
Two different economies

In Kennyshire and Bennyshire, people are playing with money.

In Kennyshire, those who have money are playing with money, but they don't want those who don't have money to be playing with money, because those who don't have money in Kennyshire, deserve to not have money, and their entire economy is based on that.

In Bennyshire, all people are playing with money, but in order for those who don't have enough money to learn how to play with money, everyone wants those who make money to be able to make money again and again without wasting others time and effort doing so, so that they deserve the money they make, and their entire economy is based on that.

In Kennyshire, those who don't have money deserve to not have money, and as it would be sensible for all following that to do, decisions regarding money are made only by those who have money, having more money is always better than having less money for those who want more freedom to make decisions regarding money, money concentrates to those in society who want more freedom to make decisions regarding money and act accordingly to achieve that, and their entire economy is based on all of the above.

In Bennyshire, those who deserve the money they make, are able to make money again and again without wasting others time and effort doing so, and as it would be sensible for all following that to do, decisions regarding money are made according to what is common sense, having more money isn't necessarily better than having less money, as long as money concentrates somewhere in the middle of society individuals having significantly more money than the ones in the middle isn't a problem for the economy, and their entire economy is based on all the above.

In Kennyshire, those who don't have money deserve to not have money, and that is never a problem for the economy, but... as money concentrates to those who want more freedom to make decisions regarding money, the more money you have, the more freedom you have than others to make decisions regarding money, and sooner or later, for reasons of more freedom, money concentrates to only some in society and the entire economy stops working for most, until those who have money at that time start exercising their freedom to make decisions regarding money, so that the economy starts working again, after the entire economy paid the ones who had money when the economy stopped working for most but them, so that it can start working for all again...and their entire economy can't have enough of this.

In Bennyshire, those who don't have money deserve to learn from others how to make money again and again without wasting others time and effort doing so and that is always a goal for the economy, or then it is a problem for the economy, but... as money concentrates somewhere in the middle of society, the more money you have, the more you can prove to others that you are able to make money again and again without wasting others time and effort doing so, and in case that it happens, for whatever reason it may happen, that money concentrates to only some in society and that the entire economy has problems for whatever reasons this may happen, those who have money at that time start proving to all who among them is good at making money again and again without wasting others time and effort doing so, and who is causing problems for the entire economy, so that the problems are solved, before the entire economy has to pay the ones who had money when the economy started having problems, as then the ones who had money at that time wouldn't really be good at making money in Bennyshire and then they wouldn't really deserve to be considered good at making money in Bennyshire...and their entire economy can't have enough of this.

Why would you say all the above? Cause,

1. first way to explain What is it that people wasting others' time and effort not understanding but that exactly?

And what is it that people using money...wasting others' time and effort not understanding but what money does when money is used sensibly?

And in the end, what is it that people don't understand , when they hear that they have to not waste others' time and effort when they are using money, as ...

Money has to not increase the time and effort for what it is used to do, when it is used sensibly.

2. second way to explain Player do you know what money does...

Money doesn't do what those who have money say...

Money reduces the time and effort to trade...

Or we are stuck with idiots wasting our time and effort.

Have you ever really thought of that?

3. third way to explain

For example...

Imagine you order take away from the same place many times, and lately it takes longer and longer for the food to arrive, and the food may start getting a bit cold...and it doesn't seem to be getting better in the future, but the prices don't change... you start getting a feeling this might be a waste of your time and effort or not?


Imagine you do the same thing with the same amount of money twice from its beginning until its end , but one of the times that it takes you more time and effort.

Would you choose again and again to do it when it takes you more time and effort to do it with the same amount of money, doing the same thing?

4. final way to explain When something makes sense, it makes sense to happen again and again in reality.

When something doesn't make sense, it isn't worth out time and effort...cause... we REALLY HAVE TO?


That people view similarly over some time become…


But ways that people view similarly


…common sense.

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