Reddit’s Goon Cave Community Has Been Banned
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    I feel like the real reason would be that Reddit suits know that Reddit is stereotyped as a gooner website and don't want people to think redditors are gooners, which is very wishful thinking as everyone already knows they are some of the biggest gooners out there online.

  • Trump's social media account shares a campaign video with a headline about a 'unified Reich'
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Yup it's like Trump has some magical realism aura where he's allowed carte blanche for literally everything.

  • Baby Killdeer I rescued from a storm drain
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    My favorite little derps

  • Christian posts about how Islam has claimed thousands of lives while forgetting that their religion has done the same thing.
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    They interacted with Catholics and got genocided. As for other native faiths, I don't really know much but they were very much an empire and treated other peoples very poorly.

  • Sense of Urgency About Climate Change Is Declining Among Youth, Poll Finds
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Couldn't say it better myself. People here say that people have no stomach for revolution, but they'll have plenty of stomach for it when they haven't eaten two meals during the inevitable famines.

  • Over 100 arrested during protests at Northeastern University
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    The rumor is a counter-protestor (pro-Isreal) started pretending to be an antisemitic pro-Palestine person and everyone there shouted him down. Again it's just a rumor that I read. I feel like these days its getting harder and harder to really know anything, but I have a hard time imagining ACTUAL antisemites would take over a college campus protest.
    On the other hand I do acknowledge that ACTUAL antisemitism have been huge problem as they appropriate the pro-palestine movement to further antisemitism, as I have seen in wayy too many places online these days (Just to make sure I'm clear- criticizing Israel isn't antisemitism, but saying Jews secretly control the world and every Jew is secretly pro-Israel certainly is).

  • Pasteurized milk includes remnants of H5N1 bird flu, U.S. officials say
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Actually yes its 100% on the conservative side now too. I know this because I know an insane die-hard MAGA Christian nationalist who ONLY drinks raw milk, they see pasteurization as weakening their manhoods and virility and shit.

  • Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Is Provoking Tax Resistance in the US
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 64%

    One thing I found really interesting and was talking about with someone recently about the Isreal-Palestine situation currently is that unlike with Apartheid South Africa people have a MUCH harder time boycotting corporations involved with Israel than they did during Apartheid, with Globalism many things (such as soap in the US) are basically owned by a few companies operating under multiple labels, so it's extremely hard to tell if a product is linked to a Zionist company compared to the Apartheid protests where things were both more clearly labeled and also less monopolized.
    An example is: I'm pro-Ukraine. All my go-to soap brands are owned by Unilever, who are still active in Russia. I'm too poor to get handmade soaps from the farmers market, and I need to go scentless because of allergies and convenient because I can't just spend all my time looking for guilt-free soap.
    So, in regards to Isreal. who does that leave for people to boycott? The US Government, which although tax evasion is a very harshly punished thing, is much more directly and obviously linked to Zionism.

  • Israel's 'Where's Daddy?' AI system helps target suspected Hamas militants when they're at home with their families, report says
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Really appreciating Israels SkyNet 100% speedrun here, some really impressive moves. However, I'm starting to wonder if this run passes the suspect test, I feel like you can't get past regulators so well in most cases without an exploit.

  • Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 92%

    Let me guess- if you are American you stopped hanging out with your right-wing neighbors/family? Because for some insane reason, I didn't. This is 100% what they actually believe. They really think that anything left of Trump is part of the deep state conspiracy, homeschool their kids, think that bringing back "god" in school/state will fix everything, that Trump will save the country, etc, etc. Some of them already know about project 2025 and have greeted it with thunderous applause, the rest of the right will too.
    If you are not American, fuck off. You have no idea how bad the right-wingers really have become

  • Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 96%

    Don't worry. I'm sure they don't really mean to install Trump as the president for life, make LGBTQ+ illegal, instill Christianty as the state religion, deploy the military for law enforcement, etc, etc. Hitler didn't REALLY mean he was gonna kill millions of people!

  • Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 95%

    Republicans are always gonna disrupt any real action anyway, they are full mask-off on the Christian nationalism thing and believe they must support Isreal 100% no matter what to make jesus come back.

  • Biden reacts to pro-Palestinian protesters: 'They have a point'
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 96%

    The UN passed the resolution calling it genocide so I agree with that, I trust a democratic vote of the UN despite their inability to actually do anything compared to South Africa. I'm still going to vote Biden though because I know about project 2025 and know that we will probably get genocided in our own country if he loses. It sucks but that's how I feel.

  • Impaler rule
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    His brother must have because his brother joined the Ottomans and converted to Islam. Coincidence?

  • If you won't call this genocide, what is it?
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Everything I've read said the majority where hit by bullets, source?

  • If you won't call this genocide, what is it?
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    Yeah I'm a pedant and would call it Russia-tier war crimes, still obvious wrong and I'm sure that the bibi regime's intentions are genocidal, but I'm not too sure on whether or not I would call it genocide because I'm unsure of the history of the region, from the series of massacres definition I'd say that's too broad.

    Just to be clear there is a strong probability of it being a genocide, but the thing that sours it so much for me is that it's South Africa that brought up the case. I Know MUCH more about South Africa than Isreal-Palestine, and in my opinion the South African Government is not being totally honest and just in the prosecution, as the case is a very easy way to score political points with the world while the government devolves further into corruption and a failstate.

    Of course that's the problem with Isreal-Palestine, I really haven't seen much in the way of parties I would consider neutral in the whole thing because of all the religious attachments and South Africa's big and growing friendship with Russia.

  • Florida refuses to bar unvaccinated students from school suffering a measles outbreak
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    People on /r/medicine were saying in any other situation this would count as unethical human experimentation. But since idiots are calling the shots, Florida will be a great model of a post-vaccination society.

  • ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 85%

    After the SORA AI reveal today I'm starting to see that luddites have a point. I don't think we'll ever have terminator-style scenarios but the amount of damage misinformation and disinformation is doing to our society and now WILL do to our society is proof enough we need to start stepping back. I've seen the amazing benefits of AI first hand - new drugs, new treatments, more medical knowledge than ever before, gene sequencing of never before seen organisms. I've seen AI help with all those amazing beneficial things.

    But I feel like the bad actors are wining, and winning very hard. Basically everything is unregulated and corporations refuse to take even a modicum of responsibility for anything. The worst thing is knowing that our octogenerian overlords don't even know how to use a phone. I don't see why i should continue to be a tech optimist when we all know that things are only going to get worse from here on out. In a post-truth society all we can really do is regress.

  • Study Featuring AI-Generated Giant Rat Penis Retracted, Journal Apologizes
  • alternative_factor alternative_factor Now 100%

    As a scientist I can say this is the funniest thing to happen to science in years. The other AI-generated images are also hilarious because they have amazing insights into things like the JAK -> JAK -> JAK-> JAK -> JAK pathway and other total gibberish.

  • Does anyone here know what exactly happened to lesswrong to become so cult-y? I had never seen or heard anything about it for years, back in my day it was seen as that funny website full strange people posting weird shit about utliltarianism, nothing cult-y, just weird. The aritcle on TREACLES and this sub's mentioning of lesswrong made me very curious about how it went from people talking out of their ass for the sheer fun of "thought experiments" to a straight-up doomsday cult? The one time I read lesswrong was probably in 2008 or so.


    How far are parents willing to go to give their children the best chance at life? What do you think would happen if you asked the redheaded couple about race and IQ?

    alternative_factor Now
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