SUSE Requests openSUSE to Rebrand
  • brayd brayd Now 96%

    The request was respectful and SUSEs support on OpenSUSE is very helping the project so I’d personally be fine with fulfilling that request

  • Signal under fire for storing encryption keys in plaintext on desktop app
  • brayd brayd Now 60%

    Does anyone know how iMessage handles this on desktop (on Macs) as they (as far as I know) upgraded their encryption recently?

  • Hi, is there a decent adblocker for Safari like uBlock Origin for Firefox? Most adblockers in the store seem a bit scummy somehow and I'm not sure if I can trust them.


    Hey, I'm currently trying to get away from Notion to either Obsidian or Logseq. Currently it feels like I'm drifting towards Obsidian. I only have one topic left on my list of "I would like to have that": an alternative to Notion AI. With Notion AI it's possible to ask a question like "which books that I've read are talking about the history of mankind and how are these related to each other?" and it'll search your documents and give you an answer. This works really good. Downside of Notion is that you don't earn your files and that of course the AI model is scanning all your stuff for this when you use it. I've seen that there are some add-ons for Obsidian that support AI but I haven't really achieved anything good yet. My try was to set up Ollama on my Linux computer and connect it to some Obsidian plugin (not sure about the name right now unfortunately). As a model I was using Llama3 (the small one since the big one is too heavy for my laptop with NVIDIA GPU). That in fact works but the results are...meh. It kinda leaves out 80% of what would be relevant and thus isn't really helpful. Is it somehow possible to achieve something like an alternative to Notion AI in Obsidian, that can do more than "complete this text for me"?

    FUTO funds Immich with 3 year commitment: the best image gallery software
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Agree. At least they already know about this and told they want to address it in the future.

  • FUTO funds Immich with 3 year commitment: the best image gallery software
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    You can self host Ente. That's what I'm doing. Basically 40 TB currently on my own server for me and my family for free (besides hardware, time and of course electricity).

  • Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Klar, das kann man nicht bestreiten. Aber auch wenn er dadurch nicht für ein politisches Amt geeignet ist, ist er dennoch ein Mensch und die Konsequenzen die aus der ganzen Aktion folgen sind eher tragisch als lustig. Dementsprechend tut er mir dennoch leid.

  • Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    I don't but many people do since many creators use Twitter for that. I personally don't get why they don't switch to Mastodon or another Fediverse software since there are probably NSFW instances too and if not some of them could team up and create one.

  • FUTO funds Immich with 3 year commitment: the best image gallery software
  • brayd brayd Now 85%

    I love Immich and we used it for a long time but we eventually switched to Ente Photos simply because Immich's upload on iOS isn't really working and it took hours for some members in my family to sync 200 pictures that are being synced within a few minutes on Android. That was frustrating.

    With Ente Photos that's working fine so we decided to make the switch.

  • Verstörend! FDP-Politiker leckt Toiletten ab und malt sich Hitlerbart aus Fäkalien
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Wahrscheinlich ein aus dem Ruder gelaufener Erpressungs- Sklaven-/Sub-Kink. Auch wenn es auf der einen Seite verstörend ist, tut er mir auf der anderen Seite leid.

    Wenn es so gewesen wäre, finde ich hätte die "Domina" auch eine gewisse Verantwortung gehabt und hätte so weit nicht gehen dürfen. Das war ja absehbar, welche Konsequenzen es haben wird. Er hat damit ja nicht nur seine Kandidatur verloren sondern wird auch sozial verpönt sein Gegenüber quasi jedem der ihn kennt und in der Öffentlichkeit. Das Resultat davon wird im worst case eine Depression oder noch schlimmeres sein.

    So oder so egal wie "horny" er war finde ich hätte die Domina in diesem Fall bremsen müssen und klar trennen müssen was Fiktion und was Realität ist. In so einem Fall haben beide die Verantwortung.

  • Twitter/ is now forcing you to disable Firefox's Enhance Tracking Protection.
  • brayd brayd Now 66%

    Well Twitter is still used by Musk fanboys, right wingers, from people who don't understand Mastodon and/or the Fediverse and probably from people who use it for porn.

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • brayd brayd Now 50%

    The good thing here is that you don't need to trust the server in order to have a secure communication since your clients decrypt and encrypt and not the server.

