
Im calling bullshit part 2

The culture war IS real. While it's easy and mostly correct to say that the culture war is just bourgois media telling the masses that a culture war is going on so as to divide and conqure; it doesnt mean it ISNT true. It also doesnt mean that there arent a just side and an unjust side in this culture war.

There is no general working class.

There COULD be a "general all encompassing" working class. But that requires admitting social and cultural responsibilities within certain ranks of this so called working class. Each identity section has certain responsibilities and duties.

The culture war is not just some smoke screen to distract. And it is vulgar and sloppy to pretend that that is ALL it is and the people caught up in it are in the wrong for falling for the grift as if each side of the culture war has equal responsibility to "drop" their grievances.


There is an ocean, a GALAXY of difference between secularists or queer folks dunking on the straights and the Christians on social media and mass shootings at gay bars and trying to cram in Christian nationalism into secular law.

There is a GALAXY of difference between Black folks telling white folks in tiktok to stay home on the opening night of Black Panther 2 and a white person shooting up a Black church.

When it comes to the culture war; it is important to ask the question: Who is responsible for standing down and surrendering space? Something tells me that it is the white workers whose grievances are the illusion and not real. Something ALSO tells me that it is the colonised worker, the worker of color, the queer worker, and the non male worker who is owed the attention, who should SHAPE the cultural narrative, who should be able to speak plainly of the historical injuries and define on THEIR TERMS what should be the appropriate actions that white christian straight male workers should be doing to advance the revolution.

Ive not seen an equivalent act of terror from the marginalized that comes even remotely close to the working white terror of the so called agrieved white christian male. One of these types of people are killing people in great numbers. The others arent doing that.

And that aint just some slick deceptive talk from corporate mainstream media.

The ones that are responsible are the ones that are inspiring the violence and those doing the violence. Some people are doing the terror and others are basically saying dont do the terror. These are not the same and they're not equally responsible for culture war.

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