Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 33%

    Because I don't? I don't understand what you're getting at here it's like you're saying you have to wholeheartedly believe every single thing a person has ever endorsed if you want to praise a small section of their belief

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 25%

    if you literally read what I said I stated that I don't agree with Ibn Taymiyyah on many things I just think he has the correct stance on the issue of Alawites

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    first off, "SWT" is the honorific "Subhanahu wa ta'ala", meaning "The Most Glorified, The Most High" - it is strictly reserved for Allah. You are getting "SWT" mistaken for "SAW", which his the honorific used for Muhammad - meaning "Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam", often anglicised as PBUH or Peace Be Upon Him.

    The Alawite believe in a divine duology whereby God reveals himself in two different aspects, the Ma'na, or physical manifestation of God, and the Ba'b, the veiler of the true essence of God (these are the ones considered to be the Prophet of their time by not only Muslims but other Abrahamics). For example, Alawites consider Jesus AS to be the veiler of God, the "miracle worker" who distracts people from the divine person ABOVE him - which in this case is considered to be Peter. In turn, Muhammad SAW is considered to be the veiler of Ali' RA, the one who Alawites think was the true manifestation of God, just hidden by Muhammad SAW. Obviously such a belief is blatantly against the core Islamic doctrine of Tawheed, or the oneness of God - he does not reveal himself in multiple parts, nor manifests himself on Earth. This is not even mentioning the Alawite Shahada which states "There is no God but Ali'".

    Scholar Ibn Taymiyyah (I dont agree which all his teachings however he was correct on this point) summised the point in a Fatwa upon being asked what the Islamic stance on Alawites should be : "For they present themselves in front of ignorant Muslims as supporters and advocates of Ahl ul Bayt, while in reality they do not believe in Allah, or the Messenger, or the Book, or [Allah’s] orders, or prohibitions, or reward, or punishment, or Paradise, or Fire, or in one of the Messengers before Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, or in a religion from among previous religions. Rather, they take the words of Allah and His Messenger, known to the scholars of Muslims, and they interpret them based on their fabrications, claiming that their interpretations are “hidden knowledge (“ilm ul-baatin”), such as what the questioner mentioned and more. They have no limit in their unbelief with regards to Allah’s Names, His verses, and their distortion of the Speech of Allah, the Most High, and His Messenger from their proper places [usages]. Their aim is repudiation of Islamic Beliefs and Laws in every possible way, trying to make it appear that these matters have realities that they know, like those mentioned by the questioner and others, such as that “five prayers” means knowledge of their secrets, “obligatory fast” hiding of their secrets, and “pilgrimage to Bayt al-Atiq” visit to their shaikhs, and that the two hands of Abu Lahab represent Abu Bakr and Umar, and that “the great news and the manifest imam” (an naba’ul adheem wal imaamul mubin) is `Ali ibn Abi Talib."

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 33%

    almost every Islamic scholar whether Sunni or Shia agrees that in a doctrinal sense Alawism is Kufr given the fact they hold Ali RA higher than Muhammad SAW, it's not like a Sunni//Shia split it's the fundamentals of our religion (believing that Muhammad is Allah SWT's final messenger), same reason why Ahmadiyyah aren't considered Muslim by wider Muslim scholarship

  • I am slowly beginning to think Sakai was, after all, correct.
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 90%

    Whilst the third world is under such intense domination I literally do not give a fuck about Americans

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 25%

    I don't think Islamism is left wing or right wing anyway but there's been a lot of left wing Muslim leaders ie: Nasser, Assad (although Alawism is Kufr), Gaddafi, Arafat

  • [Patsoc] this is just meaningless terminally-online alphabet soup
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    wait till he reads Deng his mind is gonna be blown

  • Is anyone here a migrant, or thinking of becoming one?
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 66%

    In New Zealand right now (University), no way in hell I'm raising my children in the West. Looking at the Middle East or China to bring up my family (although China is very hard to get residency)

