Mozilla will become an ad company
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Not to be too doomer but this same thing has been tried so, so many times and it has failed/ been sabotaged every time. Every single one of them. Even this one is trying to do the stupid Apple-esque, Corporate Memphis shit on their landing page. You will never be able to sell this in the modern technological hellscape. We must return to the old ways, and I'm only partly joking.

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Honestly interested in reading this if you have it saved somewhere. I have been feeling this way as someone working in tech for close to two decades and I feel more and more vindicated every day. The web of the future looks like the web of the 80s (maybe the 90s if we can behave) because these mother fuckers kill everything they touch. Technological "progress" for progress' sake means nothing. I AM LUDDITE MAN / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COMPUTERS

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 94%

    I used text-only browsers back when web2.0 shit was just getting started for years and I am prepared to go back to them. We don’t need any of this. We never have.

    And, pivot-to-video be damned, the most effective and useful technical tutorials are text-based, especially since they can be easily updated and maintained.

    This is correct but it is such a frustratingly hard sell to a younger generation, in my experience. Every god damn thing is in Discord now, a glorified IRC server with less security (somehow!) and minimal if any capabilities for locally hosted backups, and no one gives a shit lol. Decades of YouTube videos can not be archived, but it doesn’t matter. Hit that little bell icon, gamers

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    We really don’t need the modern web.

  • College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Why do you trust the state line on Covid? I am too tired of constantly fighting minimization as a medically vulnerable person to have energy to argue this point much farther, but I have a critical eye on the same institutions that went against the then-known science and claimed that children weren’t affected by it, also claiming for years that it spread via water droplets and fomites (not aerosols)…etcetera etcetera. The science is and has been very, very clear on mortality, comorbidity, the nature of the virus and the means of prevention — means of prevention we have decided not to follow and have not followed for years, while a highly novel virus which we know to mutate rapidly to evade immunity was not eliminated. I am not interested in what state-provided graphs have to say when every western state has done all in their power to prevent reporting on or having anything to do with the virus.

  • College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Covid is still spreading so wearing masks both protects you and others from the spread of debilitating and deadly disease and as an added bonus is a very cheap and easy way to make sure this particular brand of bullshit never happens to you. I cannot think of a simpler solution.

  • College students used Meta’s smart glasses to dox people in real time
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Where are you referring to? You should be wearing a mask for Covid anyway.

  • Sports is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 50%

    Just going to start mass blocking when I see sports shit. I don’t care if the USSR and China were/are into sports. This is not a “burgerland” exclusive phenomena either; have you seen international football…? The real one? It’s just as bad, everyone. Sorry if that makes me a bad communist or whatever inane shit it is you all want to say to defend your particular brand of consumption you’re feeling called out for lmfao

  • Sports is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    You were actually referring to “exercise”, so I wish you had said all of this instead.

  • I really thought libs would care about genocide even a tiny bit
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Yes, I don't think it's doomer at all to have been flung out of a catapult and seeing where you're headed. I do not look forward to the next decade.

  • I really thought libs would care about genocide even a tiny bit
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Normal people will find out soon how bad the lies have been, and how bad Biden is. This will have an effect on a pretty substantial number of people.

    Genuine question, what do you think the result of this will be? Because my outlook is not optimistic, to say the least. “Normal” people are simply libs waiting to be scratched, here.

  • Fidel Catstro
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%


  • China has been vaccinating their bird populations for 20 years, so why aren't we?
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Happened to my mother who was a worker in 2020. Said she saw people die of Covid who would not believe they had it. Their families wouldn’t, either. Now when they die of Covid even the hospitals say it’s something else to deny it. I don’t know how to not be doomer about this tbh.

  • Israel to launch imminent ground invasion into Lebanon
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Nobody really wants war. Nobody except Israel, apparently.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Ohh, yeah I do remember that now. Team plasma was it? Really fucking sucked I agree. ever since galactic I feel this way about enemy Pokémon groups…they’re either not grounded at all in any sort of relatable way (galactic, plasma, flare), they're just a worse rocket (aether), or they’re not even a syndicate at all and just hooligans (skull, yell, star). At least that last group can be interesting, but they’re so mired in the ungrounded nonsense now that I just don’t care.

  • Is it "comrad" or "comrayd"?
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    frauddog, are you too a XIV?! There's so many of us here!!

  • New nasal spray offers 99.99% protection against flu, pneumonia, COVID-19
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    I understand this is neat and all but the one thing I never see mentioned is how on earth I am to believe this is all going to be more accessible to the average person than a box of 400 N95s on Amazon for 100 bucks (often even cheaper and not-from-Amazon if you shop around) — or a local mask bloc helping for free.

    We already have access to all the tools and methods we need to end the pandemic right now if we really wanted to — and I genuinely mean this. China proved it. New Zealand proved it. These very same methods are likely to be far, far more accessible to most everyone than whatever hot new panacea that may or may not even come, and we won’t do them, especially not after however long it’s been now of people not giving a shit anymore. They ended all the welfare programs that benefited everyone even seeking treatment or prevention to begin with and most insurances do not cover vaccinations for Covid anymore. Why would this be any different? Will they give this to everyone for free when it’s ready and it cures/gives total immunity to Covid? In five years? Ten? They don’t do it now.

