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Islay without the alcohol?

So, I love me some smoky, peaty, briny Islay... but for a variety of reasons I'm looking for something without the booze. I'm not expecting a whole lot here, but hoping there's something better than what I've investigated so far.

Things I've looked at:

  • Teas. There are a couple (Edinburgh & Harney) that do reasonably well as a general 'lightly smoked tea with a hint of whiskey flavor,' probably the best option I've found. The Harney & Sons in particular has enough smoke to it, though it's more of a bourbon than a scotch, so nothing there for peat/brine.
  • Non-alcoholic spirits. For my nickel these are basically the same as teas, just dramatically more expensive- not on the level of a good bottle of scotch, but still a chunk of change for what's really flavored water. Some of them try to replicate the ethanol burn with peppercorn or capsaicin, which is interesting, but I've not found one that really excites me.
  • Extract. Yet to actually try this, it'll be here next week. At best I could see a few drops in some carbonated water, but I'm not expecting a lot.

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