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Meet Charlie. This is his lovey morning face

Meet Charlie. This is his lovey morning face

Age - ~10yrs
Weight - 10lbs
Claws - present and trimmed twice monthly
Disposition - Alpha male, but gets scared of his 7lbs sister when predator mode is activated
Favorite food - spicy chip crumbs
Intelligence on 1 to 10 - 6 (kind of derpy but knows about twenty words and does tricks for food)

Charlie was a wild feral trapped in 2017 by a shelter in Maine as part of a spay/neuter program (hence the missing ear tip). When they prepared to release him to the wild again, he had come down with a respiratory infection, and had to be treated for over a month. During that time, he became docile toward some people, so they decided to try to adopt him. They named him Banana. Prospective parents didn't like him because he was indifferent at best or hissing and growling at worst. He also didn't get along with other cats. We're suckers for cats with hard stories, so we scooped him up and brought him home as our only cat (for a time), where he quickly became my buddy. He was 13 pounds when we brought him home, but he's a much more lithe weight now. He lives with a 7 year old female tabby who is tiny and forever kitten. She and Charlie play a lot, and no matter how much he bullies her, she always gets right back in his face and doesn't back down. When he can't find her, he cries; not from loneliness, but fear of where her tiny sharp teeth will come out of hiding from.

I'll be sharing fun pictures of Charlie and his sister from time to time. Enjoy your weekend, Lemmy!

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