
just look... a place that offers me the chance to interact with various programmers in chat rooms a place where I can send and receive files such as images and documents a place where I can post things and interact with other people in the comments of my can a place where I can post trends and upload several images in the same post so that people get to know my work or things that I identify with. a place where I can talk freely and make new friends, all for free and without ads. Fuck me, I think we should all be there, guys. join now []( [\#programming](


Why use compared to other technologies It's better than stack overflow because you can have a conversation if you need help instead of having a long comment thread. It's better than IRC because the feed exists even when you're not online, without you having to create an inbox bot. It's better than discord because discord is a ball. And it's better than language-specific forums because sometimes you just have a general question that isn't framework/lang specific. So don't waste time and register now and have fun programming. []( [\#programming](


This is the SECOND time in 3 days that I forgot that if statements in lisp are ternary. Someone needs to end me. [\#programming](


hello my username is JavaJuggler i am a programmer and i love to create things that help people in their daily lives. i am the creator and developer of []( which is a site where programmers of all levels can create chat rooms to talk, share, teach and learn things related to programming. with this i decided to invite you to visit my site and enjoy all the features it contains. give me feedback if you visit my site. thanks [#Programming]( [#Coding]( [#Developer]( [#CodeNewbie]( [#DevLife](


As I have done for the past many years, I will again this year create a list of my favourite books on software development. In recent years I have started reading more about software architecture, therefore you will find some of these books as well. A lot of the books are the same as last year as many are timeless classics as the fundamental principles of software development do not change much over the years. Therefore these are not books that have been published in 2023. I have read most of the books on this list, a few are recommendations I have yet to read. # 1 The Pragmatic Programmer: Your Journey To Mastery ## Authors: David Thomas and Andrew Hunt [book1](,630_.jpg) # 2 Head first Design patterns ## Authors: Eric Freeman, Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra and Elisabeth Robson [book2]( # 3 Test Driven Development ## Author: Kent Beck [book3]( # 4 Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual ## Author: John Sonmez [book4]( # 5 Cracking the Coding Interview: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions ## Author: Gayle Laakmann McDowell [book5]( # 6 Head First Python ## Author: Paul Barry [book6]( # 7 Release it! #[#Authors]( Michael T. Nygard [book7]( # 8 Building microservices ## Authors: Sam Newman [book8]( # 9 Refactoring ## Author: Martin Fowler [book9]( # 10 Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software ## Author: Eric Evans [book10]( # 11 Enterprise Integration Patterns ## Authors: Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf [book11]( # 12 Database Design Solutions ## Author: Rod Stephens [book12]( # 13 HTML and CSS + Javascript and Jquery ## Author: Jon Duckett [book13]( # 14 Don't make me think ## Author: Steve Krug [book14]( # 15 Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity ## Author: Harrison Ferrone [book16]( This is my short list, if you have a reference that I haven't shared here, I'd love to read it in the comments.


Anyone got any good alternatives to [#stackoverflow]( [\#programming](


If you've never programmed before I suggest you read [Think Python, 2d edition]( Its author was kind enough to provide it on his website free of charge. Though you can also buy a physical copy of it if you'd like. There's also a [Java version]( available as well though I recommend you choose the Python version. If you've never used a Unix(-like) system before you should read this free book called [The Linux Command Line by William Shotts]( It teaches you how to use the Bash shell which is used on all major Unix systems (MacOS, Linux etc.) and as a programmer you will most likely be using the Bash shell a lot so learn it. A shell is a computer program that allows you to interact with your operating system by typing in commands. You don't even even need to have Linux installed to read this book. If you are using MacOS then you already are using Unix so you don't have to install anything else, just open up your Terminal but make sure that you are using Bash (Not sure if you are using Bash? Read [this]( If you are on Windows you can use [Cygwin]( [Reactionary Bash Tutorial]( which was written and linked in the comments by [fschmidt]( also seems nice. If your knowledge of mathematics is lacking and/or you've simply forgotten a lot of stuff I suggest you read [Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by Lothar Redlin, Saleem Watson and James Stewart]( Then I suggest you read [Digital Design and Computer Architecture David Harris and Sarah L. Harris]( There's multiple editions of it available. I suggest you choose the RISC-V version since it's the most recent. This book will teach you how computers really work and since you will be working with computers for a living it makes sense to also learn how they work. The only prerequisite for it is knowledge of high-school mathematics and basics of DC circuits. If your knowledge of DC circuits is lacking check out [this]( free course on Khan academy. Learning assembly language and C programming will also help you with understanding how software and hardware work together. For that I suggest [Learn to Program with Assembly by Jonathan Bartlett]( and [Beginning C: From Beginner to Pro by German Gonzalez-Morris and Ivor Horton]( Afterwards you should learn about discrete mathematics since this field is used all-throughout the field of computer science. I suggest [Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction by Edward A. Scheinerman]( Then you should read [Introduction to Algorithms, fourth edition by by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein]( This is arguably the most important book on this list. Without the knowledge of algorithms you are nothing as a programmer so make sure you learn the basics well. Next up on the list is [Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by James Kurose and Keith Ross]( As a programmer most of the programs you will be making will interact with the internet some way or another so the knowledge of computer networks is important. [Modern Operating Systems by Andrew Tanenbaum]( is also another important read if you want to understand how operating systems work under the hood. It will also help you understand how your computer programs interact with whatever OS you run them on. And finally we come to the topic of programming languages. If you want to know how programming languages work or you even want to make your own one you should read [Introduction To The Theory Of Computation by Sipser]( Then read [Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Alfred Aho, Jeffrey Ullman, Ravi Sethi and Monica Lam]( And that's all I wanted to say! If you've got any suggestions or questions please let me know!


