Ubisoft meme
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    There is already one Assault Rifle locked behind the premium battlepass that they are advertising.

  • Hey does anyone know how to get microsoft suite apps on linux?
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    If you are brave and have time: Wine

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    Trying my hardest to get Legoland, a 2000s game to run on Wine. Now it only crashes when you don't skip a cut scene or when you try to open the map

  • Noticably lower standby battery drain with Fedora 40
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    Running Fedora as a secondary OS from a Thunderbolt SSD. What I can tell you is that my Bios still seems to be in charge (pun intended) of the charging cycles since it wouldn't charge past 80% and I never set this in Fedora.

    Otherwise runtime seems about average under use and the estimated time left on the charge seems correct.

  • American allies worry the U.S. is growing less dependable, whether Trump or Biden wins
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 92%

    Aww is wittle america sick of it's powsition as a dominant worldpower it so happily established at the end of the cold war? Tough shit! You kept your allies small and actively worked to keep the 3rd world nations dependent. Now deal with it!

  • comics
    Comics Now
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  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    Not saying we didn't do that before but the convenience and accessibility of 8 small pieces with no fumbling around, ready to eat just made the difference.

  • comics
    Comics Now
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  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    I shit you not the best thing to boost fruit consumption was an apple slicer. Just push down on the apple with the slicer and there are 8 pieces ready to eat.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 50%

    I was installing on an external ssd. So basically a live bootable ssd

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    I am tempted to say I would try to configure that but looking at the (rightful) backlash I got so far I will stay away from that for now.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 75%

    Did you though? What instructions began with "Install VirtualBox"?

    None 🙈 I just assumed I could replace the USB I would need for a live media.

    Did you even try just booting the ISO directly?

    I was under the impression just slapping the ISO onto the USB and trying to run from the boot menu selector would not work.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 44%

    Nono I was going for a multi boot portable install.

    The T7 is an external SSD. I got Ventoy to work on the T7 with Fedora (also with Tails), I just couldn't get the persistence to work for Fedora too. I think that's where I took a wrong turn. Instead of trying to figure out how to get that "selinux=0" command to work for Fedora, I should have properly reassessed my goal and started from scratch. I kinda fell victim to the sunk cost fallacy.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 50%

    Um. multiple Linux OS's?

    I fcked up with the terminology there. Should be Distro's 🙈

    Using VMs to what? Why?

    I thought I could take the ISO, run it as a live media from the VM and then install the Distro onto the SSD using the media creation tool that pop's up first thing after starting it. That's at least how I remembered doing it back in the day for the Ubuntu sticks I created back in school

    My friend - you took the hard path here for somebody not "technical enough for Arch". Dual-booting is tricky to begin with nevermind doing so with Windows and external media involved.

    When I started in October I had the innocent belief I could just read through the documentation and I could get it to work.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 28%

    I expected some difficulty but I didn't expect that creating a drive with two distros and a third partition for file storage to be this difficult. Even if we shave it down to my current goal (one Distro and a file storage partition) I have more trouble than I would expect the average user to bare.

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 100%

    I'll wait till Tuesday. Thank you for the heads up! The reason I choose to use a VM over a live USB is because I just don't have another 16GB USB lying around that works for Linux. I honestly didn't know that the ISO in the VM would behave so differently. Is that simply a limitation of the Distro or is this intentional?

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 42%

    • I explicitly wanted to not have yet another USB. I still think Whonix will work will be enough for what I need :) • Can't fully commit to Linux yet. I still need Windows for work. • Thank you for the advice :)

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 33%

    Well I was thinking I was doing it when I installed Fedora through the Fedora Media writer 😅 The Grub rabbit hole really just came after I tried to figure out how I could get that boot option to work that Ventoy required

  • My Linux Odyssey (Or how difficult it is to put on a hat)
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 16%

    The SSD is external and I wanted to boot into multiple Linux Distros. It seems like Ventoy is the only one to allow me that without relying on the windows bootloader on my laptop

