
Riot Please - Solo Queue Drafting

There are two big problems with drafting in solo queue right now. One is that if you're flexible and/or pick to help the team comp, you're likely to be dodged. Two is that dodges are a horrible user experience. Nobody wants to sit in 2-3 separate queues for ten minutes going through drafts that get dodged if you counter the enemy team too hard. Nobody wants to get their off meta champion banned because they showed it in the previous champ select.

Drafting is 100% part of the game and should be treated as such. The people "winning" a draft should get some kind of LP, whether that's through playing a game where they have an advantage, or just straight LP for a dodge or afk.

Dodges and afks should lose full LP, and that LP should be distributed to the opposing team. If you queue up for a game, play it.

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