What was the first modem you ever had? How fast was it?
  • insomnia insomnia Now 100%

    I was late to the internet party, and got a pre-owned 33.6k. I don't remember the brand, but I still have it stashed somewhere, just for the nostalgia. Had it in my desk drawer to muffle the sound a bit. I figured out later I could turn that off. But I needed the sound to hear if I got a successful connection. Since my mother was sceptical about the phone line being blocked, I was not allowed to use a modem at home initially. So I used it in the night, to avoid detection. I had planned to just use it for essential surfing and patch downloads for games. But the addiction was too severe. After one month had passed, I figured out the phone bill would not go unnoticed, so I had to confess. So we agreed that I could use it after ten in the evening, and I would pay the usage part of the phone bill. I think it was close to $100 a month usually. And that was even if I had free fast internet where I studied... I never have paid so much for internet after that.

    It was probably rocket fuel for a really bad sleeping habit (or complete lack of sleep), but I would not trade those years of late night chatting, surfing, mud and usenet for anything.

    Later before I moved out, I got a 56k internal modem. But it was so unstable at max speed, I just ran it at 33.6k.

  • [Kostholdsrådene](https://www.nrk.no/norge/nye-kostholdsrad-som-er-bra-for-kroppen-og-kloden-1.16452615) som kom ut denne uken, skal vistnok både være bra for miljøet og kroppen. Men har man basert seg litt for tungt på hva resten av verden mener, istedet for å se på sitt eget lokale klima? Norge må jo importere mye hvis det skal ha ferske grønnsaker på vinterstid. Jeg tror det er viktigere med kortreist mat og basere dietten mer på sesong, enn å blindt si at vi skal kutte ned på kjøtt-inntaket. Og da vil det være tider hvor kjøtt og fisk vil være hoveddelen av måltidene.

    insomnia Now
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