    Yes they can optimize with things like this but that doesn't make it insecure. It's still the most secure solution that the average person can use.

    Threema doesn't even have the server open sourced at all, are for profit and their encryption has been compromised.

    Session is shady.

    Matrix is a metadata nightmare due to it's federated aspects.

    SimpleX is the only thing that is secure, anonymous and good in this regards but it has some small details left that prevents people from switching. I.e. simple things like the fact that you can't see an overview of your images and videos sent in a chat without scrolling up all those messages. It seems trivial but for the average user stuff like that is important since they know it and use it every day in other messengers.

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • brayd brayd Now 50%

    Signals server is open source. You can run a server. You just can't connect to the main net because each server is it's own thing so it doesn't make sense besides for development purposes.

    Please don't spread misinformation.

  • Quotes and books in Logseq - My way off from Notion and Obsidian?
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Wow that probably was a lot of work. Really appreciated! Thank you! I'll look into it tomorrow!

  • Are right wingers creating FUD around Signal?
  • brayd brayd Now 90%

    SSL on websites also is encryption. Still you can post your precious pictures "encrypted" via SSL for the whole world to see. I think everyone knew what was meant with encryption in this context.

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    SimpleX is great. BUT it's not user friendly. Thus general adoption for the average user will be hard. Don't get me wrong using the app itself is easy but as soon as someone switches their phone that doesn't have technical knowledge they will loose their chats because they won't understand the concept of moving their DB. Since you don't have an identifier like a phone number with SimpleX those people could even lose contacts as a whole since they generate a new DB, hurting their social connections.

    That's the reason I personally never recommend SimpleX to anyone who doesn't have the technical knowledge to understand stuff like that.

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    The server / backend is not open source. Even though it's audited that's a red flag.

  • Chat Apps, Government Ties, and Transparency – Threema
  • brayd brayd Now 60%

    Signal can't see who is texting who. They can't see which groups you are part of. Those information are end to end encrypted, same as your chats itself, your profile picture, your stories, etc.

    Signal doesn't store message timestamps either.

    What Signal itself knows of you is your phone number, the timestamp of your registration, the timestamp of your last connection to the server. That's it.

    Yes metadata is critical but Signal handles metadata very well. Indeed, even though I'm a fan of Matrix, better than Matrix. Matrix is a metadata nightmare due to it's centralized structure and the way the protocol works.

  • How do you handle quotes in Logseq?
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Well here I am about one year later after switching accounts finally seeing your comment... :D This helped!

    However, would it be possible to only show the last "depth" of that query so it only queries the actual quotes? I.e. instead of:

    It would be better if it would look like:

    Since the query basically is looking up the quotes by that author (I left the book out in that one) and is being put on the page of the author it is clear what it is and it should only display the actual quotes and the book's name.

    It's not that big of an issue if that isn't possible but it would improve it visually in case you have several books with many quotes etc.

  • Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • brayd brayd Now 94%

    I'm currently on Wayland with Nvidia hardware and it's running fine tbh

  • Hello all, I am donating to Logseq since some time to support the development. However I am not actively using it and are still stuck with Obsidian and/or Notion since I am missing a good structure to organize my books and quotes. I really want to switch but I can't figure this out. For storing books that's fine. I can create a page per book and give it some metadata that I can then use to filter and search. Like that: ![]( Now however as you can see I'm writing quotes (Zitate in German) and my opinion on them (Meinung in German) in the book's page. And here comes the tricky part: - I want a general overview of all quotes that I can search - I want an overview of quotes per author (the author is in the page properties so it has to basically do something like `"select all pages of typ = book where autor = author and collect all quotes on them (page reference #Zitate)"` In Notion I currently have a general database of quotes: ![]( In each of these quotes there is my opinion written in the page. And then there's the book database that has dedicated book pages to it which look like this and reference the quotes coming from that page: ![]( Those are generated automatically when creating a book since I use a template for that but I know that Logseq supports templates, too so that should be fine. For looking up quotes by the author due to how databases in Notion work I could just filter for it in the quotes database. However I also do the same with the quotes in the author's page that I am doing in the book's page. Thus when I open up the page of an author I can instantly see all their books, their current status (if I have read them or not etc.) and all their quotes that I have stored: ![]( So yeah I am trying to find some kind of structure since ages now within Logseq to be able to replicate something like that, solving my only issue that keeps me from switching. Maybe there is some way with queries but I haven't found one. I also don't want to rely on custom CSS since I want to have something that is natively working without eventually failing in the future for some reason.