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    idk if you guys use tiktok that much but it's literally a neo-nazi breeding ground rn. The "gnome hunting" trend, "#AryanClassic", Odinism and black sun aesthetic, hyperborea, it's like scientific racism level bad

  • Just you watch, I’ll be proven correct
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 16%

    may Allah SWT grant him the highest level of Jannah we need militant Muslim leaders who will stand up the to the West again not Kaffir who twerk for Israel and the yankee petro-dollar

  • On Putin, Pušilin, and the Ukraine War
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 83%

    I literally agree w you, as a Muslim I think every woman should wear hijab but they shouldn't do it out of fear of the law they should do it because Allah SWT tells them to : Iran is superimposing their own legal guidance over personal relationship to the Qu'ran.

    that being said I still support them lol I'm not so petty to let little things like that cloud my judgement on whether or not Iran is a net positive on world politics

  • On Putin, Pušilin, and the Ukraine War
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 93%

    "forcibly veiling women" is a very reductive way to look at the very nuanced complicated issue of hijab but sure

    edit: you can't be ambivalent on a country, a country is either in the anti-imperialist camp or it isn't, it either supports a multipolar world or it doesn't. To write Iran off because it's not Socialist is to deny the material impacts of it's existence have on the creation of multipolarity and the downfall of the West

  • On Putin, Pušilin, and the Ukraine War
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 92%

    Yes lol. regime change in Iran dooms Palestine and cuts off all funding from one of the only 2 useful anti Zionist groups (Hezbollah). It's not a worker's state but Khomeinism is a hell of a lot better than whatever the fuck the West has in store for them with this shitty colour revolution they're pushing

  • On Putin, Pušilin, and the Ukraine War
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 93%

    I'm anti-imperialist and anti-West before anything else. I support Russia, Iran and Belarus all on that same principle - anything that damages NATO improves the world

  • vhhjff
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 85%

    having kids and a good family is the goal of my life

    edit: there is no fucking way i'm raising them in the parasitical West tho i'll probably migrate to the Middle East to get away from that shitty culture

  • Least sincere r/europe user
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    purge Finns and Baltics from the world

  • What is your most controversial opinion in Socialist circles?
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    i think China are perfect on this front. They condemn both the ultra-left who uphold Mao but denigrate Deng and the ultra right who denounce Mao and only uphold Deng. China recognises that the cultural revolution was an abhorrent mistake whilst also praising Mao as the hero of the nation who delivered them from chaos and allowed Deng to bring them into modernity. Mao was a great leader, but not infallible : the same goes for all socialist heroes.

  • I'm talking about deeply held beliefs you have that many might disagree with here or deem to be incompatible with Marxist ideology. I'm interested because I doubt everyone here is an ideological robot who all share the same uniformity in belief

    Do you sometimes think about the worldview of opposing ideologies?
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    It's unironically easier for me to see the world thriugh a fascist lens than to see it through a liberal lens that's how incredibly illogical liberalism is

  • AITA but for geopolitics?
  • fanonfan44 fanonfan44 Now 100%

    AITA for killing 2 million innocent Iraqi's in retaliation for 3000 deaths of my own

  • It's so easy to repackage socialism to people if you don't use any of their big bad buzzwords


    translation - (Diogo Dalot on being called up for the World Cup in Qatar) "There are moments that last forever, and being on this call-up will be one of them. We will carry the history of Portugal with us.. We are from a land that explored, discovered, conquered and spread its culture to the 4 corners of the world."


