor Swift LMAO > > But yeah, enjoy, comrades.


cross-posted from: > You can read [this masterpiece here]( > > People swear by this work by Liu Shaoqi and I have yet to read it myself, but plan to start soon.


cross-posted from: > A well-done article. I never knew about this writer. More research should be done on him. > > I should also check out his work sometime.


cross-posted from: > Trying to get people to read about CPUSA from unbiased sources or sources that aren't anti-CPUSA. > > Here's a copy-pasta made by several members of CPUSA that was given to me recently: > > **CPUSA Reading List - 2022** > > > > **Communism Reading Guide** > >


cross-posted from: > I'm with these people all the way. > > Of course, I'm in CPUSA, but I'm really glad that we're bringing so much energy to this fight. > > I hope others are inspired to take action and join an org, if they're able to or have the will to do so.


cross-posted from: > From the first half of the article: > > >BETHESDA, MD – The [desecration of Black burial grounds]( has received increased attention in recent years. Thanks to the organizing of descendants and community members in the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition (BACC), the issue will soon be addressed by the state of Maryland’s top judges. > > > >Last month the Supreme Court of Maryland granted the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition (BACC) to hear its appeal to preserve this critical part of U.S. history. Moses Macedonia African Cemetery is [partially located under the parking lot]( of an apartment complex owned by a quasi-governmental organization, the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC). > > > >Describing the origins of this case, BACC member Robert Stubblefield said, “In July of 2021 BACC caught wind that HOC was planning to sell to Charger Ventures in the amount of 50 million dollars. We found out on their website that they were selling the land. In August, our attorneys had filed for and received in the Circuit Court a temporary injunction, and in October 2021, [the Circuit Court ruled in our favor]( saying that HOC did not follow the law.” > > > >Since then, the Appellate Court of Maryland has [granted an appeal filed]( by HOC, thereby nullifying the ruling of the Circuit Court. > > > >BACC’s pro-bono attorney, Steve Lieberman, describes the importance of this case going to the Supreme Court, stating “It is critical for the Supreme Court of Maryland to address head-on how the laws of Maryland protect, or do not protect, the sepulchers of the dead and to determine whether our society’s obligations to the dead apply only to beautiful fenced in, well-marked and well-preserved cemeteries, or whether they apply equally to the burial grounds of all Americans. > > > >Lieberman’s encouragement to the general public seeking to support BACC is, “Write to the Governor. Write to your Congressman. Come to the argument at the Supreme Court of Maryland in Annapolis when the case is argued in January.” The exact date for the argument has yet to be set. > > > >On the heels of this Supreme Court announcement, BACC organized an action at a public forum put on by Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich to, again, demand the return of over [200 bones]( found at the site of a self-storage development which is adjacent to the land owned by HOC. BACC members symbolically laid bones at his feet to represent their grief and loss.


cross-posted from: > From the article: > > >*Journal of Liberation* (formerly *Movement for Colonial Freedom*) has released its issue for Autumn, 2023. You can download the PDF for free below and find more issues [at their website]( > > > >This Autumn’s issue features reporting from Khartoum on the Sudan Conflict, coverage of developments in Niger and Sahel, a retrospective on the 50th anniversary of the Chile coup, and much more. > > > >[Click here to download the PDF!](


cross-posted from: > Glad that the party has improved on this. It wasn't always so. During the 60s, 70s, and 80s, it either said little of LGBTQ struggle or allowed homophobic opinions; this was due to a misunderstanding that communist parties had about Marxism and gay and trans folks. Also, during the tail end of the 1980s, just things started to go away but it was too late... > > Sadly, some communist parties are lax on this question (I won't name names though).


cross-posted from: > Wooooow > > Just learned about these. > > Custom pins by them.


cross-posted from: > Heyo > > Read up. > > I like seeing what the rest of SolidNet is doing and perhaps y'all find it interesting as well. > > Ciao. > > o7


I never expected them to be bold with their rhetoric, especially now. I like it. And this was in a reply to the Libertarian Party too!


cross-posted from: > A comrade (that wished to remain anonymous) made an extraordinary analysis on CPUSA's ideological tendencies. I think this piece of text is extremely important for CPUSA members to begin discussing the future of their organization and strategies to fight against the visibly liquidationist tendency inside the party. > > We decided to share this article on ProleWiki because of their relevance for Marxists-Leninists inside the USA.


You can read this in a minute or so. I didn't know about this CPUSA member.