Protesters march through London with ‘I love Hezbollah’ banners
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    "Allah is above them"

    Maybe, but the flying spaghetti monster is even higher!

  • ich_iel
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Warum sollten wir enden wie eine Pinguinart?

  • Looking for a distribution that I could replicate from one computer to another
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    If you want to actually replicate one to one - any distro, and use dd or netcat to transfer the root partition. Reinstall the bootloader, update BLKIDs and you're done. Worked for me multiple times.

  • ich_iel
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Joa leckts mi am oasch i lass oalles nativ laufn

  • Good job I checked the mirror [fem]
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    That's the neat thing, you don't

  • What are your favorite statically typed, compiled, memory safe programming languages?
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 62%

    C++, with some Skill


    but seriously, I don't know any language with a good, C/Cpp-like Syntax (so not Rust), with a good compiler (again not Rust). So I'm sticking to Cpp.

  • ich🖕iel
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Du meinst sicher 11:50 am nächsten Tag? Nicht mal 20 Minuten Vorbereitungszeit ist ja unmöglich

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Doesn't Graphene not support Gapps at all?

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 83%

    And then just setting a private DNS and checking "the little lock at your address bar" fully prevents any digital sniffing of your credentials. No VPN needed.

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 66%

    If it works for you, and you found a VPN provider you can trust, or at least have the feeling of that, great! That is one of the very rare use cases where VPNs are not only useful, but actually have a purpose.

    On a broader scale, most people won't find a trustworthy VPN, and would use it for way more than they need to, essentially giving all data to the VPN company now, instead of just to the local Café or google.

    And for the bank app, there is no replacement. Google's camera can be replaced by OpenCamera, or just disallowed to access the internet, and google maps can almost perfectly be replaced by organic maps

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 50%

    If you're not relatively tech savy, a typical VPN IS the man in the middle. That's the problem. A VPN, in itself, is very good. But as you said, non-tech savy users won't be able to set up a VPN themselves, so they need to trust a company to route all their traffic, be their DNS server, not log anything, not be hacked and not give any data to current or future totalitarian governments. Not even I could recommend any VPN company that fulfills enough points there, especially the security related ones.

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 50%

    No. That's a whole different use case. We're discussing what most people in a public network should do. Some people, such as whistleblowers, journalists etc. maybe should use a VPN. For you grandparents, it would be pure snake oil. And even as such an endangered person, choosing the wrong, so almost all, VPNs would be even more dangerous.

    For your problems, a VPN could be useful, even though for the former I would use the usenet or soap2day-like sites, which do not have you seed that content. If you still want to share it, then use a VPN. ONLY for the torrent process, not for anything else, as that would still be bad for privacy and security, as the VPN company could, and most WILL, surveil and log you. And for the latter problem, don't use such apps except in closed environments or without internet access.

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 60%

    Then they won't know what a VPN is either.

  • What the hell Proton!
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 41%

    most people don't know or use encrypted DNS

    But a cybersecurity expert does. That's the point. If you know those things, VPNs become obsolete, for most people. So why not teach people about it, instead of promoting VPNs?

    And can you really trust an extremely profit focused company, that is built on user data, more than your local Café? If you're in China, sure, use a VPN, they're the lesser evil. But most spots don't have the resources or expertise to analyze and sell or otherwise misuse your logs. VPN companies not only do, most rely on it.

    If you're a highly targeted person, it's another story, but in that case your only hope is Tor or a new identity.

  • Setup Arch on New Laptop
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    For steam/gaming, you'll need vulkan-radeon or amdvlk now (, instead of nvidia-utils (which you may need to uninstall if you're using the same install). If you're using the same install, just do a

    pacman -Qq | grep nvidia

    to check for any nvidia specific packages, and replace them with generic/amd-specific packages according to logic or the Wiki.

    For selecting a GPU: and maybe Prime (

  • Here's how Google made the Pixel 9 a security juggernaut
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    But security ≠ privacy. So if you want to give all your data away, just not directly but through google, it's perfect.

    Or you could use graphene.

  • Grummz (Mark Kern) comment on Stevy Chassard (Ubisoft's Monetization Director)'s comment
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 60%

    Uhm ... "How can you wish a person to fail simply because they do not cater to you or that the produce does not please you is beyond me." - Hitler, probably, sometime.

    Your products are shit. Your company is shit. Everything you do and are is shit. You have no value. OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO VANISH AND MAKE PLACE FOR OTHER COMPANIES THAT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE THAN MONEY.

  • ich🟢iel
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Aber es war unerhaltsam. Auch mit 12 war der Schwere Gustav interessant.

  • Buy
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Problem ist: Ich habe kein Geld, aber einen Job. Und die bezahlen. Aber erst in zehn Tagen (hoffentlich endlich mal).

  • ich🟢iel
  • 30p87 30p87 Now 100%

    Gelangweilte Kinder wenn um 11 Uhr nur noch N24 was einigermaßen Guckbares bringt. N24 Doku hab ich auch immer nur N24 Hitlerdoku genannt, weil es einfach das war.

  • ich_iel
    ich_iel 30p87 Now 91%

    Konversation mit KonversationGVT [ChatGPT]. Benutzerin: "[Liedtext von Niemals werden dich aufgeben, rückwärts] Was steht da" SachsenGVT: "Es scheint, dass du den Text rückwärts geschrieben hast. Hier ist die korrekte Reihenfolge: [Augenscheinlich erfundes Lied, Marschierlied der SA, ähnlich wie das "Teufelslied"] Ist streng genommen nicht von mir, und schon älter. Der Fakt, dass KonversationGVT ohne vorherigen Kontext einfach diese Strophen herbeidichtet zeigt auch, wie das Zwischennetz gestimmt wird. Anscheinend stehen die deutschen Servierer in Sachsen.


    Schlechte Bildqualität weil Motorola + Nacht + 100% Helligkeit + 100% HDR + 50% Kontrast Edith: ![1000021326]( ![1000021324]( ![1000021325]( ![1000021323]( Noch mehr Fugs. Alles halt mit Nachsichtmodus (lange beleuchtung) weil wir den nicht verjagen wollten. Fügslein.

    ich_iel 30p87 Now 94%
    30p87 Now
    4 1K

    Lucy :3