    I feel very uncomfortable when people (particularly Westerners) white wash the atrocities of the Shah out of some twisted logic that Iran was somehow any better off. When Iranians wave the former flag of the monarchy, is there unironic support for that part of their history? An excerpt from Robert Fisk's chapter on the Iranian Revolution showing how hypocritical it is for Westerners to claim the Islamic Revolution wasn't a popular movement - "(in 1979) I was stopped by a schoolboy outside the gates of Tehran University who wanted to sell me a remarkable example post-revolutionary graphic art. It was a cardboard face mask of the Shah, his jowls slack and diseased, his crown kept in place only by two massive black horns. Push out the detachable cardboard eyes, place the mask over your own face and you could peer through the Devil's own image. Whenever a stroller purchased a mask, whenever I held it to my own face, the young men would cry *Marg ba Shah* - "Death to the Shah! An account of SAVAK (the Shah's intelligence squad) torture rooms from the same chapter - "... downstairs there were cells. In each of them was a steel bed with straps and beneath it two domestic cookers. There were lowering devices on the bed frames so that the people strapped to them could be brought down onto the flames. In another cell, I found a machine with a contraption which held a human arm beneath a knife, and next to it was a metal sheath into which a human hand could be fitted. At one end was a bacon slicer, they had been shaving off people's hands". Iranians have every right to be frustrated but Westerners co-opting such demonstrations with disgusting pro-Shah nonsense must be firmly opposed


    Removed Israel and ROC because that's obvious. Also can anyone enlighten me on why Pakistan doesn't recognise Armenia?


    At a time when women were still largely marginalised in Afghan society, Ratebzad rose to be one of the country's first publicly outspoken women's rights activists in the 1950s and 60s. Exploits such as leading a group of unveiled female nurses to treat male patients in one of the first instances of uncovered garb for Afghan working women, and a march to pressure the Government into formally celebrating International Women's day lead to huge defamation campaigns against her by the conservative circles of Afghan society. She became one of the first Afghan women ever to be elected into parliament in 1965, and she fell in with the PDPA following 1978's Saur Revolution, becoming the driving force behind an era that yielded the best living standards ever experienced by Afghan women. Fighting gender inequality in the reactionary and conservative rural parts of the country was often a losing battle, however, Ratebzad and PDPA made formal commitments to fighting illiteracy in women and teaching them valuable vocational skills - for the first time extending women's rights (which were previously restricted to the urban elite) de jure to the entire nation. Ratebzad was forced to leave Afghanistan in 1992 to escape Mujahideen fighters and would never return to her homeland in her lifetime. The PDPA era still remains the closest Afghan women have gotten to true liberation.


    Starting a double major in Economics/Accounting in a couple of months. Wondering if any comrades had any advice on how I can use skills like this to further my understanding of Marxism and/or help working-class movements in any way. btw if anyone's interested I had offers for history and fashion design too but I unashamedly picked this combo for employment (I still enjoy it anyway)


    These teens are getting roped into neo-fascism in absence of Marxist guidance showing them what the "matrix" actually represents. Vulnerable young men are getting told that yes, corporations are oppressing them, and yes, the US government is a puppet of the rich - but the solution being presented to them is to become an exploiter themselves rather than any form of class solidarity or dialectical materialism. I really feel like this "escape the matrix" rhetoric is the kind of thing we can capitalise on instead of just standing idly by as young men have their very real grievances with modern life twisted into something wholly unhealthy


    Eritrea, ranked "the worst country for press freedom in the World" has been fighting Western sanctions since it's very inception, for 30 years rebuilding a country that was completely decimated in all facets of society following decades of war. Obviously the West doesn't show Eritrea's full picture, and I think it's a really interesting country for us to study from an anti-imperialist perspective. here's an article from a couple weeks ago stating that UNESCO recognises Eritrea's literacy campaigns as being some of the most effective in the past 50 years - https://tesfanews.net/eritrea-education-and-social-justice/


    There are only so many more braindead, agenda-fueled smug remarks I can deal with at this point and I've lost all hope of changing most of these people. Just this evening I commented a one sentence defense of China's foreign policy on reddit only to get every single one of my comments from the past week bombarded by a guy spamming Taiwan emojis and calling me a "CCP slave girl who should go to the Xinjiang rape camps". It's tiring

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