
They want you to think what's happening in Venezuela is about "authoritarianism". It's not.It's about who ultimately controls more than $14 trillion in mineral resources...

They want you to think what's happening in Venezuela is about "authoritarianism". It's not.It's about who ultimately controls more than $14 trillion in mineral resources...


They want you to think what's happening in Venezuela is about "authoritarianism". It's not.

It's about who ultimately controls more than $14 trillion in mineral resources - a national government or Western globalist bankster elites?

It's about which geopolitical bloc will gain access and influence over these resources - the Western global financial empire or the emerging BRICS trading system?

What's happening in Venezuela is part of a broader historical struggle between national movements and a system that condemns them to perpetual underdevelopment as cheap exporters to Western oligarch cartels like Blackrock and ExxonMobil.

"Democracy" and "authoritarianism" are slogans that Western gangsters use as cudgels whenever their material interests are threatened.

If you're buying what Elon Musk is selling, you might as well believe in Santa Claus.

[Image, description below]

[Map of Venezuela and Bolivar shown and where Gas, Oil Reserves, and Mineral are locations. Also shows data of "Countries with the largest reserves in billions of barrels." Venezuela has 301, Saudi Arabia has 266, Iran has 155, Iraq has 147, Kuwait has 101,


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