have you ever done anything with Luan? what was your experience like? [\#programming](


\## 404: An error message that occurs when what was requested could not be found. Broken or dead links often cause this. # A ## Accelerated mobile pages: Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) are stripped-down web pages with minimal HTML intended to optimize search results on mobile devices. Because of their minimal nature, AMPs can offer faster load times and less data usage, improving visibility on mobile devices. ## Adaptive design: A way to build a website with several different layouts suited for different screen sizes. ## Algorithm: A set of steps for carrying out specific tasks. When an algorithm is created, developers document all the steps needed to solve a problem and what each step involves. ## API (application program interface): How computers and applications communicate with each other. ## Application (app): A type of software that allows the user to perform different tasks. ## Attribute: Information about elements of a component in your website design/build # B ## B2B web development: The process of designing and creating a website that serves as an online space for your business-to-business company. Good B2B web development will help consumers learn more about your business and browse and purchase products more efficiently. ## Back-end: Everything going on behind the scenes, powering what happens at the front-end. There are four main components of a back-end development software stack: The server, the database, the operating system, and the software. ## Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted between the Internet and your site in a given amount of time. Having a larger bandwidth allows you to move data faster and can improve user experience. ## Bootstrap: A free, open-source, front-end framework for designing websites and web apps, developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter to encourage consistency across internal tools. ## Browser: Program used to access the Internet and display web pages. When you type a web address or URL into a browser, it sends out a series of requests. It gathers different elements that make up the webpage, like images, ads, and content to display the page. ## Bug: An error or flaw that prevents a website or app from running correctly. # C ## Cache: The storage of certain elements to create faster load times for repeat website visitors. If a change is made to a website, users will need to clear their browser’s cache to see it. ## Classes: An identifier in CSS for specifying what you want to target with styling. In other programming languages, classes are broadly used as a blueprint to create something. ## CMS (content management system): The program you use to create and maintain your website’s content. A commonly used CMS is WordPress. ## Code: What web developers write using programming languages. ## Conversion: Goals you have for things on your websites, such as email signups and downloads. ## Cookies: Data sent by an Internet server to a browser. Whenever the browser accesses the same server, it sends that data back to track how often it accesses the server. ## Crawl: Occurs when search engines send bots to your website to find out which pages exist and don’t exist to determine what content should be displayed or removed in search results. ## CRM (customer relationship management): Software and applications used to gather, analyze, and maintain information about customers, donors, and prospects. ## CSS (cascading style sheet): Code that tells browsers how to display a webpage to users. This programming formats fonts, colors, and other visual elements. ## CTA (call to action): Buttons on your website to drive specific conversions or goals, like a newsletter signup or a contact form. ## D ## structures: A way to organize and store data for maximum efficiency. These make it easy to find, access, sort, insert, and delete data. Types include linked lists, stacks, queues, and sets. ## Debugging: The process of identifying and dealing with bugs. ## Deployment: When a website or app goes live after development and testing. ## DevOps (development operations): System that helps to keep development, IT operations, and quality assurance departments on the same page to make for better end-products and collaborations. ## Domain: The address for a website as entered into the browser. ## Documentation: Essentially the central point of reference for anyone involved in managing, maintaining, or using a website or piece of software. It may provide information on requirements, architecture and design, technical properties, data for the user, or marketing. # E ## Ecommerce web development: It is the process of creating a website that will be used to sell or buy products or services online. This can help to generate more revenue and conversions for your business. ## Entreprise web development: It is the process of creating and designing a website used by mid to large (enterprise) level businesses. This involves choosing the best structure for your site to deliver the best user experience. # F ## Favicon: Short for “favorite icon”; the icon that appears in your website’s browser tab. ## Fields: The most basic building blocks for data collection. They’re storage units that website visitors use to enter their names, email addresses, notes, etc. ## Firewall: System to protect a secure network from an unsecure network. ## Framework: Suite of programs used in website or software development lays the groundwork for the type of programming language used for your website or app development. ## Front-end: The part of the website or app that the user sees. ## FTP (file transfer protocol): Method of exchanging files from one computer to another. ## Full-stack: Full-stack developers work across all three layers: The front-end, back-end, and database. # G ## GUI (graphical user interface): The image of how a website is laid out and meant to be interacted with. # H ## HTML (hypertext markup language): Describes how an Internet browser should display a document as a webpage. It consists of tags, elements, and attributes. ## HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol): Used to transfer data across the Internet by sending data from an HTTP server program to an HTTP client program. ## HTTPS: HTTPS is an upgraded version of the network protocol standard HTTP. With HTTPS, websites create a secure online experience by encrypting data, like names, addresses, and credit card numbers, and ensuring its safe transfer to the site’s server. # I ## Information architecture: The practice of organizing complex information clearly and logically. This means creating a user-friendly structure that makes it easy for users to navigate through websites and apps. # J ## Java: A popular programming language that is platform-independent and can be run on any device regardless of what operating system is used. ## JavaScript: Primarily used as a client-side language, embedded into the HTML of a page and sent to a browser. Web developers use this to add automation, animations, and interactivity to web pages. ## jQuery: A JavaScript library that simplifies the task of using JavaScript on your website by condensing several lines of JavaScript code into a single line. ## M ## Meta tag: Additional information on web pages or elements, like the way a piece of content should display in Google search results, the credit for an image, or the main keywords associated with a plugin. ## Minification: The process of minimizing code and markup to reduce the file size. ## Mobile-first: An approach to web design and development that prioritizes mobile devices. The website is built first for a small screen, then for a desktop. ## MVP (minimum viable product): the most pared-down version of a product that can be released to the market. When adopting this approach, developers will focus on the core features and functions that are essential. Once the product is released and user feedback is gathered, they will continue to build the complete set of features. ## MySQL: The world’s most popular open-source database management system. # O ## OOTB (out of the box): Ready-made, plug-and-play options for features and functions that you can download and install without the need to customize or configure them. ## Opening/closing tags: Angle Brackets (\< \>) that bookend an HTML element to help build a web page structure. Closing tags include a forward slash (). ## Operating system: A type of software that enables the user to run applications on a device. # P ## Page template: The layout for a webpage. Pages that have similar structures share the same template. ## PHP (hypertext preprocessor): A server-side scripting language used to generate dynamic page content, send and receive cookies, control user access, and encrypt data. ## Plugin: An extension that adds extra functionality to existing software. ## Property: Characteristics that are dictated by CSS, such as color schemes and fonts. # R ## Redirects: Automatic forwards from one URL to another, usually from an old website URL to the same page on a new website. ## Registrar: Company used to register domains. ## Resolution: How large an image or graphic can be rendered on a display. ## Responsive design: Websites that accommodate the screen on which they’re being viewed. # S ## SAAS platforms: “Software as a service,” the most basic cloud platform that allows users to share files and collaborate on projects through their browser. ## Server: Computers running software that allows users to access your website and houses the hosting. ## Sitemap: An outline of all pages on a website organized in hierarchical order. ## Slider: Carousel of images usually featured on a site’s homepage that rotates, highlighting different photos, links, and content. ## Software stack: Bundles of software that work together to make up the back-end of a website. ## SSL (secure sockets layer): A standard security prot ==========


