  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Chiasamen funktionieren auch super!

  • ich💩⏩🤬iel
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Oder doch von der FAU?

  • Does Pi-Hole disrupt anything important?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 75%

    Just make sure you have port 53 and 80 open. I recently had some problems myself trying to get Pi-Hole up and running. I already had dnsmasq taking up port 53 for a wifi hotspot, which conflicts with Pi-Hole's own DNS. Aside from that, hosting any websites can also conflict with Pi-Hole's frontend.

    If you aren't using your Pi 3 for anything yet then I already assume this shouldn't be a problem though.

    Good luck and have fun setting up your Pi-Hole!

  • Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus auf feddit.de?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Echt gute Idee!

    Vielleicht post ich so etwas, wenn ich abends wieder zuhause bin.

  • Umgang mit Rechtsextremismus auf feddit.de?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Wenn man sich die Beschreibung dieser Communities anschaut, dann sieht man, dass genau dies der Fall ist.

  • Erfolg der Manga: Wie japanische Comics den Buchmarkt erobern
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Ich habe auch mittlerweile mitbekommen, dass viele Bekannte von mir auch Manga lesen und es jetzt mit Gen Z fast mainstream wird. Vinland saga sollte ich vielleicht auch mal wieder weiterlesen. Mit dem Farmland Arc war ich schon vor einigen Monaten fertig und wartete nur auf die zweite Staffel von dem Anime.

  • [Request] lightweight distro
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    If you want to take it to the extreme, Alpine is probably one of the best options.

  • What do you use as bookmark
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    How do you find the courage to do that? For me that would feel like a crime punishable by death.
    I hate seeing people abuse their books in horrendous ways, but maybe I'm just overly OCD.

  • ichđź“şiel
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Alle goofy.

  • ich✝️iel
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

  • The CNT-CIT Barcelona session held a transphobic event. Now LGBTQIA+ syndicalists are demanding that the session be defederated from CNT-CIT
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Oh shit, that's horrible. Do you happen to know how the CNT became so transphobic and started collaborating with police? Up until now I thought they were pretty cool (mostly because of the role they played in the spanish revolution).

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%


  • I'm beginning to come around to anarchism, got any reading suggestions?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    I haven't read any anarchist books myself yet, but I have read plenty of shorter texts I found online (mostly from The Anarchist Library).

    Here are a few I found to be worth a read (in no particular order):

    Since you already read The Conquest of Bread I decided to leave out most of Kropotkin's shorter texts, as I assume that you should already be familiar with his ideas and principles.

    Although not anarchists, I still find many libertarian Marxists to be pretty insightful as well (some may as well be Anarchists in denial). Anton Pannekoek's and Rosa Luxemburg's works being some I really enjoy reading.

    I also have What is Anarchism? (by Alexander Berkman) and Anarcho-Syndicalism (by Rudolf Rocker) standing on my bookshelf, but I haven't gotten around to reading them quite yet. If they sound interesting enough you could give them a try.

  • I'm beginning to come around to anarchism, got any reading suggestions?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    I think what they mean by hands on is most likely direct action. That would include going to protests and participating in projects of mutual aid.

  • dazed and rulepilled
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Do I spot the cover art to one of Geoxor's songs?

  • How well do native Linux games run on Alpine Linux?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    I wonder how well gcompat works. Is it as simple as running a program with Wine?

  • How well do native Linux games run on Alpine Linux?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Yeah, that's what I was worried about.

  • I'm considering getting myself a Thinkpad x230 and installing Alpine on it and perhaps playing some games with it as well. I've read that some games may have problems running due to the lack of glibc. So, it would be nice if anyone could share how well Minecraft and Factorio can run on Alpine. Thanks!

    Wie kann ich als Süchtiger auch hier auf Lemmy endlos scrollen ohne immer wieder auf nächste seite Klicken zu müssen ?
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Ich weiß nicht, ob das so eine Gute idee ist. Die Lemmy Entwickler haben das "endlose Content scrolling" absichtlich verhindert, damit so etwas nicht passiert. Ziel des Platforms ist ja nicht Leute süchtig zu machen, sondern eher einen sozialen Austausch auf einer freiwilligen Basis zu ermöglichen.

    Meine Empfehlung ist einfach etwas anderes mit deiner neu gewonnen Zeit zu machen.

    Edit: Hier sind die Positionen der Lemmy Entwickler vertreten, und es scheint als ob es bald eine opt-in Einstellung für infinite scrolling geben könnte.

  • ich🤡iel
  • hamborgr hamborgr Now • 100%

    Also du musst erst mal anfangen "@Hubi" im Kommentar zuschreiben, und dann kurz warten und es sollte dann einen Popup erscheinen, wo dann @Hubi@feddit.de gewählt werden kann.

  • memes
    Memes hamborgr • Now • 93%
    Yummy Biscuit

    >35 Langwaffen, 25 Maschinenpistolen, 100 Pistolen, mehr als 10.000 Schuss Munition: Dieses Waffenarsenal sowie 550 NS-Devotionalien und kiloweise Drogen entdeckten Kriminalbeamte und Verfassungsschützer bei insgesamt dreizehn Razzien in Ober- und Niederösterreich – konkret bei einem Ableger des Motorrad- und Rockerclubs Bandidos. >Dies gab am Donnerstag das Innenministerium in Wien bekannt. Auch stellten die Ermittler Verbindungen zur einschlägigen Nazigruppe Objekt-21 fest. Die Polizei nahm sechs Personen in U-Haft, gegen zwei weitere wird ermittelt.

    Political Memes hamborgr • Now • 93%
    when the
    Memes hamborgr • Now • 95%
    literally 1984
    hamborgr Now
    140 293


    hamborgr@ feddit.de

    Heavily interested in politics, games, music, technology and just the World altogether.
    I'm also a Computer Engineering student and am bilingual in English and German.

    Why not have a look at my BookWyrm profile while you're at it?