    Anytype Selfhosted
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Yes, I have tested Logseq and even donate to them monthly. However I don't use it actively. Reason is that I just can't figure out a way to store my quotes and my opinion about them from books the same way I do it in Notion.

    Basically I store my quotes like this:

    Inside each quote I write my opinion or the summary of the quote in my own words, etc.

    And then for the books I have it like this:

    And inside each book I have the quotes linked:

    So yeah I haven't found any way in Obsidian or Logseq to replicate this structure. It's always something simliar that's not working the same way and feels off and only with tweaks, custom CSS and stuff like that.

  • Wahl-O-Mat für die Europawahl ist jetzt verfügbar
  • brayd brayd Now 100%

    Bei mir waren die linke und Volt gleich auf am höchsten. Da ich Volt sehr gut finde, sie mir aber ein kleines bisschen zu kapitalistisch sind, werde ich vermutlich mit der linken sticken.

  • Hello, reading about the topic I personally wondered about how people can use VPNs like ProtonVPN for torrenting which isn't legal in some countries, without ProtonVPN and other providers getting in trouble. Of course they don't log and don't have data about which user is accessing what so they can't hand out data. But why don't law enforcements force them to block specific traffic and thus hindering people from using it for pricacy?


    Hi, I use fountain pens for several months now to write my journal and I love it. However I always do that in the evening at a desk. Writing with it on the go always felt a bit off which is why I'm still using a rollerball for that. Do you have any tips for being able to better use it on the go?


    Hello, is it possible to use video boost that was just introduced with the feature drop with sync turned off? So i.e. that I only sync that one video I want to apply it too? Not a user of Google Photos but I'm using a Pixel Phone. I haven't received the new features yet somehow, so I can't test it.


    Hello, I want to get fitter but I have struggle to find a plan or to create one just because I don't have the knowledge for. I do own a Garmin watch and I do use the Garmin connect app which is very good. However it only has training plans for running etc. I currently do the 5K plan. But my goal is not only to get good at running or only build muscles but a good mix and a good balance. My primary goal is to be healthy and to make my body make use of what is capable without going in the extremes in one specific direction. I do each an hour training on Mondays of Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi which is very good and I currently because of the plan on Garmin do make a run every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I just started and can run about 3km without problems at 7:30 per km but going faster or wider is a struggle because of the fact I just started. For workout I want to train mostly at home with my own bodyweight and dumbbells because the gym is about an hour drive away and I just don't have the time for it. I googled a bit and found Freeletics but it's not useful for me because it doesn't sync with Garmin so it wouldn't be aware of my runs I track there or other stuff. So yeah I want to find a balance between building muscles, cardio trough running and becoming more flexible which is useful for everything and also necessary for Kung Fu. But I can't figure out a training plan because the topic is way to complex to get through. All sources tell you something else i.e. you shouldn't do that exercise because it has a long term negative effects or something else. Then you need to know which exercises train which muscles and how long to rest and how to progress, nutrition and whatever else. So yeah maybe someone of you can help out with my struggle. In the best case I'd have something that progresses with my own progress and works good with Garmin (or connected services that automatically get Garmin trainings synced like Strava). If it's an app it doesn't need to be able to track trainings I just need to have a plan. Tracking works well with Garmin. I also need some flexibility in case I have a day where I can't do a training. So something where no day can be left out like some apps have it would not be something useful. It also doesn't need to be an app. Whatever works works. I'm just looking for some solutions. Thank you in advance!


    Question is in the title. I want to create my own custom theme for light and dark and make it so that I can change between them with a click in the quick settings.


    Hey! I’ve written a digital journal for the last couple of years. Backup there wasn’t a problem. But I struggled with finding the „perfect tool“ and switched from app to app and back until I just took a notebook and a fountain pen and started writing couple of months ago. My question now is: what’s a good way to achieve and protect a full journal physically and what’s your personal backup strategy to back up your journal in a digital way so that you still have your memories in case of your house burning down or another catastrophic event. Thank you in advance!

    brayd Now
    9 76



    23, Sysadmin, Vegan