
Twenty years of taco talkin': The N-Gage celebrates its 20th anniversary


It's an inauspicious anniversary, but the N-Gage is not as awful as its reputation would suggest. It was wrong-headed in its design, with an over-encumbered button layout and a tiny vertically oriented screen, but it could push polygons in a way no other handheld of the time could, particularly the Game Boy Advance.

Damien McFarren takes a brief look at the equally brief history of the N-Gage in this Time Extension article. If you'd like a little more information about Nokia's ill-fated handheld, there are detailed video retrospectives by Stop Skeletons from Fighting and Rerez.

Apparently the machine's reputation took a swan dive into the toilet before it was even released due to a botched unveiling at E3, where an unfinished and under-powered N-Gage prototype was shown off to an unreceptive public. First impressions really are killers, it seems.

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