Anon is dating too young
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 66%

    Foreigner...? Reading this as a non-Chinese and non-US American is quite baffling. Are these the only two countries in your world?

  • Anon is dating too young
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Humans have had a taste for the macabre at least for as long as we have written history. Public executions used to be a past time activity (even Jesus' crucifixion is told like it was a public show), the morgue of Paris was a tourist attraction, even the sanitised (and controversial) Body Worlds exhibition has no trouble finding an audience. Maybe what's weird is our relationship with death and putrefaction. It happens to everyone yet it's somehow in bad taste to talk about it.

  • Anon is dating too young
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Or we can go Ursula Le Guin and say "waiving shifgrethor"

  • US sets new record for billion-dollar climate disasters in single year
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Didn't the housing crisis start with bad policies and market deregulations? I'm not sure which government undid which regulations though

  • Germany Will Force 80% of Gas Stations to Install EV Charging, Too
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 75%

    Do you live in Swabia? You sound like you live in Swabia.

  • Make it make sense
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 80%

    Where does this silly notion come from? Elon Musk also said something like anti-science, anti-merit, anti-human thing and he's not an original thinker. I've read some longtermism papers, but have yet to come across this exact wording. Where did you hear it? (Please don't say Elon, tell me you at least have the primary source...)

  • Make it make sense
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Mitt Romney's wife shared this lovely story of when they were in college, they didn't ask anything from their parents. They'd come visit and got them a nice dinner, that was it. Ann Romney had to order carpet samples and sew them together so they didn't have to walk on bare floors. Sometimes, they were so stripped of cash that they had to sell stock to get money. They had to sell stock. SELL. STOCK.

    She probably thought it was an uplifting story.

  • Blue keyswitches are my favorite
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Apparently there are some Cherry MX sets from 30 years ago that are still working today. So I guess part of it is longevity, part nostalgia.

  • AI Art
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    He said, in a not uncommon self burn

  • What’s the Bare Minimum Number of People for a Mars Habitat?
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Humans could be about to ruin whatever was supposed to survive on Mars in a couple million of years. We've disrupted our own planet, and are about to destroy another one. And honestly, we're not all that great as a species.

  • The Civilization series is a hell of a drug
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    JUST ONE MORE TURN.......!!!!!

  • What is a well known 'public secret' in the industry you work in that the majority of outsiders are unaware of?
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    Here's another "insider's insight": The car industry is a tough business. The profit margin is not like selling bottled water, especially when you consider overheads in R&D and the regulation compliant measures they have to adhere to, to sell in the German/EU market. Cars sold in the US are cheaper to produce because they go through much, much less vigorous testing, but then they are loaded with stupid add-ons (screens behind each seat, more luxurious user interface, better speaker+subwoofer combos, etc)

  • Spanish soccer president Luis Rubiales resigns after nonconsensual kiss at Women’s World Cup final
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    If you can read Spanish, you'd be disheartened at how many people still claim that the kiss was "cultural".

  • Spanish soccer president Luis Rubiales resigns after nonconsensual kiss at Women’s World Cup final
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    My stupid ass watched a Youtube video about this and the comment section broke my heart. Thanks Lemmy users for restoring my faith in Europe-based, over-30, left leaning internet users.

  • US sets new record for billion-dollar climate disasters in single year
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 66%

    I saw someone starting this thought exercise just yesterday - imagine Al Gore became president, say for two terms. Then the boat swung back into two terms of McCain, followed by Obama. No Iraq war. No Benghazi. Possibly no 2006 Housing Crisis. Maybe Covid would still have happened. But anyway, wouldn't that have been a much happier timeline?

    Back to no Iraq War, maybe Saddam would have gotten toppled over locally. The Arab Spring would still have happened, but then also maybe no ISIS?

  • Why must we be done this way?
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 50%

    You used Tiktok as an example for something that is more interesting than learning. (Of course it's more interesting than learning, it's digital crack cocaine.)

