Knitting thegiddystitcher • Now • 100%

WIP Wednesday: Dolls are so creepy!

WIP Wednesday: Dolls are so creepy!

I've been just really slowly knitting away on a doll for a friend's baby. She asked for a recreation of the one someone knitted her when she was a baby, which would be a lovely idea except it's clearly some sort of creepy clown!

Some kind soul on Mastodon actually tracked down the original vintage pattern for me, and sure enough, creepy clown.

Anyway. I was supposed to still have a couple weeks at least to finish this, but plans have changed and she's being induced on Monday(!). So it's all systems go in every way, including gettting this weird doll done!

It will look less terrifying when it's finished, I swear. But maybe only slightly.

What's everyone else up to? Tell me we're not the only ones who didn't pack away the Halloween tablecloth yet? 😅

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