nheko the_tech_beast Now 75%

This week in matrix - Nheko


We are planning to have a small release next week, that fixes a few issues with the 0.9.0 release. It would be lovely if some of you could test one of our nightlies or could check if the translations for a language you speak are up to date in our weblate. ** Some of the fixes this week include another crash fix for handling matrix links from your browser, notification bubbles that can show values over 9000(!), better preview images for sticker and emote packs created in Nheko, allowing you to click links in replies, a few layout and click area fixes. Nheko now also keeps track of your latest reactions and gives you easy access to them in the hover menu.**

Nheko now also finally supports pinned messages! Most of you probably don't know, but that feature has pretty much always been in the matrix spec, but very few clients expose it. Today Nheko joins that rank! It's part of our goal to provide better support for building communities. Topics can be quite limiting, because they can only contain plain text. Pinned messages allow for much more creative freedom! They can also be encrypted, while state events currently never are, but the key for that isn't reshared, so currently experience in encrypted rooms is a tradeoff. Maybe we'll go for an encrypted description event in the future, but for now this seems to be a good solution to bridge the gap.

Let's hope the current master branch is good and we'll have a release with ALL THE FIXES next week! And thank you everyone, who already translated and reported issues! It took less than 10 hours to have 5 languages updated to 100%! Last year we didn't even have that many languages at 100%! You guys are AMAZING! <3

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