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The Brutalist Hotel du Lac in Tunis was an inspiration for the Sandcrawler in Star Wars.

The Brutalist Hotel du Lac in Tunis was an inspiration for the Sandcrawler in Star Wars.

The upside down hotel said to have inspired Star Wars faces demolition | CNN

The influence of Hotel du Lac in Tunis, shaped like an upside-down pyramid with serrated edges, would later be seen in the fictional Sandcrawler vehicle used by the Jawas of the Tatooine desert planet in the film.


Hôtel du Lac, Tunis - Wikipedia

The striking design, departing from traditional Arab and European architecture, made the hotel a symbol of modernism in Tunis. It remains an important example of Brutalism in North Africa. Its distinctive shape has prompted comparisons with the sandcrawler vehicle of the Star Wars films.


The hotel was privatised in the 1990, but it fell into disrepair and closed in 2000. It was bought by the Libyan Arab Foreign Investment Company (LAFICO) in 2013, which proposed demolishing the building and spending up to $100m to replace it with a new five-star hotel tower. Concerns about imminent demolition were raised again in 2019.

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