Bevy Binette Now 100%

Issues with minesweeper algorithm

I don't know if it's the best place to ask this, but I've been having issues with trying to make minesweeper with bevy.

I tried making a function that would give the number of mines around the tile that was clicked if it wasn't a mine. Then, I wanted to make it so that when the number of mines around the clicked tiles is 0, it reveals the surrounding tiles. Finally, I tried making the function recursive by rerunning it on the empty surrounding tiles.

The issue is that it seems that certain tiles with no mines surrounding them don't reveal the surrounding tiles.

Here's the portion of the code I am talking about (I know it's pretty bad):

fn find_surrounding_mines(
                          mut set: ParamSet<(
                          mut surrounding_mines: EventWriter<SurroundingMines>,
                          mut query_board: Query<&mut Board>,
                          mut change_tile_image: EventWriter<ChangeTileImage>,
                        mut query_mine: Query<(&Mine, &mut Tile)>) {
    let dy: [i8; 8] = [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1];
    let dx: [i8; 8] = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1];
    let board = query_board.single_mut();
    let mut num_mine: u8 = 0;
    let mut y: u8 = 0;
    let mut copy_x: usize = 0;
    let mut tile_read:bool = false;
    let mut copy_num_mine:u8 = 0;
    for tile in set.p0().read(){
        for (row_index, vector) in board.tiles.iter().enumerate(){
            if let Some(x) = vector.iter().position(|&x|x == tile.0) {
                copy_x = x;
                y = row_index as u8;
                for i in 0..8{
                    if x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{
                        if let Ok((_mine,mut tile)) = query_mine.get_mut(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(x as i8+ dx[i]) as usize]){
                            num_mine += 1;
                            tile.hidden = false;
        change_tile_image.send(ChangeTileImage{tile: tile.0, asset: "Minesweeper_LAZARUS_21x21_".to_string() + &num_mine.to_string() + ".png"});
        copy_num_mine = num_mine;
        num_mine = 0;
        tile_read = true;

    if copy_num_mine == 0 && tile_read{
            tile_read = false;
            for i in 0..8{
                if copy_x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && copy_x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{
                    if let Ok((_mine, mut tile)) = query_mine.get(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize]){
                        println!("{:?}", (y as i8 + dy[i], copy_x as i8 + dx[i]));
                        set.p1().send(TileEntity(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize]));

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