Guess that's it?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Here's a secret, I was never on Reddit to begin with, only a lurker.

  • DE I believe already stated that there would be more to come, so which weapons see the least use and are likely candidates? While on the topic of weapons as well, what do you think possible infested lich weapons could be? (As in existing infested weapons turned into the infested version of kuva or tenet?)

    What is a Warframe Quote you can Stand For/Agree With?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Also, "Is everything in Ordis?"

  • What is a Warframe Quote you can Stand For/Agree With?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    "We all lift together."

    We really all do.

  • RNG like this should be illegal
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Hey your percentages went up. That's a win in my book.

  • Is this a big link between my railjack and my ship ?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Now if only we could swap Ordis out there and Cy in the orbiter.

  • Riven Mods are a fun aspect of the game (imo)
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    That's just my calling card.

  • Riven Mods are a fun aspect of the game (imo)
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    I definitely agree with that, they can make the weapons viable, but the meta is the meta, and even the little buff from low disposition makes meta weapons that much better.

    I think it would be cool if they widened the disposition spectrum, so that lower disposition weapons are roughly the same, but the higher disposition would be a larger bonus than it currently is.

  • I see many posts and comments disparaging the riven system in Warframe, definitely moreso than praise for, so I figured I would throw my two cents into the void. The overall sentiment against rivens existing is based on the fact that the rolls/weapon/type are random, that they are expensive to obtain good or "god" rolls (in both platinum and kuva), and that they are subject to decreased stats in the event of a disposition nerf to said weapon. I can see that all of these points are very valid, however my take on the riven experience has been quite different. I enjoy that they offer an (extremely) long term goal to get certain rolls on rivens you have and to obtain rivens for specific weapons you want. Personally, I never buy good rolls unless the price is low like the weapon is unpopular. For many, I get them with intent to reroll until I happen to get lucky, and I usually have at least three that I am in the process of rolling. Another point is that the rivens themselves are not needed at all, fun to have, but not needed. Therefore it is literally no detriment to ignore the system completely. In regards to the disposition of certain weapons decreasing, and therefore making rivens less useable, correct me if I'm wrong, but disposition can go back up as well, it is not a permanent thing, and the riven has the same "stats." In my eyes, it just makes me want those really good rolls more. Another thing rivens allow are fun and wacky builds like the negative projectile speed stug, or even making less powerful weapons worth giving a shake. I now like the Glaxion vandal quite a bit after scoring an amazing riven for cheap, and it shreds steel path now! On the dark side of rivens, people are generally pretty greedy with prices for good rivens, however this has the upside that if you unveil a decent riven, or roll it a few times, for a weapon that you don't care about, you can get a decent chunk of plat usually. Using or warframe market to sell means you just wait for buyers and don't even have to deal with trade chat. Speaking of trade chat, rivens offer an infinitely many sources of commerce, as there are always new rivens being unveiled, always rolls you might want, and occasionally new weapons or mods/upgrades making old weapons relevant again, it adds to the finite amount of items like frames, weapons, and standard mods that can be traded. To sum everything up, I enjoy the riven system quite a bit for many reasons, maybe it is because I am used to games with the grind for the .001% item and enjoy the chase. The feeling when you do roll a riven and get the three good positive and one harmless negative or the actual "Groll," makes all the kuva and time worth it to me. I am interested to hear people's thoughts on the Riven system in general but more interestingly, people's thoughts on my reasons for enjoying the system. TLDR, Rivens are fun to me, rolling them, selling them, grinding kuva. I think the system is good for the longevity of trading, and does a good job of enabling wacky builds and making less viable into viable. I also don't mind disposition nerfs as good rolls are still worth slotting, and disposition can go back up. Thank you for reading.

    Time to stop blackout?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Yeah, go read only then we can all work on transferring the info over here.

  • I had a very interesting thing happen last night. I was running an arbitration and a fellow in the squad began typing in chat like he was a s car salesman. "Like what you see? [Nataruk crita-satisis] only 10k p." "Turn your Nataruk into a lawnmower for a limited time only, going quick!" I couldn't help but laugh at the guy, because for one he was on a different console, so I can't buy his riven if I wanted to, and secondly the guy went down three separate times and needed to be revived. What are some interesting trade related encounters and chats you guys have experienced?

    What's your favorite Incarnon Genesis so far?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    Torid for sure. I enjoy the infested aesthetic in the game a lot, and beam weapons have always been my favorite type. I got really lucky and rolled a Torid riven for it right after I got it upgraded:

    Torid Geli-acricron 114.8% Cold 180.2% Crit Chance 150.8% Crit Damage -41.1% Infested Damage

    It literally only red crits, and on Nidus it is so satisfying to larva a whole room, (virulence augment for crit chance) and just blast the beam into a wad of enemies. Even the gas aoe normal fire does red crits and it hilarious when I blast some gas, then pull things into the gas, and boom red numbers start ticking.

    Second for me is Burston, for similar reasons but the mag size is amazing.

  • What are your favourite low-usage frames?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 100%

    I really enjoy Nidus even though he is at 1.88% so not exactly low usage, but compared to wukong's 9.02% hot damn. My first frame I bought straight from the market back in 2014 with plat because I just liked "how her head looked" was Zephyr haha. I started playing her again recently and my god is she fun with high crit weapons like nidus is.

  • It's fun rolling rivens but some of them are real toughies.

    Incarnon week 1 round 2: What are you picking?
  • LubricatedSnake LubricatedSnake Now 0%

    I missed the first week so I'm going Braton and Paris because I have both primes.

  • LubricatedSnake Now
    5 12
