RSS - Really Simple Syndication

> Current YouTube RSS Feeds leave much to be desired, so we're improving them


Feels like there’s more and more podcasts going on YouTube and some have chapters only there, not in their actual podcast feeds. I made a tiny iOS App that works similar to Castro, only for YouTube videos. It's free and open source. I'm happy to get any feedback or to hear from people who find it as useful as I do. You can get it here: **Features** - Queue & Inbox triaging (can be custom per channel) - Custom playback speed per channel - (pre-select) chapters - Picture-in-Picture & background audio - & more It’s not perfect and definitely not a full podcast player replacement, but it could be useful as an add on in some cases. At the very least people who enjoy Castro might find it useful to have something similar for YouTube videos.


> The Vivaldi web browser adds a new level of customization to its RSS feed subscription feature


So, I'm tentative to announce this project, as the server it's running on is a bit of a potato which will probably fall over pretty quick if it gains any traction, but... --- # Introducing RSS Temple! If you're interested in a free RSS reader which attempts to mimic some of the more useful features of the big players (*Feedly* and *Google Reader*, in particular), including full-text search, hotkey navigation, small footprint interface, and sharing to both *Lemmy* and *Mastodon* (among others), I would love if you gave [**RSS Temple**]( a try. I've been working on this project for ~7 years now, and I alone cannot find any more bugs or usability issues, so I hope it's ready for the community to see. Any feedback is appreciated! --- The code is open at: (server, Python) (landing page and web app, Angular and EleventyJS) (Ansible scripts to deploy one's own instance)


I'm trying to finally get away from Feedly, so I'm looking into alternatives. Unfortunately self-hosted is not an option for me. It should sync read/unread status between android and browser. FOSS is a bonus but not a must. I'd appreciate any recommendations!


I am familiar with [RSS Bridge](, but I recently came across [RSSHub](, and I'm not sure exactly what it does differently than RSS Bridge. Would someone be able to compare the two, or explain why you would use one over the other?


Is there any universal or newsboat specific way to do this? The RSS feed itself doesn't even hint at it being a short, so probably not.


I'm looking for an RSS reader that would be able to have its data synchronised across devices using Syncthing (it just should store its data locally in a certain folder that looks the same on all devices). Any suggestions?


Hi I'm not a fan of social media and I left TW recently because I realized I spent too much time in there doomscroling and getting angry. That's how I found Lemmy but there are still a few IG and TW accounts that I would like to keep tabs on (local news, content creators, stuff like that) Is there a way to maybe put all that in a single app in a controlled feed? I though maybe RSS (Been using Feeder recently, still building my sources but I like it) could be an answer but I haven't found a tool that's free and still working (I know it's the opposite of their business model) My hopes are not high, but thanks im advance for any answer


The third party applications section of FreshRSS's site lists several apps that haven't been updated in years or have ads, unfortunately. Are there any good, FOSS Android apps that work with FreshRSS? Ideally including bookmarks, labels, and syncing read articles. Or at least one that is "good enough" for your use? The site is awesome on mobile, however I do not get notifications on new articles in a category.


I recently made a [post]( looking for an RSS feeder with some sort of intelligent content surfacing system, and have just stumbled upon exactly that. All analysis is local and so far seems to be quite good. Github: FDroid:


Does anybody have any recommendations for FOSS RSS readers with actual content surfacing features? So many RSS feeds are full of junk (this is particularly a problem with feeds with wildly disparate posting frequencies) and I've always felt they'd be a lot more useful if people were putting more effort into a modern way to sort through extremely dense feeds. EDIT: Actually just stumbled on one for mobile. Check out Nunti on android (


Discussed in *Tech Won’t Save Us* podcast: [How Spotify Tried to Take Over Podcasting]( Image from tweet:


May be a dumb question but are there any one in the same fediverse and rss readers in one for android?


I use Inoreader and I've noticed that the RSS feed for has proper thumbnails/previews for images while the feed doesn't show any images (just links for the posted images). I contacted Inoreader to see if the problem was on their end. I received the following feedback: > Actually, we've already checked that, but unfortunately, we couldn't improve the image preview for the exmapled feeds. The thing is that the provided links to these images are not properly presented in the feed source, which is causing that. We suggest you address this with the feed publishers. What settings need to be changed so that the images are "properly presented"?


