
Debunking Liu Xiaobo, a proimperialist buffoon

If youve ever heard the name "Liu Xiaobo" in western media, you probably imagine some "heroic freedom and human rights loving Gandhi style advocate murdered by evil CCP regime". However, a detailed read at his Wikipedia article quickly proves otherwise. Liu was either a CIA paid provocateur or a self hating bootlicker angry to the world for having been born chinese instead of "white", and i will prove so in this post.

Liu was born in a communist family, his father being a loyal CPC member. Li grew up during the Cultural Revolution, which made him prone to maoist ideas. However, in the mid 1980s, as he graduated university, he became increasingly anticommunist and prowest. He started saying chinese culture was "vile and corrupt" and that China should embrace "western values".

He proclaimed in 1988 "modernization means wholesale westernization, choosing a human life is choosing a Western way of life. The difference between the Western and the Chinese governing system is humane vs in-humane, there's no middle ground ... Westernization is not a choice of a nation, but a choice for the human race". This is already quite the bootlicker moment, but it gets worse.

When asked what it would take for China to realize a true historical transformation, Liu said "[It would take] 300 years of colonialism. In 100 years of colonialism, Hong Kong has changed to what we see today. With China being so big, of course it would require 300 years as a colony for it to be able to transform into how Hong Kong is today. I have my doubts as to whether 300 years would be enough". This mf is defending colonization of his own country! But it gets worse.

Liu participated in the 1989 Color Revolution in China, and was imprisoned for it. After that, his views became even more extreme. He was a huge fan of George W Bush and fully supported the War on Terror, including the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, saying that this was "one of the best examples of how war should be conducted in a modern civilization".

He also added "regardless of the savagery of the terrorists, and regardless of the instability of Iraq's situation, and, what's more, regardless of how patriotic youth might despise proponents of the United States such as myself, my support for the invasion of Iraq will not waver. Just as, from the beginning, I believed that the military intervention of Britain and the United States would be victorious, I am still full of belief in the final victory of the Freedom Alliance and the democratic future of Iraq, and even if the armed forces of Britain and the United States should encounter some obstacles such as those that they are currently facing, this belief of mine will not change".

On Islam, he said that "a culture and (religious) system that has produced this kind of threat (Islamic fundamentalism) must be inherently intolerant and bloodthirsty". He was also a huge supporter of Israel, saying that "without America's protection, the long persecuted Jews who faced extermination during World War II, would probably be drowned once more by the Islamic world's hatred".

In 2008, Liu signed "Charter 08", a US sponsored manifesto calling for the overthrow of the CPC, the mass privatization of all state assets and the immediate institution of shock therapy neoliberalism in China. For this he was imprisoned and somehow received the Nobel Peace Prize. Nothing more peaceful than calling for a coup and neoliberalism right? Liu died in prison in 2017, good riddance!

Show this to any lib idiot who stans Liu Xiaobo.


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