  • Back in October I bought myself a [new shiny SSD](https://www.samsung.com/at/memory-storage/portable-ssd/portable-ssd-t7-1tb-red-mu-pc1t0r-ww/) to finally make the first step of leaving behind Windows. After enquiring about which [Distro to use](https://christitus.com/choose-linux-distro/), I settled on Fedora after being fed up with using Ubuntu in the past and feeling not close to technically skilled enough to use Arch. The original plan was to have the SSD hold multiple Linux OS as well as a common storage that can be accessed from Windows as well as these distros. Since I wanted to be able to dual boot multiple OS (Fedora & Tails) I choose Ventoy … Well chose is a strong word. It’s the only software for dual booting that still seems to be maintained. While reading up on Ventoy I hit my fist snag. Ventoy does not support persistence in Tails. “Okay whatever I can deal with that later as long as I am able to store some file on common folder I’m fine” However dear reader who knows about partitioning, you will know that we are running out of space on the partition table with Ventoy, Tails and Fedora each taking up space. Once again I thought “okay whatever, I can figure that out later” and moved on to Fedora. Now, running Fedora without persistence through Ventoy is no issue, but as soon you want persistence it gets tricky. See, Fedora cannot just with run persistence off Ventoy. It needs a [boot option edited](https://www.ventoy.net/en/plugin_persistence.html). How this is accomplished? No one even in the Ventoy Forum could [tell me.](https://forums.ventoy.net/showthread.php?tid=2747) and I felt waaay in over my head when I started reading up on Grub and how to edit the Bootloader files I find somewhere while digging through the ISO with 7zip. So I started reading up what this “selinux” option even is and found out that, [I should probably not disable it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/zny79j/what_makes_disabling_selinux_a_big_deal/) to begin with. “Oookay” I thought slightly desperate, “I guess Ventoy is off the table” Luckily, a few weeks later, I found out about Whonix. Thus, a new play formed in my head: Ditch Ventoy and Tails, part the SSD to make it usable as a normal file storage and keep the other partition with persistent Fedora with Whonix. “Okay, that seems already waaay easier. I installed Ubuntu before from a VM to USB Sticks for school, I can do the same with Fedora. I’m basically already on the finishing straight” Well no. Turns out, running a VM comes with its own snags. Like how VMware really is only working great if you buy a licence or the fact that Virtualbx automatically set’s the USB Standard of each VM to USB 2.0 meaning you will need to reboot the live OS to make the SSD running under 3.0 visible for installation. There goes another 20 minutes down the drain. After fiddling around with the partition manager in Fedora and reading up on the [documentation](https://jfearn.fedorapeople.org/fdocs/en-US/Fedora/20/html/Installation_Guide/s1-diskpartitioning-x86.html) surrounding this issue (and finding out that it is more than 15(!) Version behind the current setup (it was a nice read tho)) another slap happened, to my already failing believe that this project would work out. Partitioning the SSD with a home, boot, swap and EFI System Partition, can leave enough space on the Disk but no extra space on the partition table. “Well, guess I have to mount a LVM Partiton somewhere” I thought and moved on in the hope to at least get Fedora finally running on the SSD. But alas, my BIOS just decided to throw the [most generic error](https://prnt.sc/GeH162lQztCg) ever. Upon searching the web I found about [this bug](https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/install-media-dont-boot-in-uefi-mode-on-certain-motherboards/71376) which apparently has been open since Fedora 37. So on the chance of me having said issue because of this bug, I got Fedora 36 and repeated the steps of creating a VM (don’t forget about that USB2 issue, or you will lose 20 minutes again) and installing it on the SSD. Presumably because I have an unmaintained version of Fedora which is 3 version behind the current one, installing Fedora on the SSD took more than an hour. (opposed to the 30 minutes it took me with 38.) And after all that hassle? Still nothing. I still get that Bios Error and I still can’t run Fedora, and I have to say I’m sick and tired of it. I’m not a complete idiot (in most ways of life) but I cannot for the love of me figure out how I will ever get this to work. Or how the average user (who, let’s assume for the sake of my argument, is also not a complete idiot) is supposed to make this work. The hoops I jumped through, the hours of time wasted waiting for a status bar to update, the time spent googling and reading up on seemingly obscure issues, no average user wants to do this. It’s utopian to assume “oh users will just switch if Microsoft just does this or that stupid thing”. Whatever will happen, these users will not come in troves to Linux. This experience, which I can only describe as “running blind through a mirror maze” is masochistic. And I can’t do it any more. Maybe six months down the road, when brain damage finally has me forgotten the headache this journey has caused, I will pick this project up again. For now, I just really needed to write this rant, or I fear this day spent troubleshooting was for nothing. Edit: Thank you to everybody for reading through my, I gotta say now, quite ignorant, post. Also thank you to most posters. Most comments were quite helpful and kind. A few things that I might not have explained the best way. The goal of the project was threefold: •Have a removable drive with Linux on to slowly ease myself into this new OS while still having Windows as a fallback on the laptop •Have it also work as a normal storage drive in the windows environment. (preferably without seeing any Linux folders in Window explorer) •Have some kind of secure privacy option available to browse Anna's archive for ebooks.

    Du willst "{"? Ich gebe dir BAM 'nen Screenshot!
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 50%

    Ich versteh’ das Problem hier nicht... Hat mein aktueller Laptop so, und meine PC Tastatur hat hier sogar noch den FN Key dabei... Außerdem warum fehlt dir "{"? Das liegt oben bei der 7...

  • Chinese scientists increase F-22 fighter jet’s radar signature 60,000 times with new detection method: study
  • K4mpfie K4mpfie Now 80%

    I mean 1996 is still reasonably new 🤷‍♂️ I wouldn't disregard this achievement as easily as you do. Especially since this is just the research that is released to the public. If they can do this it is not without doubt that they have even more capabilities they're not sharing openly.

  • Source (I think): https://jakelikesonions.com/post/146212043944/amp

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    K4mpfie@ lemmy.ml