FreshRSS is a self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator. In my experience, it has been great for staying updated on news and managing a significant portion of my social media, including video sharing platforms like PeerTube, Odysee etc :-) Check it out at [](


They are working again in different URLs: The old ones don’t work for me: ~~https\:// See previous post: [ArtStation RSS Feeds broken -](


EDIT: They are working again in different URLs: The old ones don't work for me: ~~https\:// --- EDIT-2: It seems that openrss has added ArtStation feeds too: (Thanks to for [noticing]( > e.g. --- ArtStation RSS Feeds stopped working a few days ago. Probably along with the recent UI changes, although I am not 100% sure. I sent an email to support\ asking if it's a bug or an intentional change. I haven't got an answer yet. I'm posting it here to let people know and just in case anyone has more info... or some alternative. I don't see ArtStation featured in the usual services: [](, [RSSHub]( EDIT: There is hope. An [ArtStation post from 15h ago]( appeared on my RSS reader. The [RSS Feed]( still doesn't work, but this should mean feeds are not 100% dead.


### Behance Behance's autodiscoverable RSS Feeds do not work\*, [u\/gurkoz found that there are working hidden feeds]( "" + behanceUserName Example for user bernhardlang: \* All Behance profile pages show the same RSS Feed (``) which, although it looks like the feed for [the user vorr](, it contains posts from all users. I find it useful for discovering new artists. ### DeviantArt DeviantArt doesn't have RSS autodiscovery but they have RSS Feeds. [From their documentation]( "" + deviantArtUsername + "+sort%3Atime+meta%3Aall" Example for user loish: Do you know of other sites with hidden RSS feeds?


Content summary: - Google removes RSS button from Chrome browser - Google acquires FeedBurner and limits RSS - Google shuts down Google Reader - Google removes RSS from Google Alerts - Google kills its RSS browser extension - Google removes RSS integration from Google News - Google's still at it...


Is it possible to have an RSS feed for Artstation or DeviantArt or maybe other art websites that is filtered by a search term? For example if I wanted to search/filter for "spaceship" and I wanted to get an RSS feed of all new artworks that would be found by that search term. Can this be done? I'm pretty new to RSS feeds


very good self-hosted RSS reader ![comafeed screenshot](


for example if I need to find the rss feed of I can search `` to get the result, you can also use duckduckgo but it includes irrelevant results for some reason, it should also work in searx.


cross-post: > I usually use a feed reader to gather news, but some news sites use newsletters instead of distributing feeds. As a user, is there any advantage to receive news using newsletters over feeds?


I know the Email isn't everyone's favourite RSS reader but it works really well for me. I wasn't happy with any of the existing services so I started my own. is a low-cost RSS-to-Email service with nice clean templates. I'm happy to answer any questions.


I use RSS feeds and mpv to watch YouTube without visiting This post shows how you can configure mpv to use yt-dlp instead of the abandoned youtube-dl.


This link argues no. I would argue yes, because of a technical solution and a phenomenon I've observed. The technical problem: > It’s not enough to interleave their posts into a “river” or “stream” paradigm, where only the most recent N items are shown in one big, combined, reverse-chronological list (much like a Twitter timeline), because many of them would get buried in the noise of higher-volume feeds and people’s tweets. One of the really nice things about RSS is what it *doesn't* do. It *doesn't* order your content by obscure algorithms aiming to vacuum you further and further into an advertising-driven time suck, as Twitter now does. That *doesn't mean*, however, that your only option is to present behavior chronologically. The technical solution: I have [my RSS reader]( do a [round-robin ordering]( for each page displayed, so the higher-volume feeds pool at the bottom. This effect is more noted with a larger page size. For me, this works well enough. I don't see why marking "read all" is a bad thing, and I do it decently regularly. The phenomenon: Navigating directly to []( or whatever other high-volume site feels like gambling. All the colorful previews are engaging, and it all seems to grab me more than my staid feed reader's presentation. It's tempting to roll the dice and see if there's something new. It makes me less *[this](* to consume everything in my feed reader is what I guess I'm saying. That's valuable to me.