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Korean buff Jesus is gone

Korean buff Jesus is gone

I guess some of you have seen one of the pictures go around the internet of the Korean buff Jesus statue. Just today I saw it on r/funny and r/korea: https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/14gbeuo/korean_crossfit_jesus_is_this_a_real_thing_in/

I went there to see it two years ago, and I found the place, but the whole thing was gone. You could still see where it once was, it was in kind of the backyard of a christian church, but that church also seemed empty, at least nobody was there so I couldn't ask anyone about it.

Then I drove away and stopped at another church not far away. There was a priest and we asked him about the Korean buff Jesus and he said nobody knows exactly but some year or so before I went there was a big fight between the Buddhists and the Christians around there and the Christians destroyed or stole some Buddha and people thing that in retaliation the Buddhists stole the buff Jesus. At least that were the rumors this christian priest heard.

It's a shame that it's gone because it was an awesome depiction of the son of God.

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