for a while now i've been looking for alternatives to reddit, because for me it's over. i've been using telegram, scored, kbin and i think they're the best alternatives to look for good communities on the internet.


Array Sum: Write a function to calculate the sum of all the elements in an array. Palindrome Check: Write a function to check if a string is a palindrome. List Sorting: Implement a sorting algorithm (such as bubble sort, selection sort, or merge sort) to sort a list of numbers. Fibonacci: Write a function to calculate the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence. Recursive Factorial: Write a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number.


Have you ever mocked your logger in a test, or wished you could? That is something like ``` TEST(some test name) mockLogger logger logger.expect_call(log("some string")) DoSomething(logger) ``` [\#programming](


I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place and I would like some perspective and/or advice from other developers or programmers to help decide what my next course of action should be. I got into software dev around the beginning of the pandemic when my institution hired a new supervisor for a new team called the Application Team (subset of ITS) specifically for creating customer business applications on campus for different business needs. It started as taking over support for customer Microsoft Access Applications that were initially suported by a contractor for over 15 years. After getting to the start of the 2nd year, we had trouble keeping other developers on because the pay isn't high enough to keep a new developer on longer than a couple months. Needless to say, this opened up an opportunity for me to start learning C# and .NET and gave me an ability to get promoted with new responsibilities. It was always understood that I will be learning on the job. That being said, fast forward to the last year or so, I am the most senior developer (under my supervisor - who has 40+ years of experience) and we were able to promote non-IT people to beginner developer positions - with the idea my supervisor will help train them in how to do software development and the full software dev life cycle etc. Now, to where I am struggling. My supervisor is holding 2 weekly meetings, at 3 hours a piece, where he goes through the development of a real product we need to implement for our institution. I was asked to join these meetings because I could add some additional value but also because since I am still relatively new to development work, we thought it might be good to reinforce some of the stuff I've learned on top of learning new concepts we are building out for the first time(like apply business rules with a MVC type of paradigm). The main problem is I am struggling with these meetings because they are so basic and I find it hard to pay attention and stay focused and engaged through our meetings. Some of the stuff I just can't learn by watching 3 hours of demonstration, it's not a good a way of learning for me. I personally need to see a demonstration, then I need to apply it to my own situation and "play" with it to make sure I fully understand. Simply watching someone do all the work and talk through the process isn't effective for me to learn - at least to a point. Especially if we don't have "work" to do that helps reinforce what we are learning in the sessions. I feel like the new developers are getting more out of these sessions than I am because I just don't find them all that helpful, even though I do see nuggets of good information from time to time. Does this sound like a situation where I just need to "man up" and accept I am going to have to go through this 6 hours every week, even though the benefits feel marginal at best and a waste of time at its worse. The last training sessions and this one has been watching him debug a business rule for almost 3 hours between 2 days and I just don't feel like this is helpful or I am learning because I can' stand to pay attention for longer than 15 minutes. It's making me wonder if I made a mistake switching to software dev a little bit. Maybe I need an attitude adjustment. Maybe I need to speak to my supervisor about the training, but I feel he's more focused on our new developers right now. I do agree that some of this is very important and I need to be involved with some of the training due to the decisions we make as a team but I feel like this time could be better put towards self taught training. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read and reply. I really appreciate it.


