Here's the article if you want to read it. Its kinda esoteric but so is everything quantum physics puts out: Not super paganism related I just thought it was funny.

Keffals anticommunist arc
  • Asa_the_Red Asa_the_Red Now 100%

    Ok, She's a cringe lib and she's awful for doing shit like this and her pinkwashing photo op with that cop; but come on, she's nowhere near as horrible as Destiny. He's 1 scratch away from being a goose-stepping nazi, he literally called for protesters to be shot during the BLM protests because he didnt want them to hurt Biden's chances. There's just 2 different levels of bad here and K is way above D

  • I know an ash standing Its name Yggdrasil A high tree sprinkled with stark white clay From its boughs fall the dew drops It grows ever green over Urðr's well

    Asa_the_Red Now
    7 1

    Asa_the_Red [he/him]


    As of right now this profile is broken, idk if Ill use it again.