Trump losing ground with women on economy, poll shows | An American University poll shows a majority of women trust Harris over Trump to address inflation and bring down the cost of living.
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    What you're seeing is the end result of literally decades of propaganda. Objectively, Democrats have been better for the economy for about 90 years.

  • Trump Allies Worked To Keep Jill Stein, Cornel West on Swing State Ballots
  • kescusay kescusay Now 88%

    Yep. Only in his case, he was so obviously bonkers that he only appealed to Republicans who wanted a slightly different flavor of insanity from Trump, so pushing him was something of a foot-bullet.

  • A school district in Pennsylvania approved nearly $9,000 ‘to cut windows into the ‘gender-identity’ student bathrooms so passerby can look inside’
  • kescusay kescusay Now 99%

    "Guys, guys... If we just hurt these kids enough, it will force them back into the closet and we'll get to pretend LGBTQ+ kids don't exist!" - These assholes, probably

  • Florida communities hit three times by hurricanes grapple with how and whether to rebuild
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    That's what I try to point out to climate change deniers. Insurance companies live or die based on risk, so they have to be extraordinarily hard-nosed realists about it. They literally can't afford to pretend the climate isn't changing.

  • Florida communities hit three times by hurricanes grapple with how and whether to rebuild
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Sadly, it's the coastal areas that are the nicest, while the middle of the state is unpleasantly humid much of the year. The last time I was in Florida, I spent considerable time in Orlando, and hated every minute of it.

    There's also the issue of seawater pollution in their drinking water. It's going to keep getting worse.

  • Florida communities hit three times by hurricanes grapple with how and whether to rebuild
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    They should not. As the climate continues to change, Florida is going to continue to be the recipient of yearly mega-storms that destroy towns over and over.

    I am fully convinced that large chunks of Florida are technically no longer habitable, and trying to live there anymore is a mistake.

  • Tim Walz gets bigger polling boost than JD Vance after VP debate
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Fair, but I'm not very worried about it. He's still in the negatives, and as news comes out about exactly how dishonest he was throughout, I think his negatives will tick back up.

  • Tim Walz gets bigger polling boost than JD Vance after VP debate
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    He didn't do himself any favors when he refused to admit the 2020 election wasn't stolen and acted like the slippery weasel he is when questioned on abortion.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Morning after thoughts:

    • Walz is not actually a bad debater. He's not polished and practiced, but his command of policy and numbers means he still comes across as fairly confident. He knows what he knows, and that can stand in for polish.
    • Vance didn't do badly, but I genuinely can't remember any of his answers, and that's kind of weird. I think it's because he answered like he'd been raised by a generative AI instead of human parents. Seriously, can anyone actually remember anything he said, without looking it up?
    • Walz had more flubs. But he also got in a lot more hits. It remains to be seen which will stick in the minds of voters more, if either.
    • The lack of Trump on the stage made this one a lot more mature. It's amazing what a difference it makes when one of the debaters isn't a demented man-baby.

    The way I see it, Walz's clearly superior command of policy details, and the way that fact-checkers are counting nearly everything Vance said as a lie, gives Walz the technical win, while Vance gets the nod for being more polished. In the end, I don't think this debate will matter much to the election.

    Those with an interest in history might remember that back during the 1988 election, Lloyd Bentsen absolutely demolished Dan Quayle, George H.W. Bush's pick for VP, in a debate. But it was forgotten in a matter of days - if not hours - and Bush went on to win handily.

    I think this debate will likely be forgotten soon, too.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Vance just admitted that their health care plan is basically to keep Obamacare.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 96%

    A little more than an hour in...

    Vance has been exactly as polished as expected, other than a slightly rough start coming off as robotic. He's managed a few genuinely human-seeming moments, too, especially upon learning that one of Walz's kids witnessed a shooting. But he's been lying nearly constantly.

    Walz isn't as polished, but he's been doing much better in that department than I would have expected, while still coming off as very nice and genuine. He's had a couple of flubs, but none of them were debate killers, while he's gotten in far more actual hits than Vance, by far. Like, it's not even close.

    There's another thing: Vance is legitimately boring to listen to. I didn't realize this before, but his voice could be used as a sleep aid.

    I'm biased. I'll own that. So take from this what you will: I think Walz is winning. It's close, but I think he's coming off as more honest and more real, while Vance is coming off as dishonest and plastic.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Come on, it's obvious he meant their victims.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    I have two kids. It's very depressing.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Walz is knocking it out of the park on guns.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Vance: "The white guys shooting up schools with legally purchased guns are the fault of immigrants."