The value of a clean git history is often underestimated. I will explain one of the advantages based on the git bisect command.


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Mocking libraries come with disadvantages, but fortunately they can be replaced by in-memory implementations, at least for repositories.


UFC 297 Action is here!! The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) returns to Toronto, Canada, for the first time in six years with a blockbuster event headlined by a middleweight title clash between Sean Strickland and Dricus du Plessis. The event, UFC 297, will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Scotiabank Arena. ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### Strickland, the reigning champion, is one of the most dominant fighters in the division, having won his last six fights in a row. The 35-year-old American captured the belt by defeating Israel Adesanya by unanimous decision at UFC 284 in July 2023, ending the Nigerian’s long reign. Strickland is known for his aggressive striking, wrestling and durability, and has a record of 34 wins, three losses and one draw, with 24 wins by knockout. Du Plessis, the challenger, is a former two-division champion in the Polish promotion KSW, where he held the welterweight and middleweight titles. The 36-year-old South African made his UFC debut in October 2020, and has since won four fights in a row, all by knockout. Du Plessis is a well-rounded fighter, with a black belt in judo and a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and has a record of 18 wins and two losses, with 16 wins by finish. The fight between Strickland and du Plessis is expected to be a thrilling and competitive affair, as both fighters have contrasting styles and strengths. Strickland has the advantage of size, power and experience, while du Plessis has the edge in speed, movement and versatility. Both fighters are confident and motivated to make history and cement their legacy as the undisputed middleweight king. Immerse yourself in the unparalleled world of mixed martial arts with UFC 297, where heart-stopping action and unparalleled athleticism collide in the octagon. Don't miss a second of the excitement – secure your access to the UFC 297 live stream and witness the extraordinary battles that await, featuring an electrifying lineup of elite fighters who are set to leave it all on the canvas. ### Unleashing the Octagon Drama ### UFC 297 promises a night of unforgettable clashes, and the live stream is your portal to the heart of the action. From explosive knockouts to technical submissions, this event boasts a stacked card that caters to fans of every fighting style. Feel the adrenaline rush as warriors like Neil Magny, Mike Malott, Chris Curtis, Arnold Allen, Movsar Evloev, and others showcase their skills in a quest for victory. ### Neil Magny vs Mike Malott: Clash of Titans ### The welterweight clash between Neil Magny and Mike Malott is a must-watch. Magny, with his technical finesse, faces off against the relentless determination of Malott, promising a striking battle that could redefine their careers. Our live stream ensures you witness every jab, kick, and takedown in crystal-clear high definition, putting you in the front row for this explosive showdown. ### Chris Curtis vs Marc-Andre Barriault: Striking Brilliance ### Prepare for a striking spectacle as Chris Curtis squares off against Marc-Andre Barriault. Curtis, known for his explosive style, takes on Barriault's formidable power in a matchup that guarantees fireworks. Don't miss a moment of their dynamic exchanges and ground battles – our live stream brings you every aspect of this thrilling contest. ### Arnold Allen vs Movsar Evloev: Technical Brilliance ### The clash between Arnold Allen and Movsar Evloev promises technical brilliance in the featherweight division. With Allen's well-rounded skill set pitted against Evloev's precision and fight IQ, this matchup is a showcase of the highest level of mixed martial arts. Witness their lightning-fast transitions, powerful takedowns, and strategic brilliance through our live stream. ### The Complete UFC 297 Experience ### Our live stream doesn't just deliver the fights; it provides an immersive experience that puts you in the center of the UFC 297 atmosphere. Feel the energy of the crowd, engage with fellow MMA enthusiasts, and be part of the global conversation as the best fighters in the world collide in the octagon. Share your predictions, discuss the matchups, and connect with fans from around the world. ### Exclusive Access to the Entire Card ### UFC 297 is more than a few headline fights; it's a comprehensive showcase of talent across various weight classes. Our live stream grants you exclusive access to the entire event, from the pulse-pounding preliminary bouts to the main event that will have the entire MMA community buzzing. Get ready for a night of non-stop action that will keep you on the edge of your seat. ### Secure Your Virtual Ticket Now ### Don't miss the opportunity to be part of UFC 297 – reserve your virtual ticket now for the live stream experience of a lifetime. Whether you're a seasoned MMA enthusiast or a casual viewer, this event promises to deliver the thrills, spills, and unforgettable moments that make the UFC a global phenomenon. Mark your calendar and prepare for a night of adrenaline-pumping, world-class mixed martial arts action that showcases the skill, determination, and heart of the fighters competing at the highest level. Secure your spot, join the global MMA community, and get ready for an evening of pure octagon drama. The co-main event of UFC 297 will feature a women’s bantamweight title fight for the vacant belt between Raquel Pennington and Mayra Bueno Silva. Pennington is a former title challenger who lost to Amanda Nunes in 2018, but has since bounced back with three wins in a row. Silva is a rising star who has won four of her five UFC fights, all by submission. The title was vacated when Nunes announced her retirement after defending her title at UFC 289. The main card of UFC 297 will also include a welterweight bout between Neil Magny and Mike Malott, a middleweight bout between Chris Curtis and Marc-André Barriault, and a featherweight bout between Arnold Allen and Movsar Evloev. The prelims and early prelims will feature several exciting matchups, such as Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson, Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana, and Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick. UFC 297 will be broadcasted live on pay-per-view platforms around the world, with millions of fans expected to tune in. The event is backed by the Saudi Arabian government, which has been investing heavily in sports and entertainment to boost its global image and tourism. However, the decision to host the fight in Saudi Arabia has also drawn criticism from human rights groups, who accuse the country of using sport to distract from its record of violations and abuses The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) returns to Toronto, Canada, for the first time in six years with a blockbuster event headlined by a middleweight title clash between Sean Strickland and Dricus du Plessis. The event, UFC 297, will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Scotiabank Arena. Strickland, the reigning champion, is one of the most dominant fighters in the division, having won his last six fights in a row. The 35-year-old American captured the belt by defeating Israel Adesanya by unanimous decision at UFC 284 in July 2023, ending the Nigerian’s long reign. Strickland is known for his aggressive striking, wrestling and durability, and has a record of 34 wins, three losses and one draw, with 24 wins by knockout. Du Plessis, the challenger, is a former two-division champion in the Polish promotion KSW, where he held the welterweight and middleweight titles. The 36-year-old South African made his UFC debut in October 2020, and has since won four fights in a