    I don’t want to disparage genuine scientific efforts, that is not my intent at all, but the excitement for things like this imo seems to stem not from a desire for accessibility or justice but from a desire for comfort and complacency — i.e. no one masks anyway, might as well do what appeals to them instead of advocate militantly for what should be done — and that just really bums me out. The people most clamoring for the magic pill or shot or spray are the ones also clamoring for 2019 the most. 2019 is dead and it is not coming back.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    It has been a long time since I played it, and I don't think I finished it. What was propaganda to you? I don't think I ever got that impression, but I may just not remember it.

  • I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • Ivysaur Ivysaur Now 100%

    Until Diamond and Pearl made everything kind of stupid the games were very much about environmentalism and had a lot of hints about animal liberation, too (somewhat ironically -- I try to keep in mind it is still a video game, after all). The arcs of Mewtwo, Rocket, and Cinnabar are genuinely compelling existential narratives that are only ever hinted at and briefly expanded in the first movie. You do not see stuff like this at all with this franchise, anymore.

    For Ruby and Sapphire specifically, this is one of my absolute favorite videos analyzing the historical context around the games' development and what they try to say with their themes. 100% worth a watch if you enjoy the old Pokemon games like me.


    It is a reddit link and there are some pretty bad comments so beware, but I came upon this and appreciated the eloquence. > I've been seeing some discussion about being peer pressured into not taking precautions and throwing in the towel and I think it's really, REALLY important for folks to understand that it is actually a privilege to find yourself genuinely weighing the option to quit. > > Many of our ranks do not have this choice because they are disabled and/or immunocompromised, and I think that gets ignored too often in this sub. Many have Long Covid and have had their lives completely destroyed. They've lost far more than just social interaction, restaurants, etc., (and that's not to diminish those losses, but to illustrate how much worse it can be.) > >Now we are ALL facing immense societal pressure to conform (that's just the base state of existence for a covid informed individual) but the stakes for the disabled members of our community are so high that they don't even get to consider the option of buckling to peer pressure. Sadly that position has been made 100x worse by people who had more of a choice and chose the easy way out. It's incredibly difficult to do the right thing in these times just as it's always hard to stand against historical atrocities that have been adopted by the masses. When having these discussions it's crucial to remember that if you find yourself with the luxury to just abandon precautions to fit in with the crowd, that is not the choice of society but a choice of your own. > > EDIT: I want to make it clear I'm not referring to people who physically cannot mask, cannot access masks, or find themselves in some kind of genuine peril for masking. I'm talking about people caving to peer pressure. And yes, I'm aware there are some disabled/immunocompromised folks who also minimize covid and don't take precautions. I'm aware in that sense that it's *technically* still a choice for them to do that, but it is not a *practical* choice for a great many vulnerable people who value their lives. This is not a game. This is not virtue signalling - a real-ass comment about wearing a mask I saw on another comm here! It is life or death and should be treated as such. ::: spoiler enter at ye own peril Unchecked ableism is a huge blind spot everywhere I look, even here. There are rules for negligence about neurodivergence, physical disability et al, but a collective dismissal when it comes to Covid is a-ok pretty much site-wide as long as you don't explicitly talk about it like a conspiracy rag. The trans mega talks about pride marches and conventions. The general mega talks about bars, movies. The news mega talks about direct action and protests. There ain't no fucking precautions happening here, babes. I know there aren't, I see the fuckin photos. I go outside. I'll go back to my silo and talk about the elephant in the room slowly and not-so-slowly killing us where no one has to see it if they don't want to - another choice I do not get to make. It is all so un-serious. I am so tired. :::


    cross-posted from: > I posted this some time ago under my other account which I nuked along with everything else, and by now I've got a fancy pants recruitment page & a cool grafika in the works...though this is not my strong suit as you may be able to tell by my charming WIP banner: > > ![]( > > (the community finder page is still using a placeholder until I'm happy with it, lol) > > Is this cringe? Yeah maybe but who cares, kill the cringe cop in your head. I love this game and I'm a mostly-housebound immunocompromised person who's been completely isolated from public life & organizing for the "better" part of the last five years; I want to do something about it in the meager ways I'm still able to. Feel free to delete this if I'm doing a personal shill too much or whatever, but I want to get the word out where people who actually care may exist.


    I posted this some time ago under my other account which I nuked along with everything else, and by now I've got a fancy pants recruitment page & a cool grafika in the works...though this is not my strong suit as you may be able to tell by my charming WIP banner: ![]( (the community finder page is still using a placeholder until I'm happy with it, lol) Is this cringe? Yeah maybe but who cares, kill the cringe cop in your head. I love this game and I'm a mostly-housebound immunocompromised person who's been completely isolated from public life & organizing for the "better" part of the last five years; I want to do something about it in the meager ways I'm still able to. Feel free to delete this if I'm doing a personal shill too much or whatever, but I want to get the word out where people who actually care may exist.


    The allure of the best emoji game in the Lemmyverse and very cool pronoun tags has caused me to return from a slumber in some filthy Pokéball, probably. I just can’t stop myself from shouting about Covid, too. Wear a mask, you lowlifes. Hello!

    Ivysaur Now
    5 88

    Ivysaur [she/her]


    A non-stop attack move. The user's ATTACK power increases every time it sustains damage.