
Hello and thank you for subscribing. is finding it's place and identity in the Lemmyverse, and is rapidly turning into a Norwegian language-focused instance. We do have some communities dedicated to posts in English, but in general there's a lot more great discussions and posts in English on instances with English as the main language - and they're all available on NRSK through federation! See "All" vs. "Local" posts and comments. In this regard we're working on freezing english-language communities that are duplicates of popular communities, and rather direct users to more suitable locations. For privacy-related posts in English, NRSK recommends's Privacy community. You can [access and subscribe to it through NRSK]( Users of other instances can search for "" and subscribe through their own instance. For privacy-related posts in Norwegian, NRSK recommends our own Personvern-community. You can [access and subscribe to it through NRSK]( Users of other instances can search for "" and subscribe through their own instance.