I am angry

I went to a hospital recently to visit a friend and needed to buy lunch while I was there. I purchased a premade chicken Caesar salad in a package for $7.50. I walk back to where I’m staying and realize the salad has everything except the dressing. It’s literally lettuce, chicken, croutons, and a bit of cheese. I say fuck this because it’s hardly even a Caesar salad at this point, and I go back to buy something else. That’s when I realize, they do have dressing, but it’s sold separately and it’s a fucking $1.00. A big deal? No. Infuriating? YES.


IDGAF if you are doing it to be funny, ALMOST NONE of you have had to deal with as many YEARS of boomer bullshit as I have. THEY FUCKING CANCELED DND FOR ME! NONE OF YOU WILL KNOW THAT PAIN. My parents were boomers, all their friends were boomers, I had to sit and watch as they pulled the ladder up. I have never been financially stable and I did everything those BOOMER FUCKS told me to do: Study hard, get a degree, look em in the eye and firm handshake your way into a 2 car garage and a family of five, work at the same job every day and give your all to the company and they will take care of you. LIES! LIES LIES! LIES! LIES!!! Those of you fucking lucky enough to be raised by GenX, you have NO CLUE what it was like to live under a boomer's roof. Now of course a ton of you are going to come in this thread and call me a boomer because the internet is filled with smelly children with sticky fingers that can't help but prod people where they suffer and I WILL BAN EVERY MOTHERFUCKING LAST ONE OF YOU and CACKLE as I do. Like a good old classic witch's cackle. I might even put on my hat.


Every fucking one of you is leech scum taking people's hard earned meager wealth. Getting your fucking house for free, sitting on your ass drinking box wine all day as your tenants keep calling to get their shit fixed. I hate you all so very, very much and cannot FUCKING WAIT to eat the rich.


Yeah, you, the lemming that came to laugh at the angry guy. Post something. FUCK it PISSES ME OFF TO NO END that 90% of the people who use the internet DO IT PASSIVELY. LITERALLY THE FUCKING GREATEST TOOL FOR HUMAN COMMUNICATION AND MOST OF YOU TREAT IT LIKE TV WITH A VOTE BUTTON. I SEE the metrics of people visiting, I SEE the lack of replies, I SEE THE ABSOLUTE BIGORY DOWNVOTE HATEFEST but almost none of you even try to engage. Makes me sick. We wouldn't be in the modern shit age of the internet of even 20% of you just tried actually engaging with other people with more than a meme or a copypasta. FUCKING POST YOU IDIOT


Literally none of you really understand what you are mocking, and 95% of your 'knowledge' comes from memes and corporate news. It is impossible to have a decent discussion with any of you, and I have been trying for YEARS. Every circumstance is filled with 'gotcha' intellectual dishonesty parroted from whatever spike haired edgelad streamer you watched this week with ZERO of your own ideas in the mix. HOW the FUCK can you hold a position that you can't even defend without devolving into strawmanning and meme repetition? It staggers me how casually all of you just slip into this comforting ignorance that is immune to any discourse. To be clear, I am NOT a conservative evangelical and I probably hate them more than you do, but none of you will care because ALL theists are the same to you as those 'God hates fags' protesters. Oh I fucking hate every one of you but I still hate conservative evangelicals worse. At least most of you edgelad ratheists aren't trying to bring fascism to American.


Fuck every windowlicking cheesebrain assbaby that gets on the internet for the express purpose of derailing discussion. You absolute worthless wastes of your father's protein has made the web the reeking cesspool that it is today. Actively crushing any positive discussion for clout and/or manipulation is literally a human sin and I hope every one of you dies in the most comedic and painful accident possible.


Fuck you to every one of you who think you are above traffic laws. Fuck you to the eleventeenth level of hell where they keep the politicians and lawyers. That 10 ft gap in front of me is so I don't slam into the back of the driver ahead of me while we are going 70 miles a fucking hour on the highway because FUCK posted speed limits amirite? If you merge into that space just to get to work a few seconds earlier, YOU are the problem. Yet every one of you shitbags will flip me off as you merge in just to merge back into your own lane ONE CAR AHEAD! Are you fucking proud of yourself? Did you get that 'thrill of advantage?' while you endangered the lives of literally dozens of people behind you? And additionally: Fuck motorcyclists, ALL OF YOU. Every fuckdamn one of you. You do NOT belong on the road and your casual disregard for traffic laws like threading and signaling makes you a menace. This is personal to me and one of you reeking grease stains traumatized my grandmother for the last decade of her life by threading illegally and splattering your brains in her lap. Oh I cannot even put into words how much I detest bikers and I get PAID to write. Fucking organ donors. Lastly: Fuck every shitstain traffic cop. The reasons are too numerous to mention. And if you have a problem with anything I've written, fuck you too.