What's Growing On, Beehaw? Weekly Garden Chat
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    I planted a raised bed full of different varieties of kale, my two pots of blueberries are going crazy already, and I'm trying to get micro clover to take over the "lawn" area. The last part is tricky because I desperately want it to consume all the empty spaces that turn to dust in the summer, but it's currently a gunky clay that sticks to everything. Fingers crossed!

  • After the fall of Small Press Distribution, is it time for “Bandcamp for Small Presses?”
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Paragraph #4: Too long with a lot of flip-flop between the author's stance on digital format and the need for physical. Be confident here and focus on the important part by eliminating the caveats and the "need to cover all the bases". Once that's done, this will be a powerful, concise message.

    I like where you're going with this and heartily agree!

  • Transgenic cows boost human insulin production by 10X
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    This. This. This.

    We have a reliable means that doesn't require producing large animals that will, at scale, put more needless pressure on our collapsing ecosystems. Get insulin out of corporate pharmaceuticals and into a basic right to cost-free access model where we, society, fund the production.

  • Pickled Beets Question
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Good point!

  • Pickled Beets Question
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Ah okay, that makes sense. Thanks!

  • Why are store bought whole pickled beets so much smaller than the beets you'd buy or harvest fresh? Are they picking them when small? Whittling big ones down to one-bite size? It's a weird question but my internet searching just keeps bringing up the same pickled beets recipe on 45 sites. I don't want a recipe, I want answers to life's burning questions!

    Common food preservative has unexpected effects on the gut microbiome
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    I was just fine today until I read this. THANKS INTERNET PERSON

  • The strange reasons medieval people slept in cupboards
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    The exact setup my kids would seek out as toddlers for a good napping spot. Freaked me out as a parent trying to find them, but I get it. Cozy, secure, blocks out the world.

    I want one.

  • You Don’t Need More Resilience. You Need Friends. And Money.
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    I'm surprised Bloomberg would publish something like this, considering it's focus.

  • The fall of Firefox: Mozilla's once-popular web browser slides into irrelevance
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Same! I believe that others struggle with it but I can't wrap my head around why their experience is so different from my own.

  • How different languages laugh online
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    A fun read! And I really appreciate the effort they put in to replicate the messaging experience for each entry as you scrolled down the page (at least as it appeared on mobile browser).

  • AI Is Helping Indigenous Teens in Brazil Keep Their Mother Tongue Alive
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Love this! The kind of thing technology is supposed to do.

  • 70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    This is the bureaucracy hoops people should be pissed off about. Ugh.

  • Humanoid robots are here, but they're a little awkward. Do we really need them?
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Need? No. But sometimes when I'm standing in a pool of people and despair and I can't picture things getting better, I kind of just want a BFF little buddy like WALL-E or BD-1 who just gets me without judgement, and doesn't require me to be its caregiver.

  • 70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    What a nightmare process. Where I'm at they can have someone lined up for a position but still have to post it, screen applicants, then pick the person they already wanted for the role, a big waste of time. But what you're describing, good grief, that's horrible for everyone, even the people outside of the hiring process.

  • 70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    "Tell me about a time when..." If I had the time, I would go to interviews just to shut this shit down. I don't need the job, I just want to beat it into hiring managers' heads that this is BS and needs to stop. If those questions aren't given to the interviewee ahead of time to prepare, it's off the table.

    I'm with you 100% on this rant.

  • Software that supports your body should always respect your freedom
  • NiklzNDimz NiklzNDimz Now 100%

    Damn this is scary. How are we so dependent on the distribution (control) of software, especially healthcare related, through two corporations: Alphabet and Apple. I am not so naive as to believe the open internet or freeware is free of nefarious actors, but the testing and checks and balances would play out far safer than this for-profit stranglehold.

    I have no idea how people who aren't tech-interested, but dependent on these systems, stay sane. What a miserable way to live life.

  • Is there anything in the works that will allow us to hide posts? Report isn't necessary in a lot of cases which just leaves the block option. It works but it's also overkill.


    We have a household of two and I just started a 43 gallon capacity rotating composting bin. Our weekly egg consumption is high and there's an additional load of volunteering (baking) where I have to dispose of 2-3 dozen egg shells at a time. What's the maximum number of shells I can expect to toss in the compost each week? Any ideas on how to dispose of the rest without going right to the trash? We only have recycling and yard debris pickup, no city compost options. Thanks in advance!


    "Wind and solar produced more U.S. power than coal during the first five months of this year, as several coal plants closed and gas prices dropped"


    I've exhausted search engine results and am looking for input based on my specific needs. I recently started renting a townhouse with a medium-sized yard that has an ~15x24' area of compacted soil that gets full afternoon and evening sun (west facing) in the 8b zone. The landlord has given permission to do whatever so I'm trying to find options that suit me and my low budget. I'd rather not invest too heavily in someone else's property but I also have to live here and want it to look and feel nice. I'm also expected to handle yard tending duties which I'd rather do myself than hire landscaping services. Requirements: -people and dog friendly -not grass -does not attract pests -something one person with a small car can do -low maintenance (I like gardening, I'm just realistic about my time commitments) -low watering needs I would like to throw in two 4x4' raised bed boxes which would take care of the biggest ugly bald spot in the yard, but that's up in the air still. Would love your ideas!

    NiklzNDimz Now
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