  • Germany Will Force 80% of Gas Stations to Install EV Charging, Too
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    DB the company has a lot of foreign interests. It bought a British transport company in 2010. Why did they do this instead of reinvesting the money back into the Deutsche Bahn? Because it's a joint-stock company beholden to stake-holders. It should never have been managed like a private company. Now the damage is done and decades of unrepair is catching up to them.

    Somehow I don't blame the politics for this disrepair. I blame the execs and upper management.

  • Switching off: Sweden says back-to-basics schooling works on paper
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 100%

    And your parents didn't take you to the doctor? Aren't you covered under their insurance (assuming you went to school in Sweden)?

  • Switching off: Sweden says back-to-basics schooling works on paper
  • PerCarita PerCarita Now 66%

    It's not like researches into cognitive sciences or how humans learn are well funded. It's not a sexy field, like cancer treatment, or one that attracts flashy billionaires with PR problems, like space travel.

  • So, ich fang mal mit einem safen Thema an - welchen Rucksack nutzt ihr so für die Arbeit? Deutsch ist meine 4. Sprache, entschuldige bitte die Fehler, etc, pp. Ich muss zunehmend zu Kunden in anderen Städten für 2-3 Nächte fahren, dafür nehme ich die Bahn (in der Arbeitszeit ein Nickerchen machen zu können ist einfach köstlich). Ich bin bisher mit einem kleinen Koffer und einer Totebag meiner Firma klargekommen, samt 13" Laptop, Unterlagen und Wasserflasche. Den Koffer werde ich behalten, aber mein Rucken wird sich langsam auf einen Rucksack freuen. Ich bin keine modebewusste Frau (s. Firmen Totebag). Den Kunden ist es ziemlich egal was ich trage, ich bin nicht in Marketing oder sowas ähnliches unterwegs. Es darf jedoch gern ein bisschen stylish sein. Mir ist sehr wichtig, dass der Rucksack langlebig ist und hat nachkaufbare Ersatzteile. Mein letzter Tagesrucksack war ein Scooby Doo Rucksack in Violett. Den hab ich mit 7 bekommen und hat, bis ich 22 war, alles mitgemacht. Nochmal so, nicht modebewusst. Die jetzige top drei: - Deuter Up Seoul (16+10L, 840 g) (++lebenslanger Reparaturservice) - Ela Mo Rolltop (18+8L, 748 g) (+Ersatzteile vorhanden) - Cabaia Adventurer M (23L, 900 g) (++30 Jahre Garantie) Habt ihr noch weitere Empfehlungen, oder hat jemand sogar einen von den top drei schonmal probiert? Budget bis 120€ - Tumi, Tom Bihn, Rimowa, usw kommen deshalb nicht in Frage. [Edit] Ich sehe, dass es neue replies gibt, kann aber die replies nicht lesen. Kp wieso. Danke für die Antworte, ich werd's morgen nochmal versuchen. Ist das ein Federation Ding weil ich nicht auf Feddit eingeloggt bin?


    I finished the second series yesterday and I'm ready to share what I thought of it. ::: spoiler spoiler The cold openings, the mini episodes within the episodes are not as interconnected as Gaiman might have thought. Why does Crowley seemed to know everything and Aziraphale flutters like a leaf for telling a lie. Didn't he, against God's will, give his flaming sword to humans, which inadvertently became humans' first weapon, and then became War's sword? And where was the Crowley that changed the paintball guns into real guns? Why is he always so nice all of a sudden? It's a shame that it was filmed under Covid restrictions, but then why produce what was basically a "bridge" series? A little bird told me that the storyline Pterry and Gaiman discussed back in the days was about The Second Coming, that was teased in the final moment in the final episode of this series. Well. I wish that was what we'd had gotten instead. This series is the Aziraphale & Crowley show and that's okay. So why on earth were they separated for whole episodes midway through? And I like the kiss, though I found the way it was cut was cheesy. This is not to say I didn't like series 2, I laughed a lot, it's entertaining enough, but to me it's no where near as good as the first series. ::: If I have to give it a rating out of ten, ten being perfect, one being not only technically bad but also morally offensive, this is a 6,9. I liked it enough, but series 1 was an 8,8.

    PerCarita Now
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