I'm trying to get my head around this. If I have a media folder of videos that I mount via NFS so that I can access from my laptop, my understanding is that I need to disable "Configuring Host Path Validation" if I then have an app like Jellyfin reading that folder for serving videos to my family. It this correct or am I misunderstanding? The alternative is that I would need two difference datasets created, one for the NFS share and one for Jellyfin but this defeats the purpose, plus is an incredible waste of space. Please tell me I have it all wrong ...


Hello all, I currently have my primary NAS running TrueNAS Scale, and I am adding a second as an off-site backup of my critical data which will also run TrueNAS Scale. I have three datastores at the moment, nextcloud, backups, and media. I want to replicate the entirety of nextcloud and backups, but for media I only want to backup my irreplaceable media. This would be personal photos and videos, but not my collection of Linux isos. Is it possible to have a ZFS Replication task that excludes certain directories? If not, how would you recommend I approach this? Thanks!


My ISP uses cgnat for ips. Hence, I was unable to connect to my apps from external network. I came to know about ipv6 not being affected by this issue. So, I tried using ipv6 but I was only able to access the ui but no apps. There are open issues on official forum but it is not known when they will be resolved. Can someone suggest another way to approach this problem?


I just finished the process of adding 8 new Seagate Exos 20TB drives to my TrueNAS core system. This question has been asked a lot and it's known seagate drives are loader then most durring operation. Though i could not find anything related to a consistent "shudder" through all my new Exos drives. I have attached a audio clip in the link below. Have any of you come across this specific sound before. The drives are in a Fractal Design 7 XL case with rubber bumpers in all trays. The case hold 9 WD Red's 12TB, and 8 Segate Exos 20TB. All 17 drives are connected to a SAS 9305-24i in IT mode. Running TrueNAS Core 13.0-U5.3 Audio Clip:


Hi, I have two Dell T110 ii. One, with more ram and slightly faster CPU acts as main server. I have it running as NFS server, one VM with a couple of services and two apps (nextcloud and immich). Happy with the setup but worried about hardware of main server failing given age. So I have replication set up (pulls from slave to main). The dataset structure is the same. Is it a matter of installing the same apps and VM on slave, load the config of main onto slave and then just leave it to replication to keep the two machines cloned? I switch on slave only on Sundays to allow replication activity. It is some form of backup I guess, although not perfect.


Hey guys! I got my home lab setup going nicely now. One mirror vdev ZFS for my Nextcloud, granting very good performance! Small question though: I got two extra drives now and was thinking if it is worth it adding it already as extra mirror vdev. My question is the following: Will resilvering of a single disk be quicker if I have my data striped over two mirror vdev than if all my data is in a single mirror vdev? In other words, I was wondering in that sense if it is safer to replace a disk due to shorter resilver?


Hi, I can't connect to my TrueNAS scale server anymore, not even through the webGUI due to me being stupid. It seems like I need to do a full reinstall and I'm very paranoid about losing data. What do I need to do so I can reinstall truenas without using data? Do I need to export my pools? I don't want to save my config, since it seems to be totally broken. Thanks in advance.


Hey all, not a lot of activity here yet, but hopefully someone can offer some advice! I'm having major regrets following migration from Core to Scale. The migration via update file went smoothly, but immediately apparent on starting up Scale, all of my SMB shares were broken. Both Linux and Windows clients are unable to connect. I have since tried creating new users/groups (I noticed that my normal user and group with id's 1000 had been changed to 1001 in Scale), stripping ACL's and recreating, and deleting the shares and recreating. Failure to connect on each attempt. Is there something I'm missing relating to the migration that prevents SMB from working? I'm not well versed in the inner working, or shell command available for troubleshooting, so most of this has been attempted through the GUI. Also, I realise I have shot myself in the foot. Like an idiot, I saw the feature flag update message when Scale first started. I clicked through and upgraded without even thinking. I realised what I had done when I restored my Core VM from the previous day - the pool was offline, with zpool import showing an unsupported feature message. So any path back to Core is off the cards I think. Any help is appreciated... EDIT: I think I have found the culprit. I downloaded the debug info and had a look at the SMB config (specifically net_config.txt). For some bizarre reason, the SMB interface had bound to an old IP address (two or three home network revisions ago - not used in many years). [GLOBAL] interfaces = By selecting the systems current IP address in the optional "Bind IP Addresses" field in the global SMB service settings (under advanced), I've been able to rebind it to the correct address, and I have access (tested in Linux only so far)! phew...


