Reformed Christianity

A question posted on another forum, but I thought it might be good to discuss here. Do you think it's true? And if true, why might that be?


It's becoming more and more apparent that the next generation is different than Boomers and GenXers. And our methods of evangelism and outreach may not be actually reaching Millennials and Gen Z. So what does your church do or what ideas do you have to reach them with the gospel?


Wanted to cross-post something I am trying to do daily on the instance, just to spur on some discussion and encouragement!


Ask any questions here. Sidebar rules do apply.


Hello! Our son (7) has expressed a desire to take communion and be Baptist (praise God!). We have been holding off for now until we were sure of his desire as the communion aspect of it was definitely initially spurred on by a friend who partakes. Over the last year he has pretended to take it with us and I've been supportive with him in it as I in no way want to deter him from wanting to join in. He's grown so much and it's becoming clear to me that his faith may be genuine. He understands the gospel and even prays through it at bed time. He knows the purpose of communion, not perfectly but clearly understands the main point. Thoughts on letting him partake in communion? Especially before baptism? Thoughts on baptism? We're credo Baptists.


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Here, or on my Twitch Stream (Check bio)! Live tonight now, and on a schedule!


Do you have questions that aren't worth it's own post? Ask 'em here.


We're small, but hey... If you got any somewhat almost relevant memes, post them in the community


How It is clear from scripture that Christians must be pro-life.


I apologize if this is not appropriate for this community. But, I find the main reason I feel this way is because of my Christian faith. I've gone on Reddit twice this month to check for specific discussions or questions I had. I only ever used Reddit on a third party app, so I was upset but what was happening. But surprisingly, I feel even more alienated and hated on here than I did on Reddit. Pro Life communities seem to be banned. I think there were one or two at some point, but I can't find any now. This community has very low engagement and content, which I understand. I'm kinda in the middle politically, trying to let my faith guide my politics, but there doesn't seem to be a place for that here. The people here seem to be further left than Reddit and more intolerant of Christianity. I think it makes sense. Of course the most "activist-minded" people would leave Reddit. Perhaps the most outspoken people. I left Reddit because dislike browsing it outside of RIF. I feel myself more and more drawn to Reddit lately. There's obviously still a vast majority of people on there that my beliefs are still hated. But, there are enough people to carve out little communities of like-minded people. Anyway, sorry for the long post. Apologies if it doesn't fit.


Is it to indicate the link between here and /r/reformed?


Full disclosure: I haven't really listened to this yet. But I'm wondering... Can Pastors really be trusted again in our society? Certainly they can and should be trusted by Christians.. But society as a whole seems destined to be more and more suspicious of Christians and Christian leaders.


Howdy, Good to see there is work being done to slowly move off of Reddit. I love the communities on there, but dang the company is moving in some bad directions. The lemmee instance still has some missing features (tags, a functioning search tool, good UI) but it has potential. Hope this place ends up working out. I'm assuming that theology memes are not allowed on here given that the goal of this sub(? communities? Idk what the terms are) is to replicate r/Reformed, but I just want to check. God be with you


Not specifically related to Reformed theology, but a good read and important for our understanding of scriptural transmission.


I've heard a lot of people on twitter, reddit, and YouTube arguing for baptismal regeneration. What's shocking is that many of these people call themselves Protestant, even Reformed. I've even heard claims that baptismal regeneration is part of Reformed Theology. This doesn't make any sense, however. Reformed theology sees baptism as the new circumcision. But circumcision wasn't how people were saved, because if that were the case, then there would be no women who died under the old covenant in heaven. But the Bible distinguishes between circumcision of the flesh and circumcision of the heart. Remember that Abraham was justified by faith before he was circumcised, just like someone like me who wasn't baptized as a child is saved before their baptism. Water doesn't save you, it points to what saves you, which is God's grace given to us through faith in Jesus Christ. If baptismal regeneration is true, then covenant theology makes no sense at all, not to mention that it contradicts Sola Fide.


I was reading through the story of Samson in the book of Judges and his riddle is one of the greatest pictures of the gospel in the Old Testament. Judg 14:14: "And he said unto them, Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness. And they could not in three days expound the riddle." Like the riddle, the gospel was a mystery that could only be revealed by the one who created it. The answer to Samson's riddle was "What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion?", but there is a better answer. Jesus is stronger than a lion and his gospel is sweeter than honey. Jesus died and from his dead body came his flesh and blood that he freely gives to us. Samson saw a glimpse of something so amazing it could only have been revealed by the Spirit.


Assuming you rest 1 day of the week, what do you typically do on that day of rest? What do you find restful? Are there still things that you must do that day that aren't so restful?


"he shall send his angels... And they shall gather together his elect" - Matthew 24:31 >... We too, when we see the church torn apart by Satan's craft, torn by the savagery of the wicked, upset by unholy doctrines, tossed by storms, we must learn to turn our eyes to this assembly. If the thing seems hard to believe, let the angelic force remind us: Though the church be now vexed by human malice, tossed between exiles and escapes of all kinds, smashed and broken even on the waves, wretchedly torn in pieces and losing all firm support on earth, we must persist in hope, for it is not by human means but by heavenly power... That the Lord will gather it in (John Calvin, *A commentary on the harmony of the gospels*) TLDR "I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."


My kids are at Youth Camp this week and the theme is about Heaven and glory. It's been really good so far. But it got me thinking about resources and I actually don't have a ton of books on the subject.


Curious what kind of reformed traditions y'all come from.


Any thoughts on if there's anything we can or even should do about that? There's not much here.


Not like you can't just post whatever you want... but here's a thread specifically for questions.


There's only a few of us right now, but we should pray for one another. What do you need prayer for?


Psalms 33:18-22 (NASB) Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who  hope for His lovingkindness, To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name. Let Your lovingkindness, O LORD, be upon us, According as we have hoped in You.
