Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis

Hello Everyone. I'm glad people are starting to post. I will be the first to admit that I'm learning how to mod, while being a mod. I have zero ego in this, so if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it a more welcoming place, or if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know. Stay healthy - I appreciate you all, Morgan


Hi all, I've had ulcerative colitis for 20 years now and mostly stay in remission with only 4 hospitalizations total. Still, I deal with UC difficulties on a regular basis, but don't know anyone in my daily life that has IBD, so I hope this community takes off to have a community of other IBDers to provide and receive support. I'll do my part to try to stay active here.


Hello All I hope everyone is as healthy and pain free as possible. I just want to remind myself, as well as anyone else that doesn't know, that un-managed stress will also put you in a flare. We have a chronic condition, and we can't do everything. Please take care of yourselves, and I hope to hear from you all soon


I personally do not want to change from Humira since it's been working relatively well, and I like the financial support provided by Abbvie. I'm hoping that insurance companies aren't going to try to force it. Has anyone tried them yet?


Does anyone else get all the symptoms of a flare, but without the bleeding? I seem to get them around extreme season changes. Does anyone else get these?


That's all... I came here to get away from reddit and on landing I've seen a tonne of posts about not pooping. Idk why people with working buttholes would do this to themselves.


I don't know if this is common knowledge or not, but I want to get it out there in case it wasn't. I know in at least my state of Connecticut both Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis are eligible for medical marijuana cards. Weed helps tremendously with the pain, and a lot of the light day to day symptoms. Has anyone else had similar experiences?


As there are at the type of writing zero posts in this community I thought I might as well get the ball rolling. I was diagnosed with UC around 10 years ago and, after my initial flare it was pretty mild. Around a year and a half ago I flared and suffered for most of that time, with the drugs I was being prescribed not really helping. Since the beginning of this year I’ve been on new meds and they finally seem to be working and I’m finally able to live more normally again. In my spare time I’ve been working on building an iOS app that will allow IBD / IBS sufferers to keep track of their symptoms. I know there are apps that do that already but I’m hoping my app will simplify things and allow people to provide their doctors with graphs that show trends for symptoms over a period of time. It’s a way off yet as I don’t have huge amounts of time to devote to it but I’ll get it built eventually. Anybody else who wants to introduce themselves?


One of the best things that I've invested in is large ice packs and large heat packs. The ice pack is wonderful when you are in the bathroom and getting the lovely sweaty hot-flashes / nausea / fainting feelings. I also keep a small fan in the bathroom to help when you are getting one of the hot-flashes. The heat packs are wonderful for recovery afterwards. having one for you abdomen, and one for you back. Does anyone else have any neat ideas?


I created this group because I missed the group from Reddit. Hopefully this will spur conversation!