**Key Highlight:** >This is a hotpatch to fix an issue that prevents some TrueNAS CORE systems from migrating to SCALE >- [NAS-124623]( - error with home directory handling on migration from TrueNAS CORE. Note under >If you encountered this issue when attempting to migrate from TrueNAS CORE to SCALE, run the command `mkdir /home` in the TrueNAS CORE web interface shell and re-apply the upgrade. >Otherwise, users that intend to migrate from TrueNAS CORE to SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) can directly migrate to the hotfix release to avoid this issue.


Should I bother to keep using it or shall I just bite the pill and move to SCALE? I have 3 jails and I’m seriously considering my TrueNAS instance as a storage only, and resort to VM and containers on a dedicated machine to use applications.


**Key Highlights:** >This is a small hotpatch designed to address a reported bug from the 22.12.4 release and updates Samba to the [v4.17.12]( security update: >- Fix for HDD temperature reporting ([NAS-124452]( EDIT UPDATE: >**Known Issue**: An issue was found after was released that disrupts migrations from CORE to SCALE due to how the /home directory is handled during the update process ([NAS-124623]( If you encountered this issue when attempting to migrate from TrueNAS CORE to SCALE, run the command `mkdir /home` in the TrueNAS CORE web interface shell and re-apply the upgrade. > Otherwise, users that intend to migrate from TrueNAS CORE to SCALE 22.12 (Bluefin) can directly migrate to the hotfix release to avoid this issue.


**Key Highlights** >- Users with active or enabled [deprecated services]( in 22.12.4 are alerted to address these deprecated features before attempting to upgrade to a new TrueNAS SCALE major version. >- WebDAV share creation is disabled [NAS-122280]( The related [WebDAV application]( is available instead. >- Samba updated to 4.17.0 [NAS-123131]( >- Numerous [security]( updates. >- Replication hotfix from ZFS 2.1 update [NAS-123123]( >- New option in replication tasks for the destination dataset to inherit encryption from its parent dataset [NAS-121898]( **Changelog** > [Click here for the full changelog]( of completed tickets that are included in the 22.12.4 release. To switch between detail and list views for the changelog, press T. Open the changelog in Jira to see the Export menu to print or download the changelog in various file formats. **Ongoing Issues** (As of Tuesday, 03 Oct 2023 21:43:10 GMT, it's currently empty, but in the event something is added.) >[Click here to see the latest information]( about issues discovered in 22.12.4 that are being resolved in a future TrueNAS SCALE release.


Hi, happy to see a truenas community on lemmy to! I was wondering, I know you need to double the drives when upgrading storage in zfs, but do that include cash and log drive? So if I have two ssd cash drives and on log so I need 4 cash and 2 log?


Is there a packaged solution (ansible script or similar) to setup Wireguard in a jail to get access to the network from outside of the local network?


Apologies for delay on this post, my notification's bot for TrueNAS crashed. Key Highlights: >This is a small hotpatch to address a ZFS issue that appears in specific circumstances with encrypted ZFS replication tasks. When the replication source system is updated to SCALE 22.12.3, a mismatch in indirect block size (IBS) values can cause kernel panics when an encrypted replication task attempts to receive ZFS snapshots to the destination system. See[ OpenZFS 2.1 Pull Request #15073]( for more details. Users are encouraged to update any TrueNAS SCALE system used as a replication source or destination to to avoid this issue. It is also recommended to update any ZFS-based systems currently used as a replication destination. >** Changelog** >- [NAS-122583]( Crash on ZFS replication receive with different indirect block size


**What im using:** TrueNAS SCALE - Version: TrueNAS-SCALE- qBittorrent installed from Truecharts - Version: 4.5.4_15.0.29 ProtonVPN **The problem:** The qBittorrent app is stuck on the deploying status when trying to use it with OpenVPN. I used this [tutorial]( to set it up. Last qbittorrent log message: UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping failed. Message: "could not map port using UPnP: Operation not permitted" **Things i tried:** Turning off all of the NFS shares Using different .conf files Changing the password of my VPN account so that it doesnt include any special characters (as sugested in this [reddit thread]( Disabling "Enable Host path safety checks" under Apps -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Enable Host Path Safety Checks


Hey! For a while now I've been using Tailscale to access some of my apps in TrueNAS Scale remotely. Since I also want to be able to access my SMB shares on Truenas, I have so far always resorted to setting both Tailscale and the corresponding apps to using host networking. Not all apps natively support host networking though (e.g. the Immich Community app). Because of this, I cannot access Immich via Tailscale since it is not "listening" on the Tailscale interface/Tailscale IP range. Is there any option to either configure Tailscale in a way that it can access both TrueNAS apps and host system services like SMB or alternatively some way to make TrueNAS apps listen to requests from the Tailscale interface as well? Thanks in advance!


