
Talking to libs about imperialism

Talking to libs about imperialism

Pic related: translation of a brazilian meme-page.

As we have seen, libs have lost their minds both at the Ukraine and Taiwan situation and they are hating whoe the state dpt. tells them to. Things like this will keep happening, obviously, and we will likely engage in discussions on the internet (and most importantly, in real life) about this.

I saw an post about someone asking how coukd we talk to people during protests ina succint way and, although we will not convert them overnight, I think I have an awnser for that post. I coundnt find it though and I have a question for you first world comrades, specially americans.

Do you think presenting the fact that in all of the modern day conflicts (like Taiwan, Palestine, Ukraine, etc) USA is involved could have any effect? If China really is that bad why aren't they helping Russia sending weapons to them or something? Why arent Russia and China meddling in the Israel/Palestine situation? Why is the US involved in every single one of these situations when they have so much problem to deal with internally?

I know some people would (again) call us Tankies and say "anti-americanism is not an ideology" but this can be easily dismissed by stating that US does this because loosing it's hegemony also means loosing their tight grip on the american people themselfs. The idea here is to link the american worker struggle to the anti-imperialist struggle. Is point out that the same government aiding neo-nazis in Ukraine is aiding neo-nazis in america, the same woman creating a fuss over Taiwan is a corrupt who is taking away from them even the most remote change they need and want. The same government killing us in the third world through their army is the one killing them through the cops, all while claiming they are here "to protect and serve". So opposing american imperialism is not just helping people out there in the world but also people here in the US.

Do you guys think talking like this could ease the conversation and maybe break through people in a quick way? Obviously its not "deprograming" them but it's kinda giving them the chance to do so. What do you think?

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