anime AmericaDelendaEst • Now • 100%

Dahlia in Bloom is also a fun anime so far

I'm 5 episodes in but basically the premise is it's OP'S favorite brand of slop, an isekai, where a woman works herself to death and gets reincarnated as the daughter of a magical artificer. She ends up learning artificery from him and invents things like a hair dryer and waterproof fabric (i.e. 'plastic' but from slimes). She ends up engaged to her fellow apprentice, who immediately turns into a total tool, telling her she's "too tall" with heels on, criticizing her hair, her glasses, etc. Fuck this guy, what a nerd. Then he has the audacity to have an affair and leave her- but that's okay, he sucked anyway and she's got a sick ass artificer's tower to live in. He had to pay her reparations, lol get fucked loser!

Also she meets a cute knight guy who actually doesn't suck, except he's all "😌 i could just be her friend for eternity 😌" so you know it's going to be a long and arduous journey until they fuckin kiss already (unless they don't and i've just been trolling myself)

Im giving it 4 out of 5 slop stars so far

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