row, all by knockout. Du Plessis is a well-rounded fighter, with a black belt in judo and a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and has a record of 18 wins and two losses, with 16 wins by finish. The fight between Strickland and du Plessis is expected to be a thrilling and competitive affair, as both fighters have contrasting styles and strengths. Strickland has the advantage of size, power and experience, while du Plessis has the edge in speed, movement and versatility. Both fighters are confident and motivated to make history and cement their legacy as the undisputed middleweight king. The co-main event of UFC 297 will feature a women’s bantamweight title fight for the vacant belt between Raquel Pennington and Mayra Bueno Silva. Pennington is a former title challenger who lost to Amanda Nunes in 2018, but has since bounced back with three wins in a row. Silva is a rising star who has won four of her five UFC fights, all by submission. The title was vacated when Nunes announced her retirement after defending her title at UFC 289. The main card of UFC 297 will also include a welterweight bout between Neil Magny and Mike Malott, a middleweight bout between Chris Curtis and Marc-André Barriault, and a featherweight bout between Arnold Allen and Movsar Evloev. The prelims and early prelims will feature several exciting matchups, such as Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson, Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana, and Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick. UFC 297 will be broadcasted live on pay-per-view platforms around the world, with millions of fans expected to tune in. The event is backed by the Saudi Arabian government, which has been investing heavily in sports and entertainment to boost its global image and tourism. However, the decision to host the fight in Saudi Arabia has also drawn criticism from human rights groups, who accuse the country of using sport to distract from its record of violations and abuses The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) returns to Toronto, Canada, for the first time in six years with a blockbuster event headlined by a middleweight title clash between Sean Strickland and Dricus du Plessis. The event, UFC 297, will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Scotiabank Arena. Strickland, the reigning champion, is one of the most dominant fighters in the division, having won his last six fights in a row. The 35-year-old American captured the belt by defeating Israel Adesanya by unanimous decision at UFC 284 in July 2023, ending the Nigerian’s long reign. Strickland is known for his aggressive striking, wrestling and durability, and has a record of 34 wins, three losses and one draw, with 24 wins by knockout. Du Plessis, the challenger, is a former two-division champion in the Polish promotion KSW, where he held the welterweight and middleweight titles. The 36-year-old South African made his UFC debut in October 2020, and has since won four fights in a row, all by knockout. Du Plessis is a well-rounded fighter, with a black belt in judo and a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and has a record of 18 wins and two losses, with 16 wins by finish. The fight between Strickland and du Plessis is expected to be a thrilling and competitive affair, as both fighters have contrasting styles and strengths. Strickland has the advantage of size, power and experience, while du Plessis has the edge in speed, movement and versatility. Both fighters are confident and motivated to make history and cement their legacy as the undisputed middleweight king. The co-main event of UFC 297 will feature a women’s bantamweight title fight for the vacant belt between Raquel Pennington and Mayra Bueno Silva. Pennington is a former title challenger who lost to Amanda Nunes in 2018, but has since bounced back with three wins in a row. Silva is a rising star who has won four of her five UFC fights, all by submission. The title was vacated when Nunes announced her retirement after defending her title at UFC 289. The main card of UFC 297 will also include a welterweight bout between Neil Magny and Mike Malott, a middleweight bout between Chris Curtis and Marc-André Barriault, and a featherweight bout between Arnold Allen and Movsar Evloev. The prelims and early prelims will feature several exciting matchups, such as Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson, Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana, and Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick. UFC 297 will be broadcasted live on pay-per-view platforms around the world, with millions of fans expected to tune in. The event is backed by the Saudi Arabian government, which has been investing heavily in sports and entertainment to boost its global image and tourism. However, the decision to host the fight in Saudi Arabia has also drawn criticism from human rights groups, who accuse the country of using sport to distract from its record of violations and abuses The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) returns to Toronto, Canada, for the first time in six years with a blockbuster event headlined by a middleweight title clash between Sean Strickland and Dricus du Plessis. The event, UFC 297, will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at the Scotiabank Arena. Strickland, the reigning champion, is one of the most dominant fighters in the division, having won his last six fights in a row. The 35-year-old American captured the belt by defeating Israel Adesanya by unanimous decision at UFC 284 in July 2023, ending the Nigerian’s long reign. Strickland is known for his aggressive striking, wrestling and durability, and has a record of 34 wins, three losses and one draw, with 24 wins by knockout. Du Plessis, the challenger, is a former two-division champion in the Polish promotion KSW, where he held the welterweight and middleweight titles. The 36-year-old South African made his UFC debut in October 2020, and has since won four fights in a row, all by knockout. Du Plessis is a well-rounded fighter, with a black belt in judo and a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and has a record of 18 wins and two losses, with 16 wins by finish. The fight between Strickland and du Plessis is expected to be a thrilling and competitive affair, as both fighters have contrasting styles and strengths. Strickland has the advantage of size, power and experience, while du Plessis has the edge in speed, movement and versatility. Both fighters are confident and motivated to make history and cement their legacy as the undisputed middleweight king. The co-main event of UFC 297 will feature a women’s bantamweight title fight for the vacant belt between Raquel Pennington and Mayra Bueno Silva. Pennington is a former title challenger who lost to Amanda Nunes in 2018, but has since bounced back with three wins in a row. Silva is a rising star who has won four of her five UFC fights, all by submission. The title was vacated when Nunes announced her retirement after defending her title at UFC 289. The main card of UFC 297 will also include a welterweight bout between Neil Magny and Mike Malott, a middleweight bout between Chris Curtis and Marc-André Barriault, and a featherweight bout between Arnold Allen and Movsar Evloev. The prelims and early prelims will feature several exciting matchups, such as Charles Jourdain vs. Sean Woodson, Gillian Robertson vs. Polyana Viana, and Malcolm Gordon vs. Jimmy Flick. []( []( []( []( []( [](  UFC 297 will be broadcasted live on pay-per-view platforms around the world, with millions of fans expected to tune in. The event is backed by the Saudi Arabian government, which has been investing heavily in sports and entertainment to boost its global image and tourism. However, the decision to host the fight in Saudi Arabia has also drawn criticism from human rights groups, who accuse the country of using sport to distract from its record of violations and abuses. []( []( []( []( []( []( []( [](


