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Plans announced for the first tidal energy plant in Southeast Asia

The 1MW project, which is expected to deploy in late 2025, will use Inyanga’s innovative HydroWing tidal stream technology.

The HydroWing tidal stream turbines will be connected to the electrical network of Capul, an off-grid island currently relying on a 750 kW diesel power plant. The first stage of the project consists of a 1MW tidal power plant, to be connected into a microgrid network coupled with Solar PV and energy storage, delivering a reliable, sustainable, and cost-competitive alternative to fossil-based power generation.

Here's the diesel power plant that it's replacing

There's been a huge push for large scale tidal projects recently with proposals for several in big rivers in the UK but I think these smaller projects are really interesting too, replacing the islands diesel generator means they won't need regular diesel deliveries and so not only will have far more reliable power but also one less dirty cargo ship polluting the area - hopefully the limited amount of vehicles on the island can be replaced with electric especially ebikes and electric outboards so that they never need any fuel delivered - and when all the islands start doing it the boat delivering fossil fuels will no long be required and the port it sails from can clean up a bit without all the oil based products, maybe even remove the pipeline feeding it entirely if the demand for boat fuel has decreased enough due to cheap electrical prices.

It's a relatively small project but filling an important niche, will be really interesting to see how it works out.

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