
I'm a veteran of several different groups, hoping to start a large new group of mostly new players. One issue I had in previous groups was players not knowing what they should be doing at any given time. There were also disagreements about base design, with everyone having their own opinion and no easy way of choosing one over the other. One solution I'm considering for this next group is to have each player take on a specific role or two. This would give them clear goals and responsibilities, and would give each player the final say over their respective domain. This is more or less how we ended up playing during my last game, but just providing the roles earlier and more explicitly. * **Beastmaster** - Builds and manages the animal pens. Tames and breeds wildlife, providing a steady supply of meat. * **Brewer** - Builds and manages the beehives and fermenters. Provides a steady stream of mead and honey. * **Chef** - Builds and manages the kitchen. Provides a steady supply of cooked food. * **Expedition Leader** - Builds and manages the cart and portal hub. Ensures supplies needed for expeditions are conveniently placed near portals. Carries extra supplies to distribute while on expeditions. * **Farmer** - Builds and manages the farm. Provides a steady supply of crops. * **Harbourmaster** - Builds and manages ships and the dock. Keeps ships repaired; ensures party has supplies needed to craft ship, when relevant. * **Lord of Festivities** - Builds and manages the grand hall (room for max comfort). Organises fun and silly events. Adds flourishes to the base. * **Lumbermaster** - Plants trees and harvests wood. Provides a steady supply of wood of different kinds. * **Miner** - Builds and manages mining outposts. Provides a steady supply of stone and metal ore. * **Pathfinder** - Builds and manages roads, bridges, and the cartography table. Explores new lands, marks resources and locations of interest, forages while on the go. * **Quartermaster** - Builds and manages the storage area. Keeps materials sorted and well labelled. * **Smith** - Builds and manages the workshop and forge. Produces a steady supply of coal and refined metal. * **Watchmaster** - Builds and manages base defenses. Responsible for defense during raids, and protecting the party during expeditions. How does your group share responsibilities? Do you have explicit or implicit roles? Any others you'd add to the list? Note: I know these roles aren't equally difficult or complex, but that's ok - some players like simple jobs, while others like the advanced or time consuming stuff.


My wife and I ventured into the Mistlands for the first time yesterday and wound up being chased out by a rampaging 1-star insectoid/rock creature. This thing was insanely fast and incredibly pissed. It persued us well out of the Mistlands, through the Black Forest (where we had to constantly weave through trees and chug stamina potions to keep going), and all the way to our nearby temporary plains portal, where we escaped back to our base. That portal was just on the shore near our boat, a great distance south. What is the likelihood that the creature will still be present if we return through that portal? Based on our experience with it, I suspect it will effortlessly kill us before we've even fully loaded into the other side. If it's still there, we're probably better off taking another boat south and luring the creature away from our portal, or just abandoning that portal entirely. Whatever that thing was it made my heart beat through my chest. It felt good to be afraid of something again.


From [today's Development Blog update]( >. . . > >And just as exciting is the announcement of our very own Valheim board game! Our friends at MOOD Publishing – who have also developed board games such as [Deep Rock Galactic]( and [Battle of Gods]( – have done an incredible job with this, and we really couldn’t have left the task in more capable hands. You can find out more about the board game by signing up to its [Gamefound]( page, and there might even be something extra in it for you if you do… > >. . .


A welcome change in my opinion. Having played through the biome both solo and duo im happy to see spawn rates reduced a bit. The initial landing is fine as a challenge, but after that it gets very tedious and boring after a while. There's only so many skeletons you want to parry before you're fed up with the play loop. Hopefully this will make engaging the biome a bit more interesting and better paced.


The list provides seeds, links and a short description of the starter island and it's surroundings. No special order. I just enjoy looking for Island spawns. 1: [ys3gYb8k56]( Small island in swimming distance to the closest boss. 2: [3wuuiCXwTC]( Two medium sized islands isolated from the first boss. 3: [JFezuBPp0G]( Very isolated starter island. Medium size. Map has fairly large islands elsewhere. 4: [UXL0hU9qKf]( medium size started island. Pretty hard spawn regarding progress to bosses. 5: [S8gqZJnHfK]( Tiny starter island with swimming distance to closest land. Good north to south axis acorss the map nearby. 6: [esrAdQkm5q]( Medium sized starter island. Requires a fair bit of sailing to progress. 7: [PfA9wj3f2v]( Mediun size started island. Large islands nearby. First three bosses require little movement. 8: [0L4FgEDG4J]( Tiny starter island with swimming distance to several medium islands. Not optimal for fast boss progression. Good for long exploration sessions. 9: [i3CGcgqFv2]( Small starter island. Possible to progress without sailing. Fairly hard progression to bosses. 10: [5rOsEmaRy5]( Small starter island with the first three bosses not requiring any sailing. 11: [EKmNbxiuhK]( Medium sized starter island requiring sailing to reach the first boss. Possible to reach large portions of the map with little sailing. 12: [AnGFH3FwQG]( Mediun sized starter island only separeted by a river from the nearest land. 13: [WtanWD7Eiw]( Medium sized starter island with swimming distance to the first boss. Bad place if you want your permanent base close to the spawn. 14: [I6SSa7afVu]( Small starter island with hard progression to all bosses after the first one. 15: [Z3xHPebym3]( Medium sized starter island with possibilities for early iron. 15 island spawns for all island enjoyers. I've searched through 100s of seeds and saved some of the more interesting ones regarding islands.