In the pulsating world of mixed martial arts, two warriors, Yohan Lainesse and Sam Patterson, stepped into the cage for a clash that would unfold as a tale of skill, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of victory. The narrative of this MMA showdown played out under the bright lights of the arena, where fighters aim to carve their names into the annals of the sport. ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### ### [WATCH LIVE NOW]( ### The story began with the anticipation surrounding the matchup. Fight enthusiasts, well-aware of the prowess of both Yohan Lainesse and Sam Patterson, eagerly awaited the meeting of these two dynamic fighters. The cage, an unforgiving battleground, became the canvas for the unfolding drama. As the referee signaled the start of the bout, the tale unfolded in the dynamic exchange of strikes, grappling, and tactical movement. Yohan Lainesse, with his technical brilliance and versatile skill set, sought to impose his game plan in the cage. On the other side, Sam Patterson, known for his striking prowess and tenacity, aimed to assert his dominance. The ebb and flow of the contest became the chapters of the narrative. Lainesse, with his calculated strikes and grappling acumen, looked to control the pace of the fight. Patterson, with his explosive striking combinations and relentless forward pressure, sought to disrupt Lainesse's rhythm. The ground game emerged as a crucial aspect of the unfolding tale. Both fighters, well-versed in the art of grappling, engaged in a chess match on the mat. Lainesse, with his submission attempts and positional control, tested Patterson's defenses. Patterson, displaying his defensive skills and counterattacks, worked to escape precarious situations. As the rounds progressed, the story reached its zenith. The fighters, marked by the physical toll of their efforts, engaged in a relentless battle. The crowd, a cacophony of cheers and gasps, recognized the technical brilliance and indomitable spirit displayed by both warriors. In a climactic moment, the final bell rang, bringing an end to the contest. The cage, witness to the display of skill and heart, awaited the judges' decision. The story now hinged on the verdict that would declare the winner and shape the narrative each fighter would carry forward in their MMA journey. As the judges rendered their decision, the story found its resolution. Whether Yohan Lainesse or Sam Patterson emerged victorious, both fighters embraced the thrill of triumph and displayed the sportsmanship that defines the spirit of mixed martial arts. The cage, having been the arena for this captivating tale, awaited the next chapters in the journeys of these two resilient warriors, recognizing that the world of MMA continues to be enriched by the stories written by its fighters. Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Live Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Live Free Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Live Stream Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Live Stream Free Yohan Lainesse vs. Sam Patterson Live Streams Reddit


Lets learn a bit about array with javascript. An Array is an Object that stores values in order. In the example above we used an Object to store our car because it had specific properties that we wanted to be able to access easily via a key. If we just want to store a list of items, then there is no need to create an Object. Instead, we can use an Array. []( [#javascript]( [#programming](


GitHub uses MySQL to store vast amounts of relational data. This is the story of how we seamlessly upgraded our production fleet to MySQL 8.0.

