Homestead MapleEngineer Now 70%

It's almost chicken day.

A few weeks ago we got 40 (45) broilers. They're almost done.

We had to change our delivery date because I was going to be in Atlanta and my wife was going to be in Toronto. We had to switch hatcheries to get an earlier delivery date but the abattoir couldn't accommodate the change so I'm going to end up processing them myself on the homestead. These ones are for our own freezer. We're not allowed to sell them if they aren't processed at the abattoir where they can be government inspected.

I've got a note out to a local woman who wanted to come to learn how to do it herself. My wife's friend's son also wants to come learn.

It's a valuable skill to have if you're going to raise chickens for meat. It's especially important if the poop hits the fan and you can't get them processed at the abattoir because there's a zombie apocalypse or something.

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