Science AlexandrosTsolis Now 40%

imagination, theories, and...reality

In order for humans to come up with a theory that approximates reality, they imagine something, and then if after they spend time and effort thinking about it, still they imagine the same something, then they have to test it in reality with experiments...but...

1) When one imagines something, something else is happening around one in reality, or if you really think otherwise...

When one imagines something something else isn't happening around one in reality, but if you think this is really ok...

If in the end, when one imagines something, something else isn't happening around one in reality, then it doesn't seem to me where inside one really imagines something...does it seem to you?

2)Here's another way to understand it: Something else than anything humans can imagine seems to be happening in reality, since the beginning of humans in reality,

Or before humans existed, what do you think was really happening?

Something that was really happening before humans existed, but that humans had to really imagine after they existed, in order for that to be possible to really happen?

3)And another way: One step before you really make everything, you haven't really made everything yet and still something else than anything you can imagine seems to be happening... step after you really make everything, the experience of one step before has to be included in whatever you made as it was before, or didn't make everything.

4) and final way... Argument Physics as a science, progresses as follows:

1.There is a current theory, at any given time.

2.A candidate theory, which is more exact regarding what really is happening appears from research as a proposed new theory.

3.Experiments have to be conducted to verify the new theory.

4.When experiments are conducted, they can have the following results.

5.Nothing happens, the experiments fail to show any results, which has happened in the past, and this is what we said about it.

6.Something happens, the experiments had the expected results, which has happened in the past, this is what we said about it, and science keeps following its path

7.Something else happens...which was the case with some previous experiments...or else we wouldn't be looking for a new theory, as then all experiments would point only to something, and nothing else...but up to now, this isn't the case, and the future still hap pens next, and not before next happens.

8.What seems to be happening, is that before people actually make things in their lives that do something...they make things that don't do something exactly...and they find that early at best, or late at worst...but the complete story they all know from the beginning, pretty consistently, it seems to it could be the case with the argument I am making here and below.

And all the above in summary is

AXIOM: In any experiment conducted in reality, nothing can happen as a result, some thing can happen as a result, or...something else can happen as a result. This is an axiom that seems consistent and complete to me, and I dare say...logical. Isn't it?

Someone asked me the following in the past. "can I learn about my imagination from the world out there?" The world outside your imagination is something else than anything you can imagine,

Your senses point you to that at any moment in your life, so that your body can be calm and be able to have fun in reality,

And you can imagine whatever you like, even though reality is still something else than anything you can imagine.

In order to experience that in the moment, meaning having fun in reality, you have to be able to focus on whatever it is that you are doing in the moment,

As at any moment in reality from the beginning of human history carrying on until now, the same laws of nature apply,

and the story of human history plays as it make sense, people in the medieval ages used candles as this is what made sense to them, now we use electricity, not the other way around, that wouldn't make sense to them in their moment in time.

After you focus on whatever it is that you are doing in the moment, then you balance your imagination on what is good for you, what seems fun to you to imagine,

And allow your senses to do their work,

So that what you imagine can have some hope at least to balance on reality, as reality is something else than anything you can imagine.

Fear is natural, meaning as reality is something else than anything you can imagine, it is necessary for your senses to be able to generate fear to the conscious part of you, in varying degrees if that is really needed for your survival in the moment in reality , but... is also quite possible that you may be generating fear on your own in the moment in reality that is not really necessary, so...

...fear is natural, means you have to be able to accept the unknown in reality and let fear come to you when it is really needed, from the unknown as needed, and not as you only want.

And then you have to listen to the song. What song?

In your life you slept yesterday you woke up today, and during your life you tell yourself fun stories, or you choose the other option consciously, to tell yourself not fun stories.

Every story has an end and from the end of every story one learns something. The unpredictability of life one learns best at the end of funny stories, or else it wouldn't really be that funny for life to be that unpredictable, is what the story seems to me to be.

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