Officially out! There's a video trailer, too.


cross-posted from: >I can't believe the devs are still alive


This is our hand-drawn map of our immersive-mode Valheim map - I sail while my partner maps on the boat. We call out terrain observations, bearing, etc while we're sailing. Currently, we're settled on a Plains island in the south, four days' sail from spawn, and have established a full base in preparation for Ashlands.


So, I've been playing immersive mode. We just took down Queen, which was a pretty good challenge, and packed up the essentials and went all the way from the deep north to the (completely unexplored) edge of the Ashlands. Deciding what to pack on the longboat was a huge challenge, and we forgot some stuff, but made it work. One thing we took a risk on: we brought a stack of beech seeds. Turned out to be one of the best decisions of the trip! Once the initial round of tree planting was done, we had an inexhaustible source of *super* convenient wood without having to travel for it. Does anyone else have any base bootstrapping tips?


It seems like the nodes I find using wishbone are small and underwater. Are they even worth it?


You clean up stumps because it is the correct and responsible thing to do I clean up stumps to hide the evidence of mass deforestation We are not the same


Not sure if advertising is allowed here (please remove if not), but I recently set up a dedicated server and am looking for to invite anyone interested in a more casual pace to come join us. We’re a US East based server with around seven active players and only a few QOL mods installed to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible. If anyone is interested follow the link in this post for more details or shoot me a DM


The time has come for all those who have stocked up on gold from troll caves and fuling villages! Said gold is the prime currency in the world of Valheim after all, and there's a new vendor in the tenth realm where you can spend your riches.


My friend and I made a hardcore world this Monday and have been playing 6-8 hours daily, but have not had a single raid yet. We killed the first two bosses already. Maybe it's a bug with the pts? Maybe we're just incredibly lucky? I can't believe I'm asking for troll raids, but the leather would have been nice for armor.


Hello, Steam Deck had a small update last night and it completely broke the game controls. I am using the Daimyo Valheim v3 layout, which is maps everything to keyboard and mouse keys. Since the update, the on screen keyboard doesnt come up when trying to interact with a sign to change the text, and if you go into the map to try and create a pin with text, it completely breaks. You can't exit the map most of the time but if you do, your character can't move and most of the controls stop working. Anyone have any ideas how to resolve, or if this issue was seen previously?


Is there anyway to have R2modman run along side a Valheim docker container? Trying to find a way to make it easier for folks that are not as technical to run their mods on a server. The situation currently is running docker on Windows and I have them running R2modman on windows and exporting/copying the r2modman profile data directory to the data directory used in the docker container and then restarting the docker container. I had the user try to change the profile directory over to the docker data directory to directly write to it, but it gave an error that there was data already there, so I thought that might be a bad idea.


Does anyone here use a purely magic build? I’m experimenting with it at the moment but would like to hear what others are doing. What foods do you eat? I’m currently using 2X Eitr and one stamina but it leaves me with very little health. Do you wear the full mage gear or mix and match with some heavier armour? I’m using the full mage set at the moment. I do fine against regular seekers but fights with soldiers take longer than if I just bashed it with a melee weapon. I took down a gjall but it was pretty sketchy and took a while too. Hits from its fireballs popped my protection bubble almost immediately so I spent a lot of time dodging and recasting the bubble. I don’t have the frost staff yet so I’m guessing that will make things a bit easier by slowing enemies.


Hello! Richard Svensson ( Creator of Valheim & Founder of Irongate ) here, just found out about Lemmy. Nice going setting up a Valheim community here! May Oden give you strength!


Tank that for me plz, kk thx! Abominations never seem to disappoint.


It’s nice to see valheim on Lemmy but it’s kinda quiet here at the moment so I thought I’d ask what you’re next planning to do in valheim? I’m currently just kind of idling whilst waiting for the latest update to leave beta. I don’t really want to explore any more of my map until it’s released. In the meantime I think I’m going to try and defeat yagluth (no spoilers please!) so I’ve been preparing for that, raising an earth wall around the area, brewing meads, making a safe area to rest if I need it etc.


**Abbreviated Patch Notes:** New Content: * New NPC: Hildir the merchant * New locations * World modifiers added * 2 new crafting extensions * New hair and beard styles * New items Misc: * Hair and beards are now visible when equipping helmets * Various visual improvements * Quick-stack button added * Manual snapping for building added


Best day for r/Valheim to go dark is on patch day that breaks a bunch of mods. Good times.