Pigrow RoboGroMo Now 100%

New version of the Pi released, pigrow should work fine with it, we don't really need any of the extra performance so i still prefer the 3 and Zero for their lower cost and power usage.

There are a couple of cool features that i'll be testing out at some point, they now have two dual use camera and display ports which will make it much easier to make a camera that measures photosynthesis (using a regular and IR camera next to each other) - you might have seen be doing this before using two zeros which worked but was awkward, this should make it much easier and maybe we can film a spring timelapse of a landscape changing.

the new PCIe access is likely to bring some interesting new additions to the Pi ecosystem, while a lot of focus is likely to be on crypto we'll no doubt see a lot of GPU/Compute modules tailed to AI which might be fun to play with plus some of the performance upgrades already help that a lot which hopefully will allow us to start building some interesting Computer Vision tools into the pigrow, maybe even experiment with some robotics control if and when cheap and useful tools make that fun.

I can't see any fundamental changes which will require changes to the Pigrow, i assume the new dual cam ports will work with the new libcam tools so that shouldn't be a problem but of course until i'm able to test it i won't be able to say for sure and as it's expensive i doubt i'll purchase one until i have a justified use case (probably the stereo camera)

Pigrow Development News: currently filming testing and set up of water sensors for sagemoss testbox, will be making a datawall script for that and checking through everything for improvements in how it handles a cycling water system (as used in hydro grows) so hopefully that video will be out soon and close followed by others finalizing my sagemos testbox.

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