Started an update for a minor version and it's been like 20 minutes and I have no display out from the nas and I can't access it over the network. This is the first update I've done on the system how long does this usually take and when should I try rebooting it?


I've been using TrueNAS Scale for a while now, but have never actually come across any official documentation/repository/possibility to file bug reports for TrueNAS Scale apps marked as "Official" in the available applications (e.g. Plex Media Server, Home Assistant, etc). Have I just miraculously missed it or do these apps actually not have any form of documentation or support?


Since getting done with backing up all our DVDs and Blu-rays I've been searching for another project when I came across RomM. It's a great archiving tool for your retro roms. I also wanted a way to run emulators from the browser, if possible. Thankfully TrueCharts had me covered with having RomM and EmulatorJS readily available as apps. I didn't see any install instructions for TrueNAS so maybe someone will find this useful. Prerequisites - 1. TrueCharts catalog 2. Shared folder where you can upload your roms after backup 3. Twitch Account with 2FA File structure is pretty important so make sure you have a share folder setup for your roms and break them down by device /mnt/Main/Monitor/Roms/gb /mnt/Main/Monitor/Roms/gba /mnt/Main/Monitor/Roms/gbc etc.. **Installing RomM** Before installing we need to do some work to get a client ID and Client secret from IGDB. - It's all pretty straight forward but the naming OAuth and Category may throw some people off. **Name:** IGDB-yourusername **OAuth redirect URL:** **Category:** Application Integration Once that is setup you can go back to your TrueNAS and actually start the install process. If you do currently have the share setup for access go ahead and turn off the share for now to bypass the integrity check. 1. Grab your Client ID and Client secret from the steps above. 2. Input your Client ID and client Secret in the appropriate fields 3. Under "Storage and Persistence" click "Add" **Type of Storage:** Host Path **Automatic Permissions:** Checked **Host Path:** /path/to/roms **Mount Path:** /romm/library/roms 4. Click "Save" and wait to launch 5. Once launched click "Open" from your applications page 6. Once in the RomM dashboard select "Library" and then "Scan" 7. Check "Complete Scan" and then click "Scan" 8. You should see the devices and rom names appear as it begins to index your roms. 9. Once that's done you can click on "Platforms" and select which device you want and should see all your roms in a beautiful web front end! ![]( You may have some titles that did not come through correctly and will be a white cover. 1. Select the game by clicking on the cover 2. Once inside the meta data page select the three dots below the cover 3. Select "Search IGDB" 4. Fix the match of the game. This should fix the cover and metadata of any games that weren't found on IGDB correctly. From here RomM is good to go. You can now turn your share back on from TrueNAS and add games as you backup and scan from RomM when needed! **Disclaimer** You can stop here. There's really no need to install EmulatorJS if you want to use something like retroarch. Simply point retroarch to your shared folder with your roms and scan that directory. It will go into the device subfolders and find all your roms. For me I figured if I was setting all this up I might as well go full bore with EmulatorJS as well. **Installing EmulatorJS** As before if your roms folder is currently setup as a share go ahead and turn it off via your TrueNAS Shares menu. 1. Select "Available Applications" and search "Emulator" 2. Select "Install" on "EmulatorJS" 3. Scroll down to "Storage and Persistence" and select "Add" This is the slightly annoying part as I could not find a reliable way to mount all the folders without doing it device by device. This is how I did it but there may be a better solution I'm not aware of. **Type of Storage:** Host Path **Auto Permissions:** Checked **Host Path:** /path/to/roms/gb **Mount Path:** /data/gb/roms Again, you will have to add a storage point for each of your device folders. Rinse and repeat as needed. 4. Once done click "Save" and wait for it to launch. This does have a DB and a front end so you may see "Deploying 1/2" this is normal 5. Click "Open" on EmulatorJS 6. This will take you to the Manager page of emuJS This will download some assets and other things. Let it finish and click the X in the top right 7. At the top you should see your devices. gb, gba, gbc..ect and you should see a Roms and Scanned count. Click scan on the first one and let it scan. Once done you should see the Roms and Scanned count update and the Scanned count should match the Roms count. 8. You should see the device be added to the left hand menu. 9. Click on the device 10. You should see a list of ID'd roms and some steps on the left. 11. Click "Download all Available Art" 12. Click "Add All Roms to Conig" 13. Repeat steps 7 - 12 as needed 14. Open a new tab and go to tru.nas.ip.add:10124 15. You'll get a popup saying there's no games added and to add games. Select "OK" 16. Click on the folder in the top left 17. On the top right click "Pull Default Config" 18. Close that tab and refresh tru.nas.ip.add:10124 EmulatorJS should now be setup and ready for use! I would suggest bookmarking this page as the main page as "Open" in trunas just takes you to the management page. ![]( That's it! Make sure to turn on your Rom share again from your TrueNAS Shares menu to access your roms folder again. This was a long post but hopefully someone finds this useful or likes to backup their retro games like I do to preserve their gaming history. Make sure to check out their official GitHub pages and star them or buy them some coffee! Thank you TrueCharts for providing the Apps on TrueNAS as well! RomM: EmuJS:


