
The Jeff Minter Story rated Mature, and not just because his fans are old enough to have prostate issues


A few days ago, a warning flashed on my Xbox Series. "The Jeff Minter Story now rated MA-18!" I was thinking to myself, "What fresh hell do we have here? Did they find naked llamas in the game? Or a hidden game, like Hot Coffee in Grand Theft Auto? Eww, them's some gross implications there."

Evidently it wasn't so much the content of the GAMES as it was the content in the VIDEOS, where the always shaggy and psychedelic Yak used language as colorful as the visuals in his audio synthesizers. It looks like as a result, there will be an update to the game where Minter's expletives will be given a good bleeping for the sake of a younger rating.

(Let's be honest with ourselves, though. You really don't need to ask Jeff Minter fans for ID. They're old enough to drink, and experience the ravages of male pattern baldness. You might as well card the guy ordering a margarita at a Jimmy Buffet concert. May he sip in peace.)

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