
Building a DIY ERP/Inventory Database?

I currently run operations for a small lab. I have built a fairly complex Access database from scratch in order to manage all budgeting, purchasing, inventory, and invoicing systems. I spend a bit of time each day maintaining/improving it. I am also currently in a year long computer science program learning c++. I would like more practice with sql was just curious if anyone had any recommendations for recreating my database in a more modern fashion.. Access works, but is a bit clunky/fragile.

Our software budget is nonexistent, so considering open source or from scratch. I have recreated all my tables in mysql, but is mysql the best way to go? As far as a front end, is there anything I can implement with c++? Or is this worth dabbling in another language for? I want something that I can both learn from but will also be useful/reliable enough to replace my Access database. Or would this be a total waste of time for how challenging building this from scratch would be?

Thanks! I appreciate any advice!

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