Im running true nas with i think 12 gigabytes of ram, i will upgrade soon, an i just upgraded the cpu to an amd fx 6350 but it seems when i try to run any apps i can maximum run 1-2 apps and thats without nfs or anything else, and i have more free ram, and the cpu doesn't seem to be overloaded at all So what can i do to get it running better, I currently run it on a hdd but i dont think that would make it just not work


Key Highlights: >This is a small hotpatch to prevent an edge-case issue from occurring when Active Directory is faulted on High Availability (HA) systems. >** Changelog** >- [NAS-122689]( Prevent database replication when alembic versions do not match >- [NAS-122693]( Allow sysdataset move if AD is faulted


So just like the title says. We're talking 5TB and more in overall data storage. I know zfs and TrueNAS is up for it but I wanted to hear from some real-world users to what are your thoughts and experience with multi terabyte storage for all the things in TrueNAS. SMB business production environments a plus. Also I can't help myself, HELLO WORLD! Hoping this is home for the foreseeable future ✌️


Key Highlights: >This is a small hotpatch designed to resolve issues with PCI passthrough to Virtual Machines, the order in which system services are started, and an issue with error logging when upgrading a High Availability (HA) system from 22.12.3. >** Changelog** >- [NAS-121919]( Enable cgroup controllers at boot >- [NAS-122456]( Properly mark a PCI device as critical >- [NAS-122491]( Fix failover.send_file


Little late on posting this since it was released on the 06/13/23, but better late then never. Key Highlights: >22.12.3 includes many new features and improved functionality that span new applications for deprecated services, change to SMB service, additional tools for troubleshooting, and web UI improvements. Changes include: >- New applications for deprecated SCALE services Dynamic DNS, TFTP, OpenVPN, WebDAV, rsync daemon, and S3 MinIO. >- Multichannel capabilities added to the SMB configuration form >- Updates to the Dashboard R50 image >- Updates to the latest Linux v5.15 kernel branch >- Update Samba to 4.17.8 >This release fixes a bug with dataset encryption where it was possible to create an encrypted storage pool or dataset and unencrypted datasets within that pool or dataset. Beginning with 22.12.3, it is no longer possible to create an unencrypted dataset when the storage pool or dataset is created with encryption active. Datasets created in this manner are not affected by this fix. If the original intention was for the dataset to be encrypted, please migrate any data from the unencrypted dataset to a new encrypted dataset. >**Important:** An issue was discovered with virtualization post-release. When virtual machines with PCI passthrough are deployed, delay upgrading to 22.12.3. For details and resolution notes, see [NAS-122456]( Be sure to check the post link to see the full release notes.


What do you all use TrueNAS for? I'd love to hear how it's being used in other peoples systems! Personally, I've got these apps installed and I love them all: - cert-manager - home assistant - radarr - 2x uptime kumas - flame - tailscale - qbittorrent - ombi - jellyfin - prowlarr - sonarr - traefik - libreddit - invidous - static - gitea