
Black Panthers sticker from UP (Unidade Popular pelo socialismo)

Black Panthers sticker from UP (Unidade Popular pelo socialismo)

This is a sticker from Unidade Popular - (UP!) a recently created (2019) brazilian marxist-leninist party. It has it's origins in movements that fight for better life conditions for those living in the perifery of our country, such as the MLB (Movimento de luta nos bairros, vilas e favelas).

UP defends that only through socialism we will be able to end racism, hunger and poverty in Brasil. The name of the party is inspired by Allende's Unidade Popular, but this is not their only inspiration, they also uphold the Black Panther Party as an example to be followed.

The party is small and very young, so they have a lot of potential to grow. In the elections that will happen this sunday, they have one candidate running for president - one of the founders and current president of the party Leonardo Péricles. Although he has no real chance to win,specially after being censored by the bourgeois media, the idea is to use the election as a means to present the party and its popular project to the population and advance in reorganizing the working class.

Decided to bring this to you guys because I wont be able to finish all my gigaposts before the elections, so I'll post some stuff before the elections this sunday just for you guys to know the MLs of Brasil and what we are up to

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