hello i am wanting to know if i can get a list of the models that perchance for the text to image genaratior uses i want to replicate some of the things i have generated on perchance on my own local setup [@perchance@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/u/perchance)

Republicans are quietly pushing to defund transgender healthcare even for adults
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 50%

    i did not say adults i was clearly meaning kids in sorry but givng kids cancer causing drugs is messed up if your a adult you have a fullly developed brain and cam make the decision appropriately

  • Republicans are quietly pushing to defund transgender healthcare even for adults
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 2%

    blockers give a increased risk for cancer this is why you read the little booklet they give you when getting the drug if you dont get it ask the pharmacist for it it tells the risks and the side affects

  • Blocked from accessing by Cloudflare for months now.
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 100%

    Also you could change your DNS to a openDNS server or use Google's dns

  • [Request] Create a "Oops Something went wrong" page if a generator fails to load on Perchance
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 100%

    Needs to say a looks like you rolled a snake eye's check your code and try again the perchance logo is a dice cube

  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 7%

    The Jew's are called gods chosen people not because not because we are favored its because we are chosen for a task some Jew's believe its to bring those left behind to the promised land aka heaven also Jesus isn't apart of Judaism

  • WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange facing pivotal moment in long fight to stay out of US court [ BRIAN MELLEY | May 18, 2024 | Associated Press]
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 23%

    Trumps almost in office his pardon will soon be ready meaning he wont be coming to the us

  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 10%

    This is what happens when you mess with gods chosen people glad to know i won't be leading him to the promised land after the rapture

  • The schools & police trampling on student rights don't understand the true meaning of "trespassing"
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 0%

    Dude look at the evadence most blm protests were extremely violent with damages in the millions also deadlyforce can be met with deadly force if a mob of people decend upon you with obvious intent to cause bodly harm you can do what ever is needed to defend yourself

  • The schools & police trampling on student rights don't understand the true meaning of "trespassing"
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 0%

    Sorry but taking control of campus and harassing jewish students with violence dose not = peaceful protest

  • Trump Demands Biden Take a Drug Test Before Debating and Claims the President Was ‘High as a Kite’ During the State of the Union
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 3%

    So dose this mean we get to find out what dementia drugs Biden is currently on i bet he gets a aid to pee in a cup for him i would of demanded that they both be required to read out loud a long series of numbers and letters ment to represent the nuclear codes

  • The schools & police trampling on student rights don't understand the true meaning of "trespassing"
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 0%

    Sorry but its trespass to be there after hours its trespass to assume control of a public space its public for a reason its there for everyone if your going to protest do it correctly when the place is open when it comes to closing time pack up and go to your hotel room then show up during the day don't try to take control of any space and respect others and there religious beliefs

  • US focused on hunting down Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar, in bid to end Gaza war
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 31%

    I hope they get him so justice can be served up for the countless lives lost due to the terror Hamas has done to the people of the world i pray that the people of Palestine can be free from the hands of a Dictatorship

  • Add an option to delete accounts [SOLVED]
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 100%

    Change the blank account to a unused email then you can add your main email to your main account if your going to 100% abandon it you could use temp mail https://temp-mail.org

  • HELP-Generator stuck in a starting loop
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 100%

    Also link me your genratior I'll see if its just you

  • [INFO] NSFW Tags
  • edwardthefma99 edwardthefma99 Now 100%

    It can happen sometimes the ai can't discern so to be on the safe side

  • www.nbcnews.com

    Why anyone would defend these people is beyond me call me a genocider cause I support my homeland and my religion I don't care .


    I will find the raw footage and post hear soon I don't get why anyone would defend these people who have no morals who hide behind human shields thay need to be brought to justice by any means






    Jews of Lemmy please tell the mods to reject all antisemitism


    dose any one know of a way I can get the ai to read and understand rbga color shades


    We should have a ads opt in check box in account settings so for those who have account but still want to support perchance i would be happy to opt in on ads if it helps in a small way


    This is some helpful infomation that will help you use perchance.org image genteratior You can emphasize the prompt through parentheses; Example: 'red hair' in prompt: red hair = not emphasized (red hair) = emphasized ((red hair)) = more emphasized Random selection Sometimes you'll just want to randomly choose between a few items, and creating a whole list just for that isn't desirable. In this case we can use some "curly bracket" like this `{Red|yellow|blue}` Use the Negative prompt to tell the ai what you don't want in your image Image seeds (This is not used often, so don't use it if you determines the don't understand it.)The seed image. Same seed plus same pronmpt equals same image. This is mostly useful for replicating images or making slight edits because Same Seed + Similar Prompt = Similar (seed:::xxxxxxxxx) You can find a more detailed guide hear https://perchance.org/learn-perchance-plugins-text-to-image


    Game of slime let's see what we can get the ai to do so lets have slime girls do stuff sfw please also try to include your prompt so we can learn to refine the prompt to tell the ai to get what we want


    Im trying to get the ai to find and use my own art as refrance how dose the ai find artist art styles


    I generated a pic of a tiny slime girl eating some meat in a jar and I get this error first warning what dose this mean

    edwardthefma99 Now
    12 87


    edwardthefma99@ lemmy.world