
Former Nuclear Regulatory Commission chair argues nuclear power isn’t a climate solution

My opinion

  • Storing the nuclear waste for millions of years underneath our kids feet is unpredictable, no one should carry such burden or leave that to the next generation.
  • Waiting for next Tsunami, earthquake etc. to hit the next reactor is also not an option. Most reactors need water, which means they are build near an ocean, or water resource like a dam, small lake, sea etc.
  • We cannot foresee entirely climate change and its outcome, at best only simulate, speculate, and this means we cannot foresee what mother nature will do next. Next incident will occur and you cannot shutdown the reactor within 2 minutes and even if you could, there is still the dangerous uranium which could leak if there is severe damage.

We should invest and research in secure alternatives. The govt should do everything in their power to push renewable energies and warning systems in case mother nature decides that it is time to release something bad.

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