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Eh, I don't think so. Yes, it was a fumble, but not a devastating one. And Vance is just constantly lying, then getting called on it.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    Yep. Fortunately, Walz is doing a good job of neutralizing his crap.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    That's because he's a genuinely nice person.

  • Vice Presidential Debate Megapost! Tue, 10/1/2024
  • kescusay kescusay Now 100%

    I'm enjoying the fact that CBS brought receipts about Vance's past statements about Donald Trump.


    Just spotted that we made this list on Forbes last week. We're famous!


    I hate the fact that it's almost fall now, and we're seeing temperatures around 100 degrees fahrenheit and smoke from first fires. In **September**.


    > The Biden administration on Wednesday plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 US elections by using Kremlin-run media and other online platforms to target US voters with disinformation, six sources familiar with the matter told CNN. > It’s expected the US will make a series of moves on Wednesday aimed at addressing the Kremlin’s efforts including the White House publicly condemning the actions and the Justice Department announcing law enforcement action targeting the covert Russian campaign, the sources said.


    Just a heads up, there's a severe thunderstorm alert right now:


    Just saying.


    If you're attending, you can read the Peach Pit online [here]( I'm not going to be able to make it this year, but hope Eugeneans who can have a great time. And stay hydrated! It's still going to be beastly hot out!


    I'm linking this here because people who are spamming articles about "OMG Biden has Parkinson's disease!!!1!11" need to see this. The New York Times *did not do their homework*. At all. Biden probably met with a Parkinson's doctor because **he was working on a bipartisan Parkinson's research and treatment bill which he just signed into law**. It's not a flashy, attention-grabbing bill. He's been working on it quietly. But still... The rampant speculation, when he's absolutely not showing the slightest signs of beginning Parkinson's - let alone the advanced stages that would start to affect his mind - is disgusting. Parkinson's causes **extremely well-known symptoms**, tremors most notably. Parkinson's dementia sometimes arises in **advanced stages**, long after tremors would have been constantly visible. The chances he has Parkinson's are incredibly slim.


    Hi everyone, News is weird. When it's weird enough, it reads like articles from *The Onion*, and that's what we're all about. But as the community grows, there's more and more content being posted here that just isn't very Onion-y. > Jimmy Carter Becomes Second President Convicted Of Felony For Sticking Up Waffle House Take a look at that headline from *The Onion* today. Or this one: > World Series Of Poker Entrants Play One Hand Face-Up So Everyone Can Learn Rules Or this one: > New Hormone-Free IUD Wards Off Sperm With Steady Emission Of Police-Grade Pepper Spray That's the flavor we're going for. We want real, credible news articles with headlines that read like they're from *The Onion*. This is **not** the community for: * Non-Onion-y political news (it's gotta be absurd enough to look Onion-y) * Non-Onion-y regular news (it's gotta be absurd enough to look Onion-y) * Satire (it's gotta be actual news) * Fake news from fly-by-night "news" sites (again, it's gotta be actual news) That means not every ridiculous thing a politician does qualifies as appropriate content here. I need your help, though... I need people to report content that just isn't Onion-y, and I need people to try not to post non-Onion-y content in the first place. Finally, I need help moderating, so this is also a formal call for new mods! Post below if you think you're ready to take on moderation for one of the larger Lemmy communities! Tell me why you'd like to mod, and link to a news story from any time (it doesn't have to be current) that has a properly Onion-y headline, to show that you really get this community. I'll pick two people to become new moderators for the community from participants. Good luck!


    Some context: > Former Trump White House Communications Director Michael Dubke suggested on CNN Tuesday that Trump had mobilized his allies and proxies to the courthouse in an effort to “get around the gag order” imposed on him by Judge Merchan. Yep. He's trying to violate the gag order indirectly. Unfortunately for him, the gag order specifically includes attempting to have surrogates violate the order on his behalf. I suspect there's another gag order hearing incoming.


    This is what a DOJ that hasn't been twisted by political bias looks like. It doesn't matter that Cuellar is a Democrat. If he did the crime (and he's innocent until proven guilty), he should do the time. Republicans: Take note.


    The Supreme Court is currently hearing arguments on Trump's claim of "absolute immunity." Several news organizations are carrying the arguments live (including the linked article). You can also listen on several YouTube channels, including: * [Reuters]( * [The AP](

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