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Callbacks We can achieve asynchronous programming in JavaScript if we use the callbacks. A callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function. The idea of the callback function is ‘I will call you back later’. You should know that the functions in JavaScript are executed in the sequence they are called, not in the sequence they are defined in. Okay, without confusing you, I will start from the beginning, why sequence control is so important in JavaScript. The sequence of control allows us to control the sequence when a function needs to be executed. For example, let us say that we want to create a function that will do some basic arithmetic operation like the sum of two integer numbers. After the function returns the result, we want to call another function to display the result to the user. So now we have two functions, one mainly for calculation, and the other is to display the user the result. Therefore we know their sequence of execution. Of course, you cannot start showing the results without first calling the calculation function. Here is the entire example: []( [\#programming](


Today, we'll review the source code for RE3– the reverse-engineered C++ source code for Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City.


use any fonts you like on your web pages thanks to this recipe. Although web browsers come with a reasonable range of default fonts, they don’t always provide the look you need for a particular web site. In such cases, you usually must resort to calling up a graphic editor and creating logos or headlines there. However, with this recipe all you have to do is upload the TrueType fonts you wish to use to your web site and you can then display text in these fonts by having the GD library convert it on the fly to GIF images. []( [#php]( [#backend]( [#programming](


When accepting user input for redisplay, and particularly if it will be inserted into a database, it’s important that you sanitize the input to remove any malicious attempts at hijacking your server, or otherwise injecting unwanted MySQL commands, HTML, or JavaScript. []( [\#programming](


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Understand the mechanics of dynamic dispatch implementation in CPython


If you're looking to transform your living space into a cozy and inviting haven, look no further than the L-shaped sofa. This versatile furniture piece has been taking the design world by storm, revolutionizing how we arrange our seating areas. With its sleek lines and spacious layout, an L-shaped sofa is not only practical but also adds an element of contemporary sophistication to any room. So get ready to maximize both comfort and style as we delve into why L-shaped sofas are the ultimate choice for today's interior enthusiasts! **The Rise of L-Shaped Sofas in Modern Interior Design** Gone are the days when sofas were limited to traditional shapes and sizes. Modern interior design has embraced innovation, and [L shape sofa]( have emerged as a hot trend in recent years. The rise of L-shaped sofas can be attributed to their ability to effortlessly blend functionality with style. One of the key reasons behind their popularity is the versatility they offer in arrangement. Whether you have a compact living room or an open-concept space, an L-shaped sofa can easily fit into any corner, maximizing your floor space while providing ample seating for family and guests. Moreover, L-shaped sofas have evolved beyond being just a seating option; they now serve as multifunctional pieces that cater to various needs. You can find models with built-in storage compartments or even ones that transform into cozy beds for overnight guests. Another factor driving the popularity of these sofas is their aesthetic appeal. With clean lines, sleek designs, and a wide range of upholstery options available, L-shaped sofas effortlessly elevate the visual appeal of any room. From luxurious leather finishes to soft fabric textures, there's something for every taste and style preference. Furthermore, L-shaped sofas bring an element of contemporary sophistication to any space they grace. Their bold presence adds character without overwhelming other furniture pieces or decor items in your room. **Versatility in Arrangement and Functionality** L-shaped sofas have gained immense popularity in modern interior design, and one of the reasons for their widespread appeal is their versatility in arrangement and functionality. These sofas offer a range of possibilities when it comes to configuring your seating area, allowing you to make the most out of your available space. One of the key advantages of L-shaped sofas is their ability to fit snugly into corners, making them an ideal choice for smaller living rooms or apartments. By utilizing this corner space effectively, you can create a cozy and inviting seating area without sacrificing valuable square footage. Furthermore, the unique shape of these sofas allows for various seating arrangements. You can place them against a wall or use them as room dividers to separate different areas within an open-concept living space. This flexibility enables you to transform your sofa from a traditional sitting area into a more social and interactive setting when hosting gatherings or entertaining guests. In terms of functionality, L-shaped sofas often come with additional features such as built-in storage compartments or pull-out beds. These clever additions provide practical solutions for storing extra pillows, blankets, or even converting your sofa into a comfortable sleeping option for overnight guests. The versatility in arrangement and functionality offered by L-shaped sofas makes them an excellent investment for any home. Whether you have limited space or simply want to add some style and convenience to your living room, these trendy pieces are sure to maximize comfort while adding flair to your decor scheme! **Tips for Choosing the Right L-Shaped Sofa for Your Space** When it comes to choosing the right L-shaped sofa for your space, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to take measurements of your room to ensure that the sofa will fit properly. There's nothing worse than falling in love with a sofa only to realize it won't fit through the door! Next, think about the style and color of the sofa. L-shaped sofas come in a variety of designs, from sleek and modern to more traditional and cozy. Consider the overall aesthetic of your space and choose a sofa that complements it. Comfort is also crucial when selecting an L-shaped sofa. Look for one with supportive cushions and plenty of seating space. You'll want something that can accommodate both family movie nights and entertaining guests. Don't forget about durability either! Since an L-shaped sofa typically takes up a significant amount of space, you'll want to invest in one that will stand the test of time. Look for high-quality materials such as hardwood frames or sturdy metal construction. Don't be afraid to try before you buy! Visit furniture stores or showrooms where you can see and test out different options firsthand. This way, you can get a feel for how comfortable each option is and whether it suits your needs. By considering these tips when choosing an L-shaped sofa for your space, you can ensure both comfort and style in your living area! **Combining Comfort and Style: How to Accessorize Your L-Shaped Sofa** Accessorizing your [L shape sofa dubai]( is the final touch that will bring your entire living space together in perfect harmony. By combining comfort and style, you can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that reflects your personal taste. Start by selecting throw pillows and blankets that complement the color scheme and design of your sofa. Opt for soft fabrics like velvet or faux fur to add an extra layer of comfort. Experiment with different sizes, shapes, and textures to create visual interest. Next, consider adding a stylish coffee table or side tables near your L-shaped sofa. These pieces not only provide a convenient surface for beverages or snacks but also serve as decorative elements. Choose tables with unique designs or interesting materials to make a statement in your living room. Lighting is another crucial aspect when accessorizing your L-shaped sofa. Install warm ambient lighting fixtures such as floor lamps or wall sconces to create an inviting ambiance. You can also incorporate task lighting with adjustable desk lamps for reading nooks within the seating area. To complete the look, don't forget about artwork and decorative accents on the walls surrounding your L-shaped sofa. Hang paintings, photographs, or mirrors that resonate with your personal style to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the space. Consider introducing plants into your living room decor scheme. Not only do they add freshness and natural beauty but they also purify the air inside your home. Select low-maintenance indoor plants like succulents or snake plants if you're not blessed with a green thumb. By carefully selecting accessories that blend comfort and style seamlessly into one cohesive unit, you'll be able to maximize both functionality and visual appeal in relation to your L-shaped sofa setup. So go ahead - get creative! Let these tips inspire you in transforming your living space into an oasis of comfort where style reigns supreme.


