
Spoilers C3E90] Episode Discussion

Spoilers C3E90] Episode Discussion

Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST

Runtime Break start
4h 18m 2h 06m

Episode 90: Mission: Improbable

Deep inside the moon of Ruidus, into the crux of the main core of its long hidden civilization, the capital city of Kreviris. Here in Vaterra Kreviris (the subterranean mass of this metropolis) you have made allies with the Volition (the resistance force that has long fought against the Weave Mind and the Imperium that rules over pretty much all living sentient beings here on the moon.
They've been discussing their plans, many of which are to transpire today. The initial one being a sabotage detonation of their core digging tunnel beneath the glass pillar that marks the center of the city; that distraction setting off multiple other tracks.
You decided to split and be part of two of these four missions, with indicating left planning to be part of the demolition crew alongside Ira Wendagoth, the Nightmare King himself, and indicating right being part of a search and rescue mission for a spy/operative for the Volition that has gone missing.
As you've gathered your materials, you've requested some of the general notes as well as some of the other things that might be pertinent to Evoroa (the individual you're seeking; this Bormodo scientist working among the various engineers). You've gathered your things, you've had 'invisibility' and 'see invisibility' cast on most of you. At this point, as we watch the two groups diverge, we're jumping in with...
The Bombing Mission.
All of you somewhat cloaked underneath the Seeming illusion that the Nightmare King had placed you under. We have a curious looking crew here. We have the standing grey-furred Quanikka here. We have a Bormodo traveling, and a tiny myceit who is following along as Ira has taken on the form of one of the Thought Eaters.
As you scatter away (from one of the hidden exits of the current safehouse that the Volition uses), you enter the outskirts of the region of the city known as the Shawl Grotto. Here, as you look about, there is an endless, almost MC Escher-like maze of streets and stairs and stone walkways that weave and twist into each other, buildings popping out at almost odd, angular directions, built upon themselves. It's, beautiful as it is, also a bit intimidating. But Ira takes notice of all of you processing the expanse before you:

"Do not worry friends, just stay close and follow. If you see anything strange, speak up. Well, you'll see a lot of things that are strange. Anything that seems threatening."

Previous Episode "Divisive Portents"

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