Hey there everyone, I am back with v1.1 of my Latex Template for making D&D Item Cards. I received one major point of feedback from multiple people in the fediverse: make an option for fixing the card dimensions for easier printing and distribution/storage at the table. So that is exactly what I did! Now you can choose the (admitedly more user-friendly) option of letting the card length vary for digital distribution, or you can fix the card aspect ratio. The item art background and text backgrounds can also now be changed, and a number of options have been included for item art backgrounds, but you can use whatever images you want. [Example Cards]( The fixed-size cards are 5:7 by default, the same as playing cards. They include a front and back side for longer item descriptions, but you will have to edit the text more carefully and decide where to split between front/back content. For the printable card item art, I highly recommend using a PNG with a transparent background and modifying `tcolorbox` `interior style` to set your background. Ensure your backgound art is close to 7:5 for best results. You can also load your image as the background art if you'd like instead, again, making sure it is in 7:5.


[Response from Martin Woodward](, GitHub's VP of Developer Relations: > > > Sorry for the inconvenience @koepnick - while searching across all repos has required being logged in for a long time, when we enhanced the search capabilities earlier in the 2023 we had to extend this to repos as well (see []( > > > > This is primarily to ensure we can support the load for developers on GitHub and help protect the servers from being overwhelmed by anonymous requests from bots etc. > >


Understand how objects are implemented in CPython and how CPython emulates Inheritance and Polymorphism in C using struct embedding


Hey there programmers, I know this is a more markup/typesetting deal, but I thought there might be people who are interested. After being dissapointed with many of the options out there for making ttrpg item cards, I made a LaTeX template for that exact purpose. I wanted it to be relatively easy to use, generate clean images, and be (semi) form fillable. The cards scale in height with the quantity of text given and image size, so users don't need to finagle with the box dimensions too much, and all card sections (generated by custom commands) can either be commented out or toggled off if they aren't relevant to the item. If there are any people familiar with TeX who have thoughts or constructive criticism, I would love to get some more eyes on this. I have already posted this in the relavant ttrpg areas, but I am hoping people here might have more technical critiques. I have already gotten feedback that a setting for fixed dimensions would be smart in case players want to get card sleeves or a card binder, and want to make a back side for longer item descriptions, which I will work into V2. Here is an example of a completed card with all the trimmings: [Staff of the Jackal Lord]( Thanks to anyone who takes the time to check it out, and if anyone uses it, please let me know what you think!


Devi monitors keywords in Facebook groups, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Reddit, and outreach using ChatGPT or Bard to close deal. Devi also create and schedule content using AI on all social media profiles. With Devi, you can spend less time on social media and more time growing your business.


Comments in code are quite often a code smell. Let’s see what is suboptimal about comments and talk about some strategies to avoid them.


I spent years of my life programming C++ for a living. Now I've been away from it for a while, every few years I look back at it and every time it's gotten a little worse. The latest installment: Instead of implementing a good way for managing object lifetimes, or better runtime introspection, or looser coupling between large modules, they've been spending time and effort on bringing some things back that used to work, but that they'd decided they needed to ban, just now with different syntax than what used to work before. Hooray!


Fast Fibonacci Computations With a Linear Algebra Twist


The best part about studying at university is the solidarity of seeing others in the building at 11 pm on a sunday. [\#programming](


Scramble Cloud is now giving 100 GB of free end-to-end encrypted cloud storage for three month. There's no telling how long this offer will last, so I highly recommend signing up right away if you're keen on securing this deal. You won't need to share any sensitive personal information, such as payment details. Even a